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Welcome to my Web site!

New.  As I didn't bother to put my name on the index page, allow me to introduce myself.  I am Patrick Chan, student at the University of Waterloo, candidate for Bachelor of Applied Science's Honours Civil Engineering (those who took GENE10 will recognize that).  Anyway, there can only be two reasons that you are here, and one of them is that you know me.  If this is the case, then I thank you as it means that you are willing to see my site.  Though I may be sarcastic and have fun at other places in my site, I want to say that it means a lot to me the fact that you are here.  Now on with the fun!

What's that?  What's the other reason you could be here?  I don't know, you tell me, considering this is a personal site and the URL has only been distributed either through my MSN Messenger nickname or through me personally.... :P

Born sometime in the 80's (has it been THAT long), I grew up mainly in Hong Kong.  Those who know me though, know I am anything but.  That is credited to the fact that I spent my formative years (about when I was 5 years old till about 8 years old) split between Toronto and Pickering, both in Ontario, Canada.  This, coupled with the ongoing support from my parents, set the tone for the rest of my life so far.

I came back to Hong Kong and joined Delia School of Canada's Grade 3A homeroom, and never left since.  The school I mean.  Not grade three.  Though I know it may not be obvious.  :D

Until recently, Delia was where I learned my derivatives (1+1=2, for the younger audiences), missed lay-ups, and had detentions (thank you, Mr. Donovan).  Finally, the unexpected happened; I graduated.  Standing on stage at the Hong Kong Convention Centre, receiving the Ontario Secondary School Diploma from Assistant Principal Jack Saddler, I glanced back at the then-Head Teacher of the Elementary Section Mr. John Blaney in the row of seats reserved for Honorary Guests.  Knowingly, we both thought the same thing, "which computer program when haywire?"  I was free.

Fast-forward to the future, to January, 2003.  I have just completed the 1A term for my Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering.  It really is amazing how one term in university can change someone.  3 high school-level courses over 5 months was suddenly ramped up 5 university-level courses over 3.5 months.  Talk about reversal of pressures.  From virtually no academic pressure to the level where I literally nearly got sick of it.  Okay, arriving in Toronto about 15 hours before lectures started didn't exactly help either, but still....  The wake up call during the midterms didn't help either, and the 41 average over physics, calculus, and chemistry certainly took it's toll.  Having survived and not received Dean of First-Year Engineering Bill Lennox's Christmas present don't-need-to-return-for-1B call, I offer this inspiration that effort and determination WILL definitely redeem any early struggles.  End New.

To wrap up this section, hi to everyone I know!  If you aren't here, it isn't because I forget you, it's because I forgot to remember you.  (I know, I know, you're wondering, hun?!  Oh, it's from Home Alone 2, btw)  This list will continually be updated, so new names will be added.  Who knows, maybe there's a loop somewhere here, like I know someone from Canada that once ate ice cream beside you in second grade...

No particular order was used for this list.   Those who command respect for obvious reasons though are usually listed first in their "group" of people.  Those who I know under multiple groups are listed in the one that I feel best describes our link to each other.  Those who want their sites or e-mails linked can contact me and I'll fire it up here.  Contact me too, if you don't like the way your name is displayed and would like it displayed differently.

My apologies for misspelled names.  I am not that good with name spelling, but I will make every attempt to correct them.

*Disclaimer: please be aware that some sites are not suitable for innocent audiences.  Ok, so far it's only Vic's site, but yeah, be weary.  This is the internet you know.*

Family--Gary Chan, Terri Chan, Cassie Ng, Christina Chan, Crystal Chan, Melissa Chan (Guestbook), Gene Chan (Guestbook), Aaron Skolnik, Rachel Skolnik, Michelle Siu, Maureen Siu, Ecklum Siu, Eckie Siu.

Delia School of Canada Faculty--Vaughn Blaney, Jack Saddler, Tammie McGee-Warren, John Blaney, Barbara Blaney, Larry Richardson, Eddie Almancio, Gary Donovan, Bryan Turner, Tim MacLean, Jamie O'Connor, Andrew Gallant, Lau Kwok Ling, Peter Farrell, Brent McAvoy, Tina Juurlink, Stephan Kos, Peter Haynes, Todd Viennau.

Delia School of Canada Friends--(waaay long list, but for nearly 10 years there, what do you expect??)  Mark Li, Alicia Alconaba, Francis Chan, Jack Lam, Hankit Lui, Hirofumi Saito, Seiya, Tomohiro Kira, Paul Sin, Albany Yeung, Freddy Chi, Dominic Yip, Thana Manathat, Kevin Chan, Leo Fung, Hidetomo Tanaka, Daniel Chan, Philip Tai, Shuntaro Maruyama, Midori Sai, Mayuko Tetsubayashi, Rie Teraoka, Sai, Carney Tsui, Ivy Chow, Thomas George, Shyam Kumar, Carlo Cruz, Clifford Lau, Rami Hatoum, Frank Hartanto, Rene Chu, Lauren Tung, Miki Tung, Michael Angeles, Kazuaki Shimazaki, Ha Heung Cho, Srinivas Patri, Prashant Rao, Prashant Jairaj, Deepinder Dhillon, Rajarshi, Siddharth Patel, Khawar Aziz, Farhan Ali Awan, Reiner de Guzman, Ivan Szeto, Michael "Now" Lau, Yukie Sai,  Shubra Rao, Wileen Wong, Hinley Lam, Yvette Sung, Ankit Gadi, Cordula, Yuki Ishida, Julia Eng, Nanki Luthra, Anna, Helen, Winda Wandy, Mari Mizobe, Laura Anjani, Sung Hoon Chung, John Shin, Amiya Gupta, Manu Sharma, Yuba.

University of Waterloo Faculty--Bob McKillop, Jeff West, David Brush, Ray Legge, R. Chidichimo, Guenter Shultz, Jiankui Li.

University of Waterloo Friends--Mandi Partlow, Faisal Moledina, Ali Piccioni, Derek, Andrea, Shawn, Ivan, Mike, Haya, Jon, Vlad, Rajat, Simon Tsui, Kenneth Li, Ivan Lee, Alan So, Kenneth Sung, Jowie Tam, Jason Pang.

Baseball--Au Wing Leung, Au Hok Leung, Liang Chi Yuen, Allan Mak, Fan Ka Wor, Wong Sir, Cheun Chi Wai, Apple Sir, Ng Wing Kie, Chin Sir, Jeffery "The Big Unit" Chow, Gary Leung, Lo Chun Leung, Aaron Tsang, Leung Ka Shek, Cheng Ting Fai, Daniel Wu, Billy Lam, Clarence, Albert Wu, Chan Pui Hei, Brian Leung, Rocky Wu, Sherman Kong, Vincent Lam, Vivian Tsang, Alex Lui, Yang Jun Ho.

Pok Sze Tutorial School--*Victoria Poon (go at your own risk!)*, Ellen Chan, Gregory Ng, Jeffery Ng, Corie Sun, Carrie Sun, Brian Cheung.

Swimming--Kelvin Yu, Natalie Chan, Philip Woodhead, Toshio Tangiku.

Drawing--Jacqueline Wong.

Millennium Study Tour--Li Chui Yan, Casty Tsang.

Other great friends--Cara Kwok, Gannon Tong.


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This site was last updated 06/21/03