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she's of a Chinese descent & he's a pure-blooded Filipino

A merger of two cultures, A union of two souls....

The 1026 Wedding : )
Yup...yup...yup. We're finally married !!!


Now here are some GREAT NEWS!!!

2. Mrs. 1026 finally gave birth to a bouncing baby girl!
Our daughter, K Anthea (Kite for short), made her 'first public appearance' last August 5.
2. We're mentioned in Philippine Daily Inquirer's feature article: A wedding-watching year.
3. Bride Philippines came out with a five-page feature story on our wedding in their fourth anniversary issue which made us truly elated.

We're presently maintaining another website entitled:
Weddings@Work, a comprehensive site about Philippine/Filipino Weddings.

We put the WOW! on your Wedding!

Please allow us to thank the many people who helped us make the BIG day a success. Special mention to our friends from the press (The Web Phils., Philippine Daily Inquirer, The Philippine Star, Bride Philippines & Asian Bride), the web (NetGuide,, WayCoolWeddings, etc.) and TV (Contact 5, Unlimited Engagement & Tatak Pinoy) for featuring us; from our love story to the CD souvenir to the webpage or even the logo up to the wedding day itself. We truly are touched for the gesture & exposure. Thanks too for all those cyber-well-wishers who took time to e-mail us, that meant a lot!

As many of you have requested, posted NOW are some of the wedding pix. The wedding vows we've written for each other are also recently added. More to come plus other 1026 highlights on the next update. As promised, the wedding soundtracks are already on the hands of some cyber guests who asked for it online. Our apologies for we could hand out just a few. Anyway, the RealAudioTM clips of each track from the CD in now online for those who don't have a copy.

So c'mon, browse around while we think of what more to add on the next major update...and by all means, sign the guestbook!

We've been happily married for:

Exact span of time past The 1026 Wedding !

The 1026 Counter registered:

visits to our site !
(of course, the figure started at 1,026!)


This is a Wedding Ring site
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