Christmas Recipes

Christmas is a great time to do alot of baking, whether that be a nice roast or some simple sugar cookies. But on this page I'll be concentrating on the sweet stuff. I love baking just about anything, and mainly cookies, so here a few recipes for your sweet-tooth. Right now there are only two so choose from the shortcut table below: More will be added later ENJOY!!! and MERRY CHRISTMAS!





by Gail Lang

Stollen is a traditional German Christmas cake.

This particular recipe was translated from Werner's handwritten recipe logs handed down from his master. It is an old, cherished recipe from the heart of Germany that is now enjoyed worldwide.

1/2 pound live yeast pinch sugar 1/2 quart milk
1 1/4 pounds bread flour 3/4 ounce salt 11 ounces sugar
11 ounces butter

(can use 1/2 butter flavored Crisco)

1/3 pint eggs (4 lg) 2 3/4 pounds bread flour
29 ounces raisins 29 ounces diced fruit 9 1/2 ounces almonds
9 1/2 ounces walnuts

** can substitute any combination of nuts

1 pint each brandy & rum 1 ounce almond flavoring
1/2 ounce each of anise & orange flavorings 2 tsp mace & 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 C sugar & 1 Tbsp vanilla
1 lb butter 1 C powdered sugar 3C sugar & 2 Tbsp vanilla
 See bottom for method:

 DAY # 1

Chop nuts in small pieces. Combine fruit and nuts in a container with a tight fitting lid that can be turned upside down while the fruit is setting to prevent any moisture loss and to better mix the flavors. Combine brandy and rum, anise, orange and almond flavorings and add water to make 1 pint. Add liquid mixture to fruit and nuts mixing well. Seal container and turn upside down if practical. Let set for 3 days before continuing with recipe. It is important to let the mixture set properly or the raisins will burn when cooking.

Prepare coating for when bread is done. Mix 3C sugar, 1C powdered sugar and 2Tbsp vanilla. Let set the next couple of days to become crumbly.

DAY #4

Very slowly warm yeast and a pinch of sugar in the milk to 85o. Mix 1 pound bread flour with yeast mixture to make a sponge. Let set until it falls when you touch it with one finger.

Mix in salt, 3/4 pounds sugar, butter & eggs. Mix well. Add remaining flour and work to a very stiff dough. (You will get extra moisture from the fruit & nut mix). It should come loose from your hands. Work well. Let rise again.

Separate dough into 8 equal sections (approximately 3/4 lbs each). Separate fruit into 8 bowls, approximately 1lb each. Mix fruit and nuts in to dough one section at a time. Dough must not be worked too much after the fruit and nuts are added or it will darken in color, although the flavor will not be affected.

Roll into shape like a long egg. Each loaf should be approximately 2 pounds each. Let set a few minutes. Roll out each of the 4 sides leaving a square with a lump in the middle. Roll pin just in the middle of the lump to make a ditch. Brush heavily in ditch with melted butter. Put in cinnamon and sugar mix. Fold 4 flat sides up and seal over top to seal in butter mix. Let rest, but not too long. Stollen should be very heavy, not light like rolls.

Bake at 350o until done, approximately 40 - 45 minutes. Have boiling butter ready when stollen is cooked. Brush over top, sides and bottom well and let soak in. Repeat process 4 - 5 times to seal in flavors and moisture. When last coat has just soaked in, but is still moist, roll stollen in coating mixture of sugar, powdered sugar and vanilla. Coat well and shake off excess coating. Let stollen cool for 24 hours, then wrap well and seal in aluminum foil. Stollen must be cooled completely before wrapping or it will get moldy. Stollen should set for 1 - 2 weeks prior to eating to allow the flavors proper time to mix through out the loaf. If you are not planning to use it in the next few weeks, freeze immediately after wrapping and take out 1 - 2 weeks prior to use.

*Yield: 8 loaves

by Gail Lang

In celebrating the diverse background of the people of the South, I would like to share this Jewish cream cheese cookie recipe with you. It is a recipe handed down over hundreds of years and cherished by many.


8 ounces cream cheese 1/2 pound butter
1 cup bread flour
1 1/4 cup cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
16 ounces apricot preserves
24 Vanilla Wafer cookies
1/2 pound pecan halves or pieces
1 cup sugar (to roll the dough in)
1/2 cup bread flour to rub into pastry linen and to rub onto the rolling pin cover before each use.

Preparation Time - 45 minutes

Set cream cheese and butter in mixing bowl to soften.

Using a blender, blend apricot preserves until smooth and creamy. Return to jar and put in refrigerator to stay chilled till needed.

Measure and combine bread flour, cake flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.

Cover 4 cookie pans (12" x 18") with aluminum foil and then parchment baking paper. Set aside.

Prepare linen pastry cloth and cloth rolling pin cover by rubbing bread flour into them, lightly brush off excess. Set aside.

Chop pecans into small pieces about 1/8 inch. Set aside.

Crush cookies into fine crumbs. Set aside.

Making Dough - 10 minutes

Using a good strong mixer, mix cream cheese and butter in large bowl until well blended. Stir occasionally. Do not whip!

Add dry ingredients and mix well, using slow speed.

Divide dough into 4 sections.

Working Dough - 15 minutes for each 1/4 of dough

***NOTE*** Handle dough gently. It is a very tender, delicate dough. Work with 1/4 of dough at a time. Repeat all instructions for each 1/4. Flour rolling pin before each use. Preheat oven to 375o

Sprinkle 1/4 cup of sugar evenly over linen pastry cloth (an area approximately 5" x 20")

Take 1/4 of dough and stretch it gently into a 18 - 20 inch long (1 inch diameter) log. You may want to stretch and work part at a time until you complete your log. Lay it across the center of the pastry cloth as you work. It sticks to itself easily.

Using a rolling pin with a floured cover, gently roll out to a 5" x 20" rectangle. If it doesn't roll out into a nice rectangle, cut off excess here and there and fill in areas to make your rectangle.

Gently spread 1/4 of preserves evenly over dough to within 1/2" of sides.

Sprinkle evenly with 1/4 of cookie crumbs.

Sprinkle evenly with 1/4 of chopped nuts.

Roll by gently lifting the long edge of the cloth and letting dough roll into a 20" long log with the seam on the bottom.

Cut into 18 - 20 1 inch long cookies. Place seam down 1" apart on parchment covered cookie sheet.

Cook at 375o until lightly golden brown on edges, approximately 14 - 16 minutes. Remove from oven. Using a spatula, gently remove from pan immediately and put on a flat surface. Let set for 5 - 10 minutes. Can be served warm or cool. Serve with a dried apricot and parsley to garnish. Excellent when served with coffee. Store in tightly sealed container in refrigerator.

*Yield: 74 - 80 cookies

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