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Ocean's Song

The cool ocean breeze blew through Analease's house. You could hear the sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs, and the rolling of waves on the shore. Seagulls glided in the sky, singing a sweet melody and soaring down to grab their food.

It is everybody's dream to live in a country house on the bluff in Rainbow Valley Town. Analease was one of the lucky ones. No one to disturb her, no sounds of cars passing by, and best of all, no pollution from factories. Just the unruffled, serene place she calls home.

Every morning as the sun comes up, Analease goes down by the ocean, sits in the soft, cool, old ivory coloured sand and takes a deep breath of fresh air. The warm sun feels nice and warm against her back. When she gazes out to sea, she frequently sees dolphins rising out from underneath the briny, and echoes of whales drift through the atmosphere. Silent whispers of the wind flow in Analease's ear. Through her eyes this is paradise, the elysian fields, heaven.

To the right side of her house is an aesthetic, forest type garden, where she goes to be one with nature. Tiny birds roost on the luscious emerald trees, and kaleidoscopic lizards race up and down the arms of the arching branches. In this unique garden, there are several water bathes for the birds and a luscious fountain.

Everything is so tranquil and beautiful. Hearing the roaring waves collide against the huge rock formations makes you feel like drifting away. Seeing magnificent beasts in the sea, makes you want to join them. The breezes always welcome you with a soft touch. This is the oceans song. The music made by nature...tender and sedate.

Helki Weber. January 30, 1997

Lost Dreams

In a valley so far away, and a land and world so small, dreams and aspirations are formed. Knowledge and hope sink through the minds of young children and power, peace and glory in those who are old. Our dreams are comforting and beautiful. Only in ones true mind and spirit are these kindred formations evaluated in harmony and love. As little angels sit watching over us on white fluffy, cottony soft clouds, as Neptune hears the wailing cries of people above and as candy canes pave the streets of our souls. Not all dreams are with us eternally, there are those that are lost. Lost spirits, lost dreams, lost hope and will and confidence. Those who deem others small and find themselves big...These are lost dreams...A world of nothing.

What happens to the moss covered forests of our souls? What happens if the candy coated streets crumble apart? What is angels are no more? What shall we do? Who will we turn to? If children's imaginations did not take them to another land, a better land, what would they do? If our lives weren't based on hope and morality, who would we be? Where would we run? Lost dreams...they are corrupted by the polluted stains in this world. No more love, no more happiness, no more...

Judgment, hope, challenges, thoughts, forests, oceans, angels, devils, paradise, heaven and hell. Dreams, these are and always have been. New dreams and lost dreams. Choose your road wisely. Choose it with confidence. Black skies, hurricanes, war, hell, bombs or Bright kaleidoscope skies, cool gentle breezes, happiness, heaven and love.

Helki Weber. January 18, 1998 (assessment)

Dancing Queen

The music lingered in the air and the crowd got up to perform their ritual ballet. They swept across the floor so lightly and beautifully, as if they were floating on a giant cloud. As the rhythms got faster the people too grew faster, and the vast ballroom appeared petite. And I, all alone in one corner, sitting with one hand scrunched on the shiny white marble table, and the other turning the straw in my half empty glass. My eyes followed the rhythmic dancers from one side to the next, and for the next few seconds I envied their gracious twists and turns. But soon my face became frozen with a pleasant smile, and at that moment my eyes glowed with a distinctive bright light that I, nor anybody else could control. The song. The one song that I knew every single beat and step to. The drums lifted me up and carried me away into the plebeians. For that one song I was the "Dancing Queen", the centre of attention. But when the song ended, I came back from my fantasy world and landed smack pat in the middle of reality. My parents, who were dancing since track one, were still up on the elegantly decorated black marble dance floor, and me their big hit of a daughter was enjoying the night talking to the fancy with the red top on. The name, Cherry, as in Maraschino Cherry. The one object that stayed around to keep me company!

I examined the low-lit room and realised only I was not dancing. I gazed into the centre of the stage and saw a little lady dancing with the wind. Although she was by herself, she sure did know how to liven up the night. A blurred vision of mum and dad passed by me for the hundredth time or so. The cranberry juice was warm to the taste. The not too tight fitting, baby blue dress seemed to be the only thing sparkling in the now dusky chamber. When I looked ahead once more I noticed a silhouette standing in front of me. One arm held out and eyes twinkling. Where did this image come from? Although nervous, I took the long, sleek hand into mine and was guided onto the petite parterre. In my head I kept saying "do not step on his foot", but when he was in control and I got used to the fact that I was now dancing, everything jumped out of my mind. Two, three or even four songs passed by without me even noticing. I too was gliding on a light cloud, and the more I danced the more the room seemed to fill up with mist. The atmosphere seemed cooler and the people appeared to be forming around us. Almost like in my thoughts, only this was actuality. 'En tu pelo' was played, a perfect melody with flawless sounds of trumpets and violins. Each step we took was like a feather, soft, light but yet contolled. The song stopped and the mysterious silhouette showed himself and at that moment the lights turned up a bit higher, I looked down to wipe some sweat that gathered on my forehead and as I looked back up, the figure disappeared. How Mr. Mystery left so fast was indeed a puzzle. I was not imagining this again, or was I? It seemed so real. Some people came over to me and asked "Did you enjoy the dance?", and my reply was a relieved yes. So it was real. For the whole night I was by myself, no one to talk to or dance with, and suddenly just before the end I was Miss. Popularity. Happy and carefree.

I reached for my drink and underneath was the napkin with "To the Dancing Queen with my Love" written in medieval writing. Just as I gazed at the Victorian style window, I saw a black cape, and thick fog following. Was this my angel of happiness or the Masked Phantom?

Helki Weber. August 20, 1998

The Storm

In the middle of the night, boisterous breezes knocked on the milky panes of my Victorian style window, and orange-yellow spears of light were thrown from the heavens. Within a flash some clouds burst, and innumerable splatters of liquid came falling down onto the pavement outside, creating an ear-splitting racket. Before long, a roaring noise was heard and mutes all the other sounds. With every clap came glittering light and then a howl. The standing timber shook with fright, and shadows formed on the walls of my room. Those phantoms around my sleeping compartment were really the long, sleek arms of the shrubs outside.

Suddenly the squall gets tired and falls asleep, and then the honey kissed ball woke up, probably from all the commotion, and rose up into the sapphire stratosphere, where once the dim moon shone in the starry yet stormy sky. Birds and crickets sang a good-morning song that welcomed the fresh day. Some frogs croaked for some more clear liquid that fell to the earth not so long ago. Once everything was back to normal, and the spears stopped dancing, and the thunder stopped singing, I could finally close my eyes and drift away, with the covers half covering my face. At last, peace and quiet!...

Helki Weber. August 23, 1998

The Storm 2

A stranger came riding in from no particular place, it’s ashen body crept with every step it made. As a silent, demure face hid away. The air became icy, and everything stood straight, only moving mildly as though trying to escape from the newcomer, who growled at them in the most awkward way. Before long, the mysterious one released silver drops over the crowds. Everything grew dusky and bolts of lights came crashing down. Soon one hostage became angry with the shadowy immortal and violently rose up and crashed against the grounds, not being able to reach, he grew weary but kept trying, but it wasn’t profound.

Afterwards when the outsider found there was no welcome and no fear, slowly headed the other way, leaving some havoc upon the land. Once again the timid camouflaged face came out to play, bringing warmth and happiness all around!

Helki Weber. June 3, 1999

This homepage is for my Mother and Father, All my Friends, and to all those that want to experience a little bit of Fantasy and a little bit of me!!


Walk with Me

Walk with me to a place,
Where the skies are always blue,
And effloresces continuously bloom;
Where time has no face,
And sunbeams kiss newly fallen dew.

Walk with me to a place,
Where birds talk in an enigmatic tune,
And pots of gold stand at the end of a rainbow;
Where resplendent sands bedazzle at noon,
And cascades put on an alluring show.

H. Weber © April 22, 2000

A Few Pictures of family & friends

  My beautiful Mum

Me as a baby :-)

  My handsome Dad

Rodolfo from Cuba

Mel from Singapore

Giuggiu from Italy

Jose from Spain

Gucci, my kitty

Cifton from Arizona, USA

Jim may you rest in peace. I pray that you are with the angels in the clouds watching down on your grand-daughter and family. You became a special friend in my heart and I miss you!

It seems like a dream,
A dream we will all awaken from,
To find you spreading your wisdom and love,
But we do not rouse from this sleep
It is so cruel how fast you left this earth,
But you are at a better place up in the blue,
Dancing with cherubs that will keep you warm,
May you find the candle in the sky.

For Jim Siry (56) who past away December 2, 2000

Jim from California, USA

You will be missed!

Not pictured: Carmela, Ali, Kyle, Kevin, Neil, Ricky, Adam, Jeanette, Maryette, Myrna!

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Last updated: 05 Mar 2001 03:40 AM