2 Piece Black Outfit from Estelle's

Hi Girls!

Well it's the last week in August and summer is nearing it's end

While I hate to see summer go, and I am not looking forward to another winter in the Northeast.....

There is something I am looking forward to....


Yes I do understand that in the steaming hot weather women want to be cool

Of course they used to wear stockings anyway, but that was another era

But we shold not be looking at Katie Couric's bare legs on TV

Ok enough ranting....

This is a two piece outfit I got on Long Island at Estelle's Dressy dresses

It's sheer Georgette fabric over black satin

I've been saving it.....those that pay close attention to my site will note that I have 3 or 4 similar black outfits

Some sad news for me....I may not be back to Long Island on business for some time, and I LOVE Estelle's!!!

I will somehow manage I'm sure....and I have been buying more from Ebay

Although I would like to know why everything I want has 10 bidders and everything else is only $9.99 or less

I shall study this issue and report back......