Stunning Silver Gown

Here’s a stunning silver-grey gown I got on EBay. I got a good deal too.

My friend Wanda Nylon says this looks like a "Mother of the Bride" outfit. I think she has a point

Naturally I wore a formal slip or two…OK eventually three, 2 full slips and a half slip. More is almost always better with me.

My latest “thing” seems to be long gowns. Wonder how much that is going to cost me?

I have gotten a lot of email asking me to once again identify my foundations. To that end, I have a Goddess longline and vintage Sears girdle on

The good thing about a bad economy is that people are a lot more flexible. The laser hair people especially. I shall leave it to you dear reader to find the hidden meaning

You know people are really starting to irritate me. What people you ask? Most of them it seems.

I flew out to the west coast this week. My status with United is as high as it can be, so I upgraded for the trip home and sat back to enjoy it. This idiot sat next to me, and was so angry that United did not have the brand of vodka he wanted that he complained for the first 2 hours of the flight, getting progressively louder.

The flight attendants handled it well, and shut him off after 2 drinks. Then he got louder! Finally I told him to shut up, as did the man behind him traveling with his daughter. Since the man with his daughter was 6’4” or so, he shut up.

Many of you noticed my more frequent updates the past few weeks. This is because I am not traveling and my business is off. So while I can dress 2 or 3 times a week, my revenue is down.

So the bad news is that I end up having more afternoons free than I wish had. The good news is that Just the other day I got fed up waiting to meet a potential client, bought a new lipstick and came home and dressed

Today I was driving along and passed a place that sells hot tubs or spas. There were two people dressed as ducks waving to everyone with signs that said “Come on in the water is great”. So naturally I went in and bought one. How could I not with people dressed as ducks outside. Not!

I love Dress Barn. Deciding that I had nothing to wear, which is absurd, I went to a local Dress Barn

I looked for a bit, and once I decided what I wanted one of the dresses was too high for me to reach. I got a young lady to help me, and she stuck with me, finding a few things I hadn’t seen. Then she convinced me to open a charge account and save 10%.