Have I ever told you about my daughter. She is a true blessing in my life.  

I will never forget the day she first showed me this paper.  At first I thought it 

was something she had copied from a book.  But she told me she had some spare  

time in one of her classes and wrote this.  I know I am being the proud parent

 by including this on  my web-page, but indulge me and read on.  Then if you like,

                         email us back andlet Chels know what you think.                                                                         



By: Chelsey Butler


War. Battlefield. What comes to mind? I bet I know.

Gettysburg, guns blaring, flags flying,

men and women fighting for their lives.

Many people think that big fields and woods where armies hide

 are the only places where wars take place.

Well…it’s not.

I live in a war.

 Every day is a new battle for me.

Some of my closest friends are my fellow soldiers.

We go through a battlefield with our flag flying

 and our heads held high, proud.

 Our general? Jesus Christ.

Every day my friends and I have to live through

 a waging war over our religion, Christianity.

There are many armies that oppose us,

 and there will be many more in the future.

 To survive this war and complete our mission,

we must defeat the opposing armies

without being corrupted into changing the reasons we fight.

What are we fighting for?

Jesus. Our Faith.

We are fighting so our faith and the savior of our faith

 does not get lost into the ever-changing culture of America.

We fight for our lives.

 But, while others use words and gestures

that sting and that will never go away,

we use kind words, caring gestures, and a sword.

The sword of God.

 The Holy Bible.

We go into heated battle with a smile and a book.

Sometimes we win.

 Most of the times we come to a draw,

 but we never lose.


 Because the only way that we could lose,

is to let them influence us into not fighting for the right reasons.

 But we won’t do that.

That is not a casualty we will take,

because we know we fight for the right reasons.

 And just like those in Gettysburg,

 we are willing to die for out cause.

 Not for honor or fame, but because we will not lose sight.

Because we know that if we stay true,

the reward cannot even compare to the popularity or the fame.

 We WILL stay on track. NOTHING can stop us!

Not drugs, popularity, or even lust.

We recruit new people every chance we get.

No matter what social status or gender,

 we don’t care.

We will teach them how to act and what to say.

This army started out as few and grew.

It is an ever-changing army.

People I knew by just acquaintances

 are now my best friends that I would do anything for.

 No matter the age,

we are like sisters and brothers.

We are sisters and brothers.

And all the time we are fighting in this war

 we get closer together.

And that closeness

 just makes us stronger than we ever were before.

 Nothing will stand in our way! Nothing!

When people ask who we are fighting against, we reply,

"We are not fighting against human beings,

 but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world.

The rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this Dark Age."

(Ephesians 6:12)

And just as the armies of America say the pledge of allegiance,

we, the armies of God, say this pledge:

" The choice has been made.

There is no looking back.

We have stepped over the line.

We won’t let up, back up,

Give up, or shut up.

Our focus is clear.

Our path is straight.

Our God is reliable.

We are Disciples of Christ."



Let us know what you think of Chelsey's paper.