Black Floral Eva Blue Dress

This was one of those wonderful days where my schedule opened up unexpectedly. I was to pick a colleague up at the airport, but her flight was canceled, and I had all afternoon and evening open now. Took me at least 3 seconds to decide to dress

This dress is another from “Eva Blue” I find them on EBay and I love the way they look and feel

And this wigs is one I never through anything out. I think the last time I wore it was 4 years ago!

A few updates…the woman I wrote about and subsequently met did not work out as planned. Thanks to all of you for asking.

Maxine, my nutty plastic surgery obsessed GG friend is off to South America for 2 months. I am a little worried she will get even more done in the plastics surgery capital of the world down there

Many of you have asked about both my new longer nails, and also where to find oversize false eyelashes.

I already dealt with the nails—search “long nails” on EBay for lots of choices.

For the eyelashes, search “Showgirl Eyelashes” on Google to find the Kryloen version I like.

I don't often put other people's pictures on my site, but this one got my attention. I am envious!

And also search “Stargazer eyelashes” on EBay UK and you’ll find a lot of choices. The Stargazer lashes are feathered out and I like this.
BTW Stargazer has some outrageous colors of eye shadow as well

I also found some in the “Make Up Forever” (What a great name huh?) section of Sephora. These were blue and black but I got them anyway

The young lady at the counter gave me about 20 samples of stuff when I bought the eyelashes. She recognizes me, both a good and a bad thing

I read today the Dolly Parton has hurt her back. After holding up those monsters all these years it is no surprise to me

Could there be a better "role model" for us girls than Dolly?

The makeup, the hair, the boobs, the nails....amazing

I wrote to her many years ago, sent a picture of April and everything

Nothing nutty you understand, I just told her I was a CD and that I admired her for the reasons stated above. I also tried to be funny.

I got a nice letter back thanking me with an autographed picture of Dolly. On the typewritten letter someone had written "Dolly gets a lot of drag queens and crossdressers writng to her, you made us all laugh and you look lovely." It was signed Jen from Dolly's staff