Purple Dress and I Get Ideas

A stunning purple dress.

I love these shoes but so far they don’t really go with anything.

I get ideas. They jump in and out of my head, and sometimes I remember them, sometimes I don’t. Here’s a few of them for your amazement or more likely amusement.

I would like to invent an air freshener, or even a perfume, that smells like hairspray! There was a time when I would re-spray my wigs every time I wore them. That combination of makeup perfume and hairspray can’t be beat

Hoe about a cell phone blocker? So the idiot in line ahead of me today at CVS could get the hell off his phone and pay. Finally the clerk got fed up, took me and he was irate, but still on the phone. I have seen a number of places with signs that say “We’ll be glad to serve you once you are off your cell phone”.

How about a “girls” shopping day at someplace like DSW shoes when we could shop with the real girls at the same time. Watching women try on shoes when wearing hosiery is pretty sexy. Doing it while I was trying on shoes would be heavenly. Today I was back in the clearance area and one of us “girls” was there surveying the 12’s and 13’s. Good for her

You know those cranes that are on top of buildings being constructed? How on earth do they get those cranes down?

For the US girls have you seen the Staples “Easy Button”? You press it and everything is easy. How about a “I am a TV/TG/CD, no need to ask or even speculate” button. You take it out, and when you are buying makeup you’ll press the button and there won’t be any odd stares.

When you are buying undies they’ll smile and remark that you’re sure to be happy with you purchase; when you’re buying clothing they’ll tell you how much the color of the dress you have brings out the blue in your eyes

Speaking of which, my old nemesis at Lord and Taylor is still there. I stopped in to check to see if Bali had any new floral briefs. Nothing though.

Here’s one you’ll love…a false eyelashes putter-onner!!!! They’ll be perfect every time.

I have never liked many of those “Made for TV’s” inventions. This includes the “Veronica”. I understand the idea, and why one might want on of these, but I want to wear underwear women wear

The UK company called Transformation has lots of this stuff. I remember looking at a thing that would flatten my manhood. They had pictures of unattractive TV’s showing it in use. Well to begin with I am pretty small, and even if I wasn’t I wouldn’t wear one of these things

If you have any ideas and want to send them to me I’ll publish them some day

I am thinking of going up a bra size or two. Why Not?

I still think if I was ever to have the snip snip operation I would get enormous breast

I would be asking “How big can you make them? What is the largest size?”