Visual Stimuli and a Purple Suit

I get a lot of interesting email and a lot of crazy stuff too. A few days ago I got one of the most interesting and thought provoking emails I received in some time. Here it is:

Dear April
I have been a fan or your site for years but this is the first time I have ever written. I am a full time non op TS, and I have been living as a women for more than 6 years. Much of what used to be sexually stimulating for me has become commonplace, but there are still things that get me aroused.

Your page with the nautical outfit has me glued to my computer. The reason I am writing is that I don’t understand why! I know some of the things that are still stimulating to me…women in high heels, a glimpse of pantyhose tops, certain perfumes, and others. But from time to time, like you, I will see something and then I cannot wait to emulate it. Just last week I was at the mall and it happened twice—buying mascara the salesgirl had on too much perfume, and I asked her what it was then I bought it. Then another women in her 40’s had a black leather skirt and leopard print top on, and off I went. The reason I was even at the mall was to buy white pants and a nautical top to copy you!

Do you have any idea why this happens? What kinds of things get to you? Are they all visual? ……

Before I answer.....This suit is from "Midnite Velvet" and is trimmed in sequins and purple fur

Jenna’s email goes on with more questions and observations, but I think she has brought up an interesting questions or two or three. My very person is based on a women in my neighborhood. Many hairstyles are based on hairstyles worn by April, Margie, Deebe, Mrs. Denehy etc. My makeup is inspired by April, but also the sales women I would see in Jordan March and Filenes. As a 14 year old there wasn’t a week that went buy that I wasn’t in one of these stores. I remember one woman so clearly that I can still picture her. Why did these things imprint so clearly on me?

For a while I was like a lot of us girls, black seamed stockings, corsets, 5 inch heels and “passing” were all vital to me

So what happened when? Well I don’t know. As I got older many thing things changed. My custom made BR Corsets were replaces with Smoothie’s and Playtex’s. Once I wore a longline bra I have never worn anything else. I was lucky too, because when I started down the girdle path there were still places to shop, and Albert’s was still open. Then I found Sadie at Eva DeVito’s Corset Shop

Jenna asks if everything that stimulates me is visual, and the answer is no. Eva Devito’s was really off the beaten path, and when I would drive over there I could barely contain myself. Sadie wore the same perfume, and the old shop had kind of a “dusty” smell. Now I have the perfume, and I remember the dusty smell as if it was 5 minutes ago.

Having her treat me like a woman when I was there, dressed or not, was also important. I went in one Friday morning when I was taking the day off. She opened at nine but there was no way for Miss April to get there at nine.

When I got there she was working with another customer, but she didn’t miss a beat. She had altered two girdles for me and gave them to me to try on while she fitted the other woman. As I was zipping the girdle she opened the curtain, had a look at the girdle, and tugged at it. “Looks good dear” she said

I could hear her talking to the other customer as well.

But even though she was busy she didn't stop selling

"April I have some bras for you to look at too, I got them in this morning"

I tried one on, a Goddess that I still have. I got the bra I came in with back on, forms in, and just then Sadie opened the curtain again. the other woman was behind her, though I am sure Sadie didn't know, and got a good look at me in a longline bra, open bottom girdle, and stockings.

I heard the two women talking as I dressed, and the door open and close. I took my new treasues and went to pay

As I stood there the woman came back! "I got you some tea, sit and visit for a while" Sadie said smiling

So I did. To this day I am not sure if the other woman knew. However she did talk about when she still wore stockings, and how difficult it was to get the heel positoned properly. So I gladly showed her mine.

Even now this day makes me shudder
I am going to consider what else gets me going, and publish it next time. Feel free to write in and tell me your stimila