Leopard Print Cat Suit

Meow! Check this baby out!

It's all Spandex and very very tight!

I had to wear one of the tightest long leg panty girdles I own to get into this

I stopped for a moment once I got it on :-)

But once it was on it felt wonderful, and I think it's pretty sexy!

These are Hanes stockings. They are really are fantastic, and the prices have come down a bit on Hanes on Ebay recently

It took 30 minutes to do these lips......
Liner, then more liner
Some lip prepartion stuff I got at Clinque
A light pink under coat, then sealer
A more dramatic pink overcoat, and then two coats of gloss
All painstakingly applied

But in the end it's alwasy worth it

So just as I was about to use the ladies' room my phone rang. My hands were filled with various feminine hygiene things, and I couldn't figure our where to put things

Almost instinctively, I stuck them in my cleavage! Once I got off the phone I just had to take a picture.

OR 2 or 3!!