Mother Of The Bride Dress Part 1

A note of interest on June 4 2005. Many of you have emailed me and asked where to get these shoes, or something similar. I was just shopping at DSW Shoe Warehouse and I saw some by “Chinese Laundry”. They were only $49.00. Happy Shopping!

Lately I have gotten more interested in these “dressy dresses”. I love getting all dressed up in them, and I have made a point of trying to find them. I think of them as “mother of the bride” dresses for 2 reasons. First, well, they are mother of the bride dresses. Second I went to a wedding and saw a major league hot mother of the bride in a dress similar to this one.

She wore open toe shoes with stockings with reinforced toes, something I find very sexy

And she had big hair, heavy makeup, huge gaudy jewelry, and the dress was a bit tacky. Hmm, sound like anyone we know?

Can’t you just picture it, a woman in her lingerie sitting at her vanity putting the final touches on her lipstick, stepping into one of the elegant dresses…..ahhhhh

I like these dresses because they represent a reason to get all dressed up, have your best hair and makeup, buy special stockings, even special foundations. Think about it, women go and spend a fortune on bras for certain dresses,

Of course for me it almost always time to do all this stuff. But, when I look at myself in the mirror knowing that I have on panties and pantyhose, a girdle and stockings, a slip and a half slip, well I just about go nuts!

I have found a lot of these dresses on the “Old Pueblo Traders” site. In fact I have so many that I decide to make this a three part series of “Mother of the Bride’ dresses, so if you like them keep an eye on my site.

If you know the site you know it’s not inexpensive, and they do not always have everything in stock.

However, If you go to their online outlet, you will find some pretty decent prices, and a substantial selection.

Furthermore, if you allow them to email you at least once a month everything is 20% off!

I figure out what I want, wait until there’s a 20% off sale, then buy everything

I suggest you give it a try, and their foundations are nice as well!

In fact I have purchased a numbre of bras and girldes from them

Including this bra and girdle!

Washing stockings a labor of love

Here’s a different look I use occasionally. Many of you seem to think that I only dress on weekends, which isn’t true. However this makeup took an hour, vs. 2 hours for my other look

On this evening I had work to do, so I got dressed and got on my laptop and worked for two hours.

Like getting dressed for a special night I envy women who can wear thes things all day while working

Bought this entire outfit for $11 at Filenes

80% off with a coupon