Pink 2 Piece Dress

I got this pink two piece dress and went nuts for it, but I didn’t wear it for a month because I needed the perfect matching shoes

I am not sure why I thought this dress needed to have matching shoes, but to me it did, so I went to and fro, here and there, hither and yon, but then I found these at my new favorite shoe place, the clearance racks at DSW warehouse.

And there they were!…at 80% off

So, I have more than 75 emails on the diaper page…you guys are all as perverted as me!

I have girls who change diapers in public restrooms, girls who wear diapers 24/7, girls who wear diapers in “sissy” outfits and more. One girl gets dressed, goes to a shopping mall in Buckhead Georgia (part of Atlanta), finds a certain woman who works at Rich’s department store, and wets herself

I have TONS of new advice on diapers and what and where to buy them, I have men offering to send me diapers

Then there was this letter:
Dear April,
Thanks for the page showing you wearing diapers. I liked it, but I was hoping for cloth diapers with vinyl pants. I am a non-operative TS, living and working in The Cherry Creek area of Denver for the past 10 years. While I always had an interest in diapers, I started wearing them because of my job. The ladies room at the office was large and no one, not even my employer, knows my secret. I had been going into ladies’ rooms to pee for years, but at this job in this ladies’ room I just couldn’t seem to bring myself to go.
I only work a 5 hour day, so I decided that I would try diapers. From that day on I have worn diapers under my female clothing most of the time. I wear disposables to work for convienence. I cannot imagine going out without them on
Thanks for sharing with us

I took Friday off this week, giving me a 4-day weekend including the Labor Day holiday. One of my first tasks was to return some dresses I bought at the original Filenes’s Basement in Boston. Since gas now costs more that champagne, I decided to take public transit into Boston. Boston is more expensive than NYC to park, so I would save a few bucks there as well.

On the stop after I got on the train a woman wearing a too short skirt got on, and sat facing me a few seats away. She crossed her legs and her skirt road up, revealing the top of her pantyhose. I happen to know they were Donna Karan from the pattern on the control tops of her hose.

So as I sat there getting a guilty peek now and again, I thought of a long time ago when I was young. At 13 years old I got a summer job watering the grass at a nursing home. I got the princely sum of $12.00 per week. Of which I put $6.00 in the bank--not bad huh?

The first year was great. The second year I sort of slacked off a bit. OK, I was supposed to go every day for 2 hours and I went once or twice a week. Instead of working on weekdays, I rode the bus and took the train into Boston.

Why? Well the lawn watering gig sucked and they only paid me $12.00 a week. But I also watched the women. All dressed up going to work, the big hair of the time…

I would stand at the bus stop that went to my job, and watch for the bus in the other direction. Then I would run across the street and get on.

Where I sat depended on how crowded the bus was. The best place was one of the two sets of seats that faced each other. Inevitably some unsuspecting woman would sit there, and I would get a “gap shot”, (like the one above) or simply admire them.

Some times I would have to stand, but that would give me a chance to look around for stocking tops showing.

The very next stop from where I got on would hold a lot of interest for me. You see, the original April would get on there, on her way to beauty school (honest!). There was also another woman who had an early Priscilla Presley sort of do. She always wore little sling backs with her reinforced heels showing.

She started to occasionally acknowledge me. One day she actually sat beside me. To this day when I smell a similar perfume I think of her. Then a week later she sat beside me again! But this time she spoke to me, asking me what a youngster like me was doing taking the bus and train to Boston every morning. So I told her that I had a job that paid $12.00 per week watering lawns. I neglected to tell her that the job was in the other direction of course.

Whenever I saw her after that she’d give me a little scrunched up smile and wave to me
I would get off the train and walk past the two or three downtown corsetieres, checking out the windows.

Then I would go into the department stores at 9:30, walking through the cosmetic departments. And after all this be home at 10:30, grab my glove and head out for a ball game or two