Red Dress and Red Lace Shoes

Hi Girls…another new dress this time in shocking red!

I got these red lace shoes to match aren’t they perfect?

Please don’t bother to write and tell me I have saggy stockings—I already know!

I almost did make it into this dress.

It was one of those rainy Sundays, that started off bad and got worse.

And I got to this point in getting dressed and stopped for a while. I red the Sunday papers, and then started chores—laundry and the like.

My slip drawer also needed some reorganizing so I took care of it.

I went through my eye shadow. It’s important not to keep eye shadow for too long (I can personally attest to this).

So I went through and tossed some of the older ones.

Amy stopped by to drop off some papers she wants me to review for her.

She was smiling at me oddly as she had some coffee. When I asked why she explained she had only seen me dressed. I hadn't thought of this

Finally I got dressed….

Last week I found myself at a charitable function in downtown Boston. I have been avoiding these lately, but I got stuck going to this one.

It was for a very good cause that I already donate to, but I went with some friends, had a few glasses of wine, etc. the females in the crowd were not a disappointment, a well dressed after work crowd, most wearing hosiery.

One in particular caught my eye, big hair, heavy makeup, long nails…surprised I was attracted to her, aren’t you?

So I ambled over as she sat down. She wore a tan pant suit with gold leopard print shoes, and dark brown stockings with the reinforced toe peeping out. Her makeup was all in browns and coppers like I do occasionally. She was damn sexy, but with someone.

Now here’s a really big surprise….today I am wearing a tan pantsuit with brown pantyhose and my makeup is all in browns and coppers!

I went to visit Carol the other day and got a few things. Turns out someone who knows me was in the store! She asked Carol about me after I left and she covered for me “He is such a nice guy to come here and get things for his mother. She calls it in and he picked it up”

AND…..just yesterday I went to Macy’s to get some pantyhose. They have moved the pantyhose to the lingerie department, which makes sense. As I was paying I saw some new shapers from Flexees, and after I paid I went to look at them. Just then one of my biggest customers came out of the fitting room holding 3 or 4 shapers.

She didn’t see me fortunately! And yes I went back and got the shapers. I always thought she wore a girdle and now I know for sure

I am wearing it now and it is quite nice-look for it in a future update

After seeing that woman I was certainly in a pantyhose mood