Worldwide Association of Chumps Online

Worldwide Association of Chumps Online

Working toward the day when being a chump will be a thing of the past.

It's often hard to admit even to oneself that you are a chump.

Being a member of a group like this... people just like you...
can help you cope with being a chump in modern society.

By working together we can all help each other.

We are here to help, not to ridicule.

"Chumps are not born, they are made into chumps by others!"

Knowing what signs to look for could prevent it from happening to you.
Anyone can become a chump, often with no clue it's happened.
There are no barriers of age, race, or social position.

Chumps are the victims of uncaring individuals,
social groups, and often society in general.

Often the realization that one has become a chump causes deep psychological trauma,
which may drastically impair the individual's ability to interact in social situations.

Learning the "danger signs" could save you from the stigma of becoming a chump.

Exhaustive research by a panel of experts has been instrumental in the development of a set of
guidelines that may assist you in recognizing if you have unknowingly already become a chump,
or are in imminent danger of crossing over from being just "a good person" to becoming a chump.

Membership in WACO is free. Join today to protect yourself and your loved ones.


We have support groups in many major cities in the US and Canada.

If you would like more information about this growing problem call us at:
1-800-GO CHUMP
- or -
visit our website at:

Contact us by E-mail at:

Helping help chumps help themselves and each other for a decade.