Peach Website From The Heart



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    Hi! Welcome to Peach Website.. thank you for visiting. This is the second version of my homepage.
    I've created this page with lots of love and I hope you like it.. as you can see, there are more pages
  that I have added onto this page and I hope you enjoy your visit.
   Before you leave don't forget to sign my guestbook and link on to all the pages.
Thank You and Happy Surfing..!

About Me           Friends
Poems           Quotes
Cyberfriends           Flowers
Lyrics            Midis
Awards            Links
Decorations            Thanks


Peach Guestbook
View my old guestbookmy old guestbook . .

Bookmark this page coz I'll always update it

At least view it if you dont want to sign :)Guestbook by GuestWorldPlease sign, so I know who you are??



Judge for the Top 5 of CARI - September 1998 Award    Winner of the Top 5 of CARI - September 1999 Awards

Designed by a member of
The HTML Writers Guild

This site made with love
Last Updated Monday, February 28, 2000 - 3:52pm. 

Background by Pat's Web Graphics<