One look at Buffy on the steps outside Hemery High inspired Angel to be a better man

Willow and Oz: Alyson Hannigan as the Witch and Seth Green as the Wolf

FAQ's about the Challenge concept  |

Challenges set by LJS Angel  |

Challenges set by You  | 

Fanfic response to Challenges |


What is a challenge ?
It's a set of conditions or actions that must take place in a fanfic to complete the task.  Used as stimulus, starting point for thinking.  Fun and they help the young 'uns of fanfic to cut their teeth.

What kind of conditions ?
Like it must include a song, a particular line, inclusion of a character, what the last line has to be, relationship.  You could ask for a sequel to the fic posted here or a different POV. Extremist also call for a characters head i.e.. to kill em, to kill em all.  Or the resurrection of a character.  Anything goes really.  This is fanfiction, baby

So see these challenge fics, they any good ?
Yeah.  Some win awards.  They can give really good ideas if you're all tapped out.  And they're really satisfying to finish.

So, what, you're gonna let us post challenges on this page and respond to others peoples and put them here ?
 Yeah, pretty much.  Just email your challenge- it's got to have at least 4 parts to it and give it a name.  Like 'X-s challenge #1' or something with an equally lame name.  When responding to a challenge, send the fic along with all the usual info - rating ectera, and the challenge you were set.

What am I waiting for ?
I don't know, what ARE you waiting for ?

Challenges Set by LJS Angel

Angelic Challenge Alpha Code Blue

Use the NSync song "I thought she knew"
Have Angel commenting on how he hates boy bands
Have Cor and Gunn gettin' smoochy
Have Wes and Phantom Dennis getting jealous
Have our own Slayer coming to LA and bumping into Angel somewhere strange, really strange - you choose.
Have the line "I prefer it this way"

Buffantor Challenge Beta

Have Buffy cheating on Riley with one of his friends - like Graham
Have Riley going crazy over it
Have a major progress in Anya and Xander's relationship - use Anya's 'list' from the Replacement
Have Giles having a Hunny
Match Spike with someone silly
The line "OK, I'm done."

Soul sucking challenge Delta

Buffy slept with Riley after coming back from LA after IWRY - guilt
Buffy pregnant and thinks it's Riley's.
But it's not.  It's Angel's.
And guess what? He comes back.  In the future or present ?
I'll leave you to decide

Big Evil Giggly Fun Challenge

Riley dies
Something stupid kills him
Or Buffy kills him because she's sick of "I've never courted anyone like Buffy before..."
Or Angel kills him because he's sick of "I surely do."

Yep that's about the 'it'

Love Sex and Evil Intentions Challenge

Must have these four things

Buffy and Angel together
Cordy and Gunn together
Lindsey jealous of either Angel or Gunn
All three of the following quotes from Cruel Intentions

- "In English?  I'll fuck your brains out"
- "I'm the Marsha fucking Brady of the upper east side and sometimes I wanna kill myself"
- "Unfortunately, I don't fuck losers"

Have five or more of these things

<1> Faith outta jail thanks to Wolfram & Hart and wanting Xander, Spike or Gunn
<2> Flashback to pre-Surprise Buffy and Angel with sexual tension and an uncomfortable discussion
<3> Spike complaining he's not getting any and this conversation with whoever you choose;
"I'll fuck you if you want."
"That'd be nice."
"Yeah.  Maybe later."
"Or now.  If you want."
"Yeah.  If you want."
<4> Angel topless.  Tattoo, ripply muscles - need I go on?
<5> Someone doing it in an elevator for the helluva it
<6> Spike calling someone nibblet
<7> Appearance of a dead character - Jenny, Doyle, etc
<8> Spike mimicing either Angel or Giles as they talk or read
<9> Riley returning from the jungle to find Angel in Angels rightful place
<10> CWC - As in Curse What Curse?  So smut
<11> No Darla whatsoever.  NONE.  She's OK but this Angel Season 2 we've had her rammed down our throats and I'm fed up. Either that and she's in it for a nano second and dies. Yay
<12> Jerry Springer show called "I date demons" with Buffy (talking about Angel), Willow (talking about Oz) Xander (take your bloody pick) are all guests.  Could be a dream sequence.
<13> Have a movie alias of one of the characters be in it (Like Scott Evil for Seth, Kathryn Merteuil for Sarah, Adam for David etc.)
<14> Have yourself as a vamp (I borrowed that from Candy's boredom challenge - it's fun, try it)
<15> Have a building blowing up
<16> Have Spike quoting Shakespeare
<17> Have Lindsey argue that being evil is a "valid life choice" and Spike backing him up
<18> A kiss under mistletoe with a weird pairing - but it's not Christmas
<19> Have a guy turn up to a party in a dress
<20> Have Xander, Angel and other guys discuss babies

If you really want me to love you - and be totally great - try and include 15+ of these in your fic.  Happy writing!

Rewritting History Challenge

Angel and Buffy never slept together in "Surprise"
Remember, Angel's destiny was to stopAcathla
But his blood is the thing that opens it..
Can you work all this in?

Challenges Set by you



List Of Fanfics Based On Challenges
None yet.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE??!!  I have W&H on speed dial and Lindsey McDonalds home number.  Do you realize how close to LM I have to be to get his number?




 Copyright LJSAngeland iNnOcEnT eViL. 2001-present

Le Small Print -- These sites are owned and maintained by LJSAngel and iNnOcEnT eViL.  Layout © LJSAngel 2001.  Unless otherwise stating, these contents belong to me and if you could ask before using them, I would be grateful.  The characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are the creation of Joss Whedon's and anybody else at WB.  'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' TM is copyright of Fox and all it's related entities.  This web sites content of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Angel' is in no way authorized by the nice people at Fox.  For the love of God, don't sue we're only having fun!  Or out own warped version of fun, but fun all the same.  Blah blah legal garbage.