Top Ten Things We Missed Out On Seeing If There Had Been A 2002 Nurses' Ball


10) Lucy and Don fighting over the arrangement of things.

9) Alison putting on a show with her magic candles.

8) Edward in a tutu...jk, but let's see him up on stage w/ those feathers again!

7) Lucy ending up in her underwear...yet again.

6) Lucy and Katherine fighting over the Deception and Jacks Cosmetics free samples on every table...Oh wait, nevermind, that was a few years ago and Katherine is dead...

5)'ve gotta sing that song again!

4) Livvie trying to keep Rafe at the cabin while keeping up appearances at the same time.

3) Lucy's 50 different outfits.

2) Elton's incredible rendition of "I'm So Pretty"

And the #1 Thing We Missed Out On Seeing If There Had Been A 2002 Nurses' Ball...

1) Robin making her HIV/AIDS speech on stage and oh, btw, ANNA IS ALIVE!

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