Staying in Antwerp for a longer while will enable you to visit also its very important State Museum of Fine Arts and/or the superb Rubens' House
Both possess a huge collection of fine works, painted by Rubens and by many other flemish Baroque masters; most of them belong to the famous so-called"ANTWERP SCHOOL".
Many painters took over Rubens' style, were often his collaborators and friends or his pupils. They often specialised: some were excellent portrait painters, others mainly made landscapes, or were flower-, animal- or still life-painter...  
Let's briefly enumerate some names of important Antwerp masters of the first half of the 17th century - of RUBENS' semi-century - whose works you can admire in the Antwerp Museum or in Rubens' House.

Collaborators but NOT pupils ...
Amongst those who often worked with Rubens, but
hadn't been his pupils, are for instance:
Jan BRUEGHEL Sr and Jr,
son and grandson of
Pieter (Brueghel) the Elder, the world famous
Antwerp Renaissance master who died in 1569.
Jan Brueghel Sr. Both are mainly known for an immense production of very detailed flower compositions, often completed with tiny insects of all kind, resting on leaves and twigs. Flowers in a vase - click to enlarge
The "Madonna with Child", surrounded by a splendid chaplet 
of flowers, was one of their favourite themes.

Frans SNYDERS ...
... was the Antwerp pioneer/ master as to the pure still life: a table,a cupboard richly decorated with a glass jar, a nice cup, a cupper plate, 
a basket filled with all sorts of fruit. 

Sometimes birds, a hare, hunting trophies lie exposed next to those objects.

Frans Snyders
Still life - click to enlarge Snyders was unique in representing hunting scenes:wild animals, geese... chased by furious hounds. 

Rubens regularly asked him to complete mythological scenes or landscapes with such hunting activities.

Cornelis DE VOS
Cornelis De Vos He was Snyders' brother-in-law, 
and wasn't just a famous Antwerp painter: as a merchant he also sold paintings of other masters.
De Vos specialised in life-sized portraits: individuals or family portraits of high class citizens and their children, of members of Antwerp guilds and corporations (f.i. the one of Abraham Grapheus, shown on the right) 
His work was of high technical quality
For that matter, Van Dijck, Rubens and De Vos belonged to the very best. 
Portrait of Abraham Grapheus

 Jacob JORDAENS ...
... was about 30 years long
the most important baroque painter of Antwerp
after Rubens and Van Dijck died (1640,1641).
Jacob Jordaens
So d' Ouden songhen - click to enlarge Unlike these two, Jordaens was rather the painter of the commonalty; his models were family members or friends of his neighbourhood.On the other hand, like Rubens and some other Antwerp painters, he produced many fabulous baroque cartoons (coloured drawings), splendid compositions for tapestry, woven in weavers' workshops in Brussels, Antwerp and other cities of BRABANT.

worked many years for Rubens' workshop, later for Jordaens

He mainly produced numerous large altarpieces and also allegorical and mythological compositions; sometimes he painted them after Rubens' concept. 

Peasants going to the market

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Latest update April 7th 2005.

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