The Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

It is said that Betsy Ross, a young Philadelphia widow who supported her children by her excellent needle work, received a visit from General George Washington and Rob Morris. They described a flag which "would take the stars from blue heavens, the red stripes from our mother country, and white stripes representing our liberty." The 13 rows have not changed, the number of stars have increased to represent our fifty states, these together make up the flag of today--the flag to which we so often pledge our allegiance--because it stands for the America we love. "....whatever struggle I go through, I will always remain a symbol of 'The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave'." I am your PAST, I am your FUTURE, I am your Flag.

I AM YOUR FLAG. I have been kicked, trampled, burned and shot full of holes.
I have fought battles, but I prefer the untroubled air of a world at peace.
I AM YOUR FLAG. I represent the freedom of humanity, and I shall fly high,
thundering in silence for the whole world to hear.
My gentle rustling in the breeze sounds out the warning to all who would bury me forever
that below stands a population dedicated to liberty.
For those who have perished for my right to freedom or flight,
for those who will die and indeed for those who will live,
I stand as a symbol of freedom-loving people.

I have been carried into battle in faraway lands,
always for the cause of freedom.
I am bloodstained, torn and many times wearied and saddened
by thousands who have paid the supreme sacrifice.
Do not let it all be for nothing!
Tell me the brave have all died for a worthwhile cause.
Be proud of what I represent, and display me for all to see.

Whether you call me "Old Glory," "Stars and Stripes" or "Star-Spangled Banner,"
I shall fly forever as a symbol of your freedom, as I did for your ancestors, and as I shall for your heirs.

I built the theme of my July 4th page around the flag.  I always have a warming of my heart each time I say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing The Star Spangled Banner.  I have much pride in my country and consider myself extremely fortunate to live in the land of the free.


In our family everyone gets in on the celebration
of Independence Day; even the babies!

Hotdogs, games and fireworks displays,
And bands playing tunes from the good 'ol days.
They all make a wonderful, mem'rable time,
Remembering freedom in music and rhyme.

The band major struts with his head held up high,
And the band plays its marches, with crowds' heavy sighs.
The pomp and the circumstance glide through the day,
'Til twilight and stars frame explosive replays.

When all the sparklers and twinklers are done,
And wee heads are bobbing from all of the fun,
And tummies are full from the hotdogs and pops,
It's time for the main display, the one that's the tops!

Glorious Independence Day, that gave our symbol light,
Our wonderful flag of freedom, the blue, the red and white,
And to the stars that represent the states, America,
With our hands to our hearts we proudly salute --


The landscape of foreign and home lands is painted red with the stain of the life's blood of those we loved and lost. God give them peace and grant that they may not have died in vain. There is a beautiful story about the writing of 'The Taps.' I have taken this story and placed it on a web page to share. The Story of 'The Taps.'

(From our church bulletin)...God can save America. His Word is true and His guidelines clearly defined. II Chronicles 7:14 states "If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Our prayer should not be that God would return to America and bless it...but rather that America would return to God and be blessed.

This Independence Day, spend some time appreciating what you have, your family and your freedom to worship our one true God.

From all of us in the Parker household, we wish you a happy and safe July 4th!!

Benjamin Franklin said, "The longer I live the more convincing proof I see of this truth: that God governs in the affairs of men and if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the sacred writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."