

There is no god but The One True God,
and Muhammad is the Messenger of The One True God


Introduction to Islam

Islam is a monotheistic religion (belief in only One True God, called Allah in Arabic). Although this belief has been around among humans since the first humans (Adam & Eve), it was first proclaimed in its present form by the prophet Abraham (Ibraaheem) -- may peace be upon him. Throughout history this religion has been re-affirmed by God through different prophets and messengers among all people of the earth. Among some of the other messengers are Jesus Christ (Issaa MaseeH), Moses (Moosa), Aron (Haroon), and the very last Muhammad (may peace be upon all of them). Muhammad is the last of all the prophets and messengers in that there is no other prophet or messenger separating him from the end of the universe and the establishment of the Day of Judgement.

Why send many messengers to earth? There were three reasons: first, different messengers were sent to different people so that all people would get the message of the Oneness of God Almighty. Second, the message was distorted through time, so it needed to be refreshed and re-affirmed time and again. Third, different people in different times needed guidance in different spheres of life. The message given to Muhammad, however, is comprehensive. It includes guidance for all people until the Big End. It is guaranteed against corruption or distortion by God Almighty himself. Fourteen hundred years have passed since its revelation, but this message is still present in its original form, and it can be found all over the world. It is called the Qur'an.

As preached through Muhammad, Islam is not only a religion, but it is a complete way of life. It includes recommendations and preferred ways for almost everything we do in life. There are a few prohibitions also, declared for the good of the society by Allah. No one but Allah has the right to declare anything as prohibited. As one scholar noted, the difference between the lawful and the prohibited in Islam is that the prohibited things are the few things that have been named as such; and the lawful things consist of everything else.

Accomplishments of Islam include abolition of slavery from the Muslim world (long before the western world), equality of status given to women, freedom of religion given to non-Muslims abolition of many evil customs and rituals.

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The Most Beautiful Names

Click to download a set of small bitmaps of Allah's names. (9K)

Al-A'raaf (7):

  1. The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on Him by them;
Al-Bani Israel (17):
  1. Say: "Call upon Allah or call upon Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious): by whatever name ye call upon Him (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names...
Al-Hashr (59):
  1. Allah is He than whom there is no other god: Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He is Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Gracious) Ar-Raheem (the Most Merciful.)
  2. Allah is He than whom there is no other god: Al-Malik (the Sovereign), Al-Quddoos (the Holy One), As-Salaam (the Source of Peace (and Perfection)), Al-Mo'min (The Guardian of Faith), Al-Muhaimin (the Preserver of Safety), Al-Aziz (the Exalted in Might), Al-Jabbaar (the Irresistible), Al-Mutakabbir (the Supreme): Glory to Allah! (high is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.
  3. He is Allah (The God), Al-KHaaliq (the Creator), Al-Bari' (the Evolver) Al--Musawwir (the Bestower of Forms (or colors)); To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is Al-Aziz (the exalted in Might), Al-Hakeem (the Wise.)

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