Two Piece Poncho Floral Dress

I go this lovely dress on EBay

I am not a big fan of these handkerchief hems, but the poncho intrigued me

I think it’s just lovely, don’t you?

Lots of email because I haven’t updated in 2 weeks—it is the middle of summer you know

Dear April,
Like you I wear pantyhose under my stockings. What do you think is the best brand for this? Currently I buy Hanes but I an not happy with them. Let me know, and thanks again for a wonderful site!

Hi Amy,
I wear Calvin Klein sheer to the waist control top for the most part, though occasionally I wear Donna Karan “Nudes”. Both are expensive—the CK’s are $11.00

It’s funny that I got this email because I was in Macy’s just a few days ago and they had the Calvin Klein’s on sale

25% off with a 15% off coupon makes these a lot easier to buy, and they seems to have 20 or 30 pairs in my color and size

Instead of just buying all of them as I sometimes do I decided to sit for a moment and have a cappuccino

As I sipped it reading the newspaper two women, both wearing hose, a rarity these days, sat across from me

One of them takes out a package of the CK hose and says to the other, “With 25% off and coupon I bought half a dozen pairs”

So then I freaked out that someone bought all my pairs, but there were plenty there when I got back