Reviews for Dishonourable Suffering

Morrigan's Pit

Soul Less Divine comes from London, Canada and "Dishonourable Suffering" is their first full length album and was recorded on 4-track. I thought this was a very interesting album, considering the fact that they are unsigned and they did their best to make a full length album.

Soul Less Divine plays a mix of death/grind/melodic/black metal, which sounds very killer. It's got speed, aggression and sudden breaks in between the songs, what more could you ask for? Their vocalist has a very good voice and he has a lot of variation, he grunts, he growls, he does it all. As for their musicianship, I think they have the skills and some very creative ideas. Their tracks are filled with pure raw energy, are there's a lot of variation in every song. Almost every track has melodic parts, sudden changes, breaks and fast parts all mixed into them. The other thing I forgot to mention was that these guys often add acoustic parts in the middle of their songs. They kinda remind me of that Dissection track; "Where Dead Angels Lie". The only thing I have to comment on is the production quality, it could have been better. It wasn't terrible but I thought it was a shame because the production quality kinda drags this album down. These guys have the potential and make kick ass music. But that's all I'm going to say about the production quality because I read that it was recorded on a 4-track in two days, so considering those facts it turned out great. I also know that the album was self-financed so I've got to give those guys credit for making work of this quality, the album front and back cover was professionally done, awesome.

I really like this cd, the tracks are great and I would recommend this to any fan of brutal extreme metal who doesn't like to bitch about the production quality of every album. The only thing I would advice them is to next time try and go to a professional studio. That's about it, be sure to check out this album.

Ali "The Metallian"

Soul Less Divine is not a new Canadian band, but the London-based boys have managed to remain as underground as possible. Until now that is. The current demo is a professional full-length CD with great artwork and a professional sound. On the disc the quartet presents a brutal and pounding metal unit with an emphasis on the low-end and the infusion of acoustic breaks here and there. The music alternates between fast and mid-paced, the growls are sinister, foreboding and interspersed with the mimicked howl of wind and the lyrics of the Cryptopsy school of sicker than sick variety. In fact, comparisons can be drawn between this band and former Londoners Blood of Christ. Then again, the band is missing a few guitar solos in its repertoire. The disc is inexpensive at $5 Canadian so write to or visit for information.

This first full album from London's Soul Less Divine shows the influences of some seminal London death bands, namely Summertime Daisies and Blood of Christ, both of which are bands to know from London's early to mid-90's death metal scene. With frequent tempo changes, the occassional bass and acoustic breaks, and a very deep growl, this is truly music to 'bang to. If you're confused about which seminal band can be heard in which part, let me clear it up for you. Summertime Daisies were all about brutal sound, Blood of Christ have always had cool breaks in their songs. The production quality has improved immensely over that of SLD's previous demo, '...Blasted With Disgrace", but for those unfamiliar with death metal, it may still feel a bit low-end heavy. That being said, some songs, such as Dark Plague of Perplexity borrow the distant guitar quality found so often in black metal, to the point where the first bit of this song reminds me a bit of some Primordial. My favorite track on the album is #7 "Summoning the Slaves of Worship", with its catchy main riff, pounding drums, and nice, deep, Daisies-esque growls. Brutal sound with a strong melody (but not even close to being "melodic death metal"), with somewhat sudden acoustic breaks, this is definitely an album to check out.


The first thing that comes to mind when I gave this disc a spin was Deicide slowed down (although - this isn't exactly a dirge-like experience). Soul Less Divine dwell in London, but not England - Ontario, Canada! "Dishonourable Suffering" consists of 9 sweltering tracks with a running time reaching around 40 minutes. This demo of sorts is just flat-out guttural death metal aggression with very little harmony except for maybe the acoustic parts. I see a lot of bands doing this these days; I just hope bands don't start doing it for trend-sake. I like the acoustic stuff, though, and I also like the old-school death style mixed along with it. The production is a bit lacking, but it's pretty good considering the disc was recorded on a digital 4 track! You can definitely make more out of this than over 75% of the black metal population. The booklet artwork with the album is actually very good. Anyways, these guys aren't that bad at all. I'm sure if they get into a more professional studio and maybe get signed, they'll be able to bring it with the best of them! For fans of old-school death metal.

Hyperblast Universe

I don't know where shall I start to write an opinion for this Ontario's band, the production for this debut album is poor because it was recorded on 4 track, I think it could be good as a debut album if these guys rent a good studio with nice digital multi track. Musically, Soul Less Divine play unique death / grind, sometime they remind me to Blood Of Christ. I really interest to Chris Gooding's vocal character that will be match for brutal death metal band, his iron throat is so powerful ripping through all of " Dishonourable Suffering " songs, the guitar and drums are quite extreme but need to be polish. Anyway...I'll looking forward for their next campaign which has brought the band to their current stature in the scheme of reaction. Let the beckoning reigns!

Metal Invader

Being an ongoing concern for almost six years, Ontario’s, SOULLESS DIVINE, self financed and released their latest album entitled “Dishonourable Suffering”. In these nine songs, the Canadians offer us their take on today’s death metal reality, a brutal death metal universe, full of rapid drum parts, marshy vocals and chaotic bass lines. Actually, the whole production is swampy and I don’t know if they did it because they intended it to sound sludgy or if it happened accidentally. Personally, I didn’t like this mix, because it’s like listening to brutal death metal from the likes of Cannibal Corpse with a terrible production. Despite this fact the band has some really clever ideas and personally I believe that the first two songs (“Despised Archangel of the Abysmal Light” and “Atrocity among carnal rapture”) are the best in this album. I recommend this release for the die hard brutal death metal fans, but the rest of you better listen first and then buy it if you like it.

Midwest Metal

From the eerie outset of Track One ("Despised Archangel of Abysmal Light"), and all the way through to the end, Soul Less Divine deftly mixes Black Metal atmosphere with Death Metal brutality. Don't let the clean cut appearance of these four lads fool you; They possess a heart of darkness that is put forth very well in their lyrics (A good example: Track 2, "Atrocity Among Carnal Rapture"). In terms of sheer musicianship, this band possesses a stripped down yet intense sound that is the stuff of Dante's fevered nightmares. This is a CD I would recommend to any metal fan of extreme metal.