Frequently Asked Questions

Before you e-mail me with any question you might have, or if you were just curious about something, read this first. Since I get a lot of the same questions over and over, I guess it's only fair to answer them all right here to save you the trouble of asking (however, this will probably decrease the number of e-mails in my inbox from miniscule to zero).

Q:Why don't any of the sounds work?
A: The most likely reason for this is that you're trying to get at the sounds from the AOL page rather than the Geocities page. Like it says at the top of the AOL page, the links to Geocities stopped working, so the page was moved there. If any links on the Geocities page don't work, it's probably because they were hosted by still other sites that went down or moved.

Q:Where did you get all your sounds?
A: From the video tapes, where else? ^_^* I made every single sound on this page myself. It's my own personal page, my own personal sounds. I don't want to display other people's work if I don't have to. So, no, don't try to give me sounds. I won't accept them. I want everything here to be made by me.

Q:How do you make the sounds sound so good yet keep them so small?
A: ::shakes finger:: Ah, that is a secret. If I gave out my secret sound recipe to everyone, I'd have a lot of competition. Maybe if there's ever a threat that this site could close down for good, I'll spill. But I'll tell you this: I use the standard sound recorder that comes with Windows, and I don't even OWN a microphone. ^_^

Q:Can I use the sounds on my page?
A: You can do whatever you darn well please with anything here without asking, as long as you give me credit somewhere for making them. Of course, I'd prefer you do something a little more creative than just make another sound archive with them. At the very least, don't go around calling them YOURS, or I will have to hurt you. Well, since this is the internet, I guess all I can do is say I'm hurting you. But stealing like that isn't nice. If you do use these sounds on your website, tell me so I can go to your site and see what people do with them (eh, it's a cheap thrill to go someplace and point out "I made that!" ^_^).

Q:Can I request a sound?
A: Sadly, no. The thing is, the majority of the tapes that I use for sounds are not mine. They're either borrowed from friends or rented. I make sounds when I have the ability to make them, so I typically can not honor requests. I make sounds from tapes I have access to, which is why there are so many gaps in my archive. But I try to be as thorough as possible.

Q:Why don't you have any music?
A: Songs generally run three to five minutes. That would make them 1.4 to 2.4 meg each. Therefore, I could only hold 6 to 10 files in my webspace. What would you rather have? 6 to 10 low-quality music files, or 150 better-quality dialogue clips? Think real hard about this now.

Q:Do you have sounds from any other shows?
A: You bet! In fact, that's what my new page is all about. Go to Where Have I Heard That Voice Before? to look at what I'm doing with it. Those sounds are free to take as well, but again, give me credit for making them.

Q:Do you do anything other than make sounds?
A: Of course I do! Check out my Main Page to look at my other works of insanity, like artwork and fanfics, including "Slayers: Inconceivable", a nutty fic which I am quite proud of ^_^. Also, I just added a section on my weird anime-related dreams, which is also chock full of insanity. ::bows:: This has been my shameless site plug. But hey, it's MY site! I can plug my other sites as much as I want! So there! :P

Q:How did you get started with this page?
A: To tell you the truth, I started this by accident ^_^*. I was fiddling around with the recording system on the computer when I realized I could easily record things without a microphone. To test my theories, I ran and pulled out a random video tape (which happened to be a Slayers tape), and made a whole seven sounds off of it. And it worked! So, here I was with seven sounds and nothing to do with them. So, I stuck them on a web page. After a while, I got bored and made sounds off another tape, just because I could. Pretty soon, I had a whole fifteen sounds. I decided that merited a little advertisement, so I submitted my page to the Anime Web Turnpike. Pretty soon, my sound collection just grew and grew, until it's how it is today. In case you're curious, the very first sound I EVER made for this page was "Give a guy a break and you'll end up broken!"

Q:Can I talk to you online?
A: Yes! Please do! You may not think so, but I get next to NO feedback on anything I do! I'm starting to think that this page is just getting skipped over or something, because I only get one e-mail about it every three weeks or so at most. And the majority of those are "Your sounds don't work". My AIM name is Patches365. Let me know I am being heard!

Q:Who are you really?
A: My real name, location, and vital stats are confidential online. All I'll tell you is that I am an 18 year old girl, senior in high school, and planning on going into engineering in college.

If your question still wasn't answered, e-mail me. Or just e-mail me to say hi, or give me praise.
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