
These are the translated scripts for the original Record of Lodoss War series. There are links to each episode, but if you want, you can dowload all of them in a batch download farther down.

Eventually, I will post the CHK scripts (taken from the videos) on this site. As it stands, that day is a long time off. They'll probably be posted this summer as that's my best bet to actually get it all done — and be ensured to have all the videos.

Disclaimer:   These scripts are the product of the work of the people mentioned below. They are not mine; so if you want to use them, acknowledge the translators.

Translations: Tom Amiya, Kaori Seino
Editing: Kong Chang and the Lodoss Warriors
Final Re-editing: Kong Chang
Sponsored: Lodoss Warriors (aka: Cal-Animage Epsilon)

Please send all replies and corrections to
If you plan to subtitle with this script, please mention that it was translated
by "Lodoss Warriors, 1991". In the event that you do use theese to subtitle, DO NOT DISTRIBUTE the subtitled copy. If you do, it will be an act of piracy; and if you're caught, there'll be hell to pay. Subtitled copies can be obtained from: William Chow. (If you get it from him, it'll be a good subbed copy, and there won't be a bunch of differnt copies all over the place.)

Record of Lodoss War
1 -Prologue to the Legend

8 -Requiem for Warriors

2 -Blazing Departure

9 -The Scepter of Domination

3 -The Black Knight

10 -The Demon Dragon of Fire Dragon Mountain

4 -The Grey Witch

11 -The Wizard's Ambition

5 -The Desert King

12 -Final Battle! Marmo, the Dark Island

6 -The Sword of the Dark Emperor

13 -Lodoss-The Burning Continent

7 -The War of Heroes Download all the scripts (HTML documents)

Chronciles of the Heroic Knight
1 -The Free Knight... A New Legend Begins

15 -An Old Enemy... Reunion With the Black Knight

2 -Dragon... The Guardian of the Lost History

16 -The Holy City... Pursuing a Clue

3 -King... The Long Sought Hero

17 -Descision... An Option Compelled

4 -Pirates... The Ship of Dark Ambitions

18 -Mission... The Path One Follows

5 -Demon Sword... The Power to Crush Souls

19 -Reunion... In a Distant War-Torn Land

6 -Heart... Tears Reborn

20 -Counterattack... The Stolen Last Hope

7 -Death... A Gentle Hand Bequeathed

21 -A Vow... A Step Towards the Future

8 -The Scepter of Domination... The Dream of a United Lodoss

22 -Liberation... A Path Opened

9 -The Young Knight... Tested Strength

23 -Landing... The Terrifying Dark Island

10 -Recovery... A Mission Assigned

24 -The Witch... The One Who Maintains the Balance of Power

11 -Light... A Girl Guided by the Gods

25 -Decision... The Black Knight's Option

12 -Sallying Forth... Pursuing a Dark Shadow

26 -Destruction... The Evil God Released

13 -Nightmare... The Creeping Dark Power

27 -Hero... The Birth of a New Knight

14 -Doorway... The Truth Proclaimed

Download all the TV scripts (HTML documents)

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