A Yellow Pouffy Outfit, an Old Story and Dolly Parton

Well I found the secret to getting more email than just about anything I have ever said and done on my site. What to you think it might be? How does one get more transgendered people of various persuasions to write to one?

And the answer is….mention Dolly Parton! I guess the title gave it away

More than 50 emails! It is comforting to know that you are al as nuts as I am. I got websites, photo pages video links and lots more. Thanks.

Here’s still another Suzi’s Ruffles outfit. But I got this on EBay, for very little money. It is a lovely yellow shade, made of georgette like material

So jane, Mary TT, Andi, Grace, another Grace, Kathygirl and more, here's another pouffy page!

Today I went into the “Lady Grace” store in Brookline, Massachusetts. For those of you who don’t know, Lady Grace is a small chain of store in New England that features foundations, day wear night gowns etc. Brookline was one of their first stores IO I first went in more than, ahem, 25 years ago. I once had a very interesting experience in the store that I detailed on this site, but it is either gone or I can’t find it, and a few of you have asked me about it.

So I will tell the story again. As with many old stories it almost always gets better in the retelling!

Before I found Eva Devito’s I often went to Lady Grace. They had stores in malls, but these were not as good as some of the original stores in old downtown areas, and the Brookline store was one of my favorites. I decided to upgrade my breast forms, and I called Lady Grace. I had shopped there before, and a nice older woman named Ruth Shapiro would always take care of me. So I called Ruth and made an appointment for 9:30 Saturday morning. I would be in and out before the store actually opened.

But I got there a little late as it was snowing a bit, and as I was walking in I saw long lines and girdles on sale in a bin. Now I always brought my own bra to try forms, and this was no exception, but this bin of stuff was too good to pass up. I got 4 or 5 girdles and 4 or 5 bras. I had already told Ruth what I wanted, and she had the different forms and sizes ready for me. So off to the fitting room we went. As we got into the little room Ruth realized she was missing one brand I wanted to try, and she left to get it, suggesting that I use the time to try on the girdles.

Now I have often said that I am an all or nothing girl, I never wear panties or hose under male clothes. But since I though I might get a girdle or two, I had worn panties and pantyhose because the girdle slides up a lot easier. So I put on my bra and tried on a couple of girdles, and just as I tried the last one Ruth came back with more forms. I already had my bra on, and so I just kept the girdle on. The forms I was trying were the most expensive the store carried, and Ruth wanted the sale, so she stayed and helped me until I decided which brand and size I wanted.

But then I heard someone in the next dressing room. My friend Jane! Jane has a very unique voice, not unlike the wonderful Fran Drescher. (And she is built like Fran Drescher as well!). “How does that fit dear?” the sales clerk asked “A little tight” Jane answered. Ruth saw the looked of panic on my face and I mouthed “I know her!”

“Don’t worry dear we have time” Ruth whispered. She left the dressing room with me standing in my bra and girdle while I listened to Jane try on bras, and, surprisingly panty girdles. Ironically Jane used to make fun of Lady Grace saying that the only time she ever went in was with her mother. For 15 minutes I waited, and while there tried on some of the forms I rejected. Ruth came back with slips and panties, taking advantage of the captive audience. I had just stared wearing briefs, and this was what she brought! Finally I heard Jane leave and in a few minutes Ruth was back saying “the coast is clear”.

I bought 2 sets of breast forms, teardrop and the triangle version ($1200!) plus all the girdles, panties and bras. I paid and left, went right to my car and got out of Brookline.

A few weeks later I was having dinner with friends and Jane was there. I couldn’t resist poking at her, so I said “Hey I was driving up Beacon street a few Saturdays ago and saw you coming out of Lady Grace” .

Jane took it in stride though “Yes I am getting older and starting to sag a bit and a needed to be fit for better bras”. I thought about mentioning the panty girdles but thought better of it.

And then Jane said “You won’t believe it though, they told me there was a man in there buying stuff as well. He was right in the next dressing room! The sales girls explained that usually he was gone buy 10 but it took a little longer that day. Amazing huh?

Amazing indeed!

Suzi really makes beautiful outfits