
This poem was written for a very special lady, Vickie S. Davis. She was and inspiration to all she knew. Always cheerful and willing to help those who needed it and never complaining about her own problems.
Vickie always knew the right things to say to keep me on track and looking at the bright side of the darkest sittuations. Without Vickie touching my life, surely things would have been much much dimmer.

In Loving Memory of: Vickie D,

A Special Friend

Such special friends, you and I,
We share our feelings, when we cry.

I know your thoughts, and your dreams,
We know each other, too well it seems.

If you are down, and I am blue,
We help each other, to make it through.

We cry together, when we are sad,
We laugh and cheer, when we are glad.

I feel your pain, without a word,
Your fears are mine, before they're heard.

You think of me, when I am low,
And when there is, no place to go.

When in trouble, we can rely,
On each other, you and I.

M. S. Madden
October, 1993
© Maddog Creations

Vicki Davis
To a Dear Friend
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