The Andre Grandier's Shrine

Oscar and Andre meet once again after last night's incident. Oscar tells Andre that she will rather forget what had happened the other night and that she won't be needing him anymore. As Oscar rides away, Andre's heart is broken into a million pieces because he feels his love will never be returned.

Oscar has gone away for a week. She understands how Andre feels because it is very similar to what she once felt for von Fersen. She wishes to apologize because she can't return his love.

Meanwhile, Andre continues to drink trying to forget his sorrows.

At the tavern where he drinks, he meets Alain once again, and for his surprise he finds out that Alain works for the B regiment that has been assigned to Oscar. Without a doubt in his mind, he asks Alain to help him get into the the B Regiment.

When Oscar returns to assume her new charge, she is surprised to see Andre among the men under her command.

Later, Oscar demands him why he joined the military and his sole answer was:

"No matter what you say or think Oscar, you know that I'm the only one who can protect you."

Meanwhile, Alain has finally found out that Andre comes from the Jarjayes' Mansion and that his past is very well-connected to Oscar's. He angrily demands to know why Andre hided the truth in the first place.

In the other hand, Oscar is having a tough time controlling the soldiers under her command. Andre fears for her life. His suffering increases day by day: he is losing his right eye, and he can't be near Oscar anymore. Not after what happened.

But things get worst: when Andre finds out from Nanny that Oscar will be marrying Girodelle, he can't believe it.

He runs back to the barracks, but he is attacked by a group of soldiers. They claim Andre is Oscar's spy and they beat him up.

Alan arrives too late. As he approaches Andre, he notices that he is crying:

"Oscar, please don't get marry."

Alan looks up and sees Oscar standing by the door.

"Now, I understand. This man is even willing to sacrife his life for you, but you don't seem to care."

Alan exits the room, leaving Andre unconcious in the floor with a shocked Oscar.

A few days have passed, and General Jaryayes has been subject of a terrorist attack lead by St. Just.

After finding out the news, when Oscar arrives at the mansion, she begins to cry when she sees that her father has been injured- nothing serious though. But is the sweet and loving Andre who comforts her by drying her tears before General Jarjayes's bed.

Later that same evening, General Jarjayes kindly asks Andre to accompany Oscar to a special dance in her honor which will take place in a few days: "All men of this kingdom should have the opportunity to admire my daughter's beauty" General Jaryayes says. "There, you will chose a husband, Oscar" he adds.

The day of the party arrives,and Andre reminds Oscar that she has to go home and get ready for the event. "Andre, you don't have to come with me" she says. "But Oscar, your father asked me to . . ."

Andre is interrumpted by Oscar's words:

"Andre, I have no intentions in getting married!"

Then, she leaves her office, walking away from Andre and leaving him behind. Andre is completely astonished by her answer. (Could it be that Oscar has begun to have feelings for Andre?)

Later that night, Oscar arrives at the dance. Everyone was expecting her to arrive wearing a beautiful dress, but she was simply wearing her uniform, disobeying her father's wishes. "She got away with it!" Girodelle smiled as he lifts his glass in her honor.

Sometime has passed -- Oscar and the B regiment are sent on a special mission: to protect the spanish royal family on their visit to France. During their shift, Andre and Alain talk about Andre's eye condition, which continues to get even worse, and they talk about Andre's feelings for Oscar. (This is the first time, we see Andre talking to somebody else about his feelings for Oscar.) "It seems she is trying to escape from something. Does she know your condition? It must be frustrating to not know if she will accept you or not." Right before, Andre gets a chance to reply, a bomb explodes nearby.

It is a surprised attack led led by St. Just. Oscar, Andre and Alain set off to chase the terrorist group.

But as they reach the woods, another explosion stops them. They fall off from their horses, falling near a river.

The next morning, the rays from the rising sun awake Alain.

To his surprise, he finds Andre holding Oscar's wrist as they lay on the grass. In my opinion, this proves once again that no matter how dangerous the situation, Andre is always there for Oscar to protect her, even at the cost of his own life. Alain quietly looks at them for a moment and then he smiles and wakes them up.

It seems that Oscar had been awake before Alain woke up Andre, but she didn't move or said anything.

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Berusaiyu No Bara is a creation of Riyoko Ikeda and Lady Oscar is a production of Tokyo Movie Shinsha. All rights reserved.

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