Green Leopard Print Outfit

This is an interesting outfit by Dana Kay in a green leopard print. Not generally found in nature, as it were

Then again I love Diet Mountain Dew and there is nothing natural about it, including the ungodly color green it is.

I had the pants shortened to be more of a “Capri” length. And these have a rear zipper as well—something I like a lot

I have been asked a lot what I do when a dress or pants are too long—I bring them to a tailor!

This girdle is a new “Flexees”, and the pantyhose are from “Hue”. “Hue makes good pantyhose at 2 for $12, a very good price.

The shoes are from DSW. I always go in and check the sale area. These are Nicole Miller, have a clear vinyl section on them, and were 50% off!

I made a huge mistake late yesterday though. I decided to have a spending moratorium until my business gets better. Then I found myself in Nordstrom’s with a zillion shoes on sale. 3 pairs later, including a spiffy pair of white wedgies, and there goes the moratorium

I had an appointment this week at a bank outside in western Massachusetts. I had been warned that they were very traditional and not to show up in casual attire.

So I get there and it is a throwback to the 50’s and 60’s. Offices along the windows, secretaries outside. Take away the computers and put in typewriters and it would have been the 50’ss or 60’s.

And all of the secretaries were dressed in a dress or skirt, heels and hosiery, at least everyone I saw. No pants, no bare legs. They ushered me to a glass enclosed conference room and explained the bank president was going to be late because of a flat tire. I sat patiently for 45 minutes watching these women, and the time flew by.

One after another they dropped things off at the desk closest to me. The president arrived and couldn’t have been more apologetic. I didn’t mind at all!

I decided to take the project they want me to do, so I will be back there soon.

Here’s an email that made me laugh:
Dear April,
In your last update you said “I don’t have much to say this week, so enjoy the pictures”. Thanks heavens, it is about time you just shut the hell up. Please keep it that way

Not a chance Ami….and you know who I hate? Detest? Despise? Toyota Prius Drivers. They drive along with a holier than thou attitude. “I’m driving a hybrid, I care about the environment”. And they always seem to be in front of me driving 10 miles and hour less than the speed limit.

Have you noticed there is more of everything on EBay than there used to be?

If you wnat some big hair search "Drag queen Wig' to see what I mean

But there are less girdles, and the category seesm filled with crappy new stuff and those Brazilian girdles

And stockinsg seem to sell for more than they used to. I haven't won any in some time