all about ME!!!!
Hi! I'm Brandi! alias: stacie.  Betcha can't guess where i got the name?  too late, i'll tell you anyway.  THE GOOFY MOVIE!!!!
I'm sixteen and am a sagittarius, born on the 27th of november!
I have two brothers, 13 and 5.  One is a real jerk.... the other is just a pain.  but other than that it is cool.  at least i don't have a sister, cuz i'm the only girl in the family. oh yeah, and i also have a doggie named tippie.
I live in liberty.  it is sooo awesome.  I go to the crappy junior high though, but soon i'll go to the cool high school, with all my friends.  i'd like to put some pictures here when i get some.
i love the goofy movie! and cartoons are cool.  guess you figured that, since i wrote this page, huh?
i don't have anything else to say, so here is a picture of CHRIS, a cute guy from maine! he is really cool, and a sweetie too.
more pictures soon, of chris, and other friends too!
if this looks normal to you, you don't have the mickey font.  e-mail me and i'll send it too you.  buh bye for now!  it (my e-mail) is here