
Muggins-Male- thrown out of a car at about 3 momths of age, no one could catch him & he stayed under a shed for the first summer. I started feeding him & made covered insulated beds for him in winter, we got him in the house a few times but he would jump for the windows & had to be let out. When we moved I had a live trap to catch him & got him to Vets for neutering, defleaing,& deworming, he is still scared & won't let anyone pick him up, but will let us pet him, he has the run of the house like the rest. He loved Jeremiah and misses him as much as I.

"They can't tame me."

So I gained a little weight! I am living the good life now!

This is how much Muggins loved Jeremiah!

Another first for Muggins! He let me brush him last night!(Feb.28,2000)
As you can see ,with Jeremiah gone ,Muggins has lost weight.
Chico wishes I would run away from home and if I was allowed outside, she would chase me when no one was looking!

Wonder if I can rub against Chico like I used to do with Jerry!

Muggins has gone to the dogs, since Jeremiah passed away
sleeping with Wrinkles or Sheba every chance he gets!
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