Top Ten Rejected Story Arc Ideas


10) Chris finds a bottle with a beautiful genie inside. Doree gets jealous.

9) Big Foot has been sighted! Victor is on his trail...

8) Something freaky is going on in Rafe and Alison's new's haunted!

7) Serena discovers that she has the ability to understand what animals are saying when Sigmund the duck quacks at her one day...yeah right, like they would give Serena a front-burner storyline :-(

6) Aliens come to Port Charles and beam up Livvie!

5) During the Scanlon's St. Patrick's Day Party, an evil little leprechaun that's been hiding in the walls stirs up trouble...WHERE'S ME GOLD?! Ian knows the answer...

4) Christina's imaginary friend isn't so imaginary anymore...and he's causing all sorts of mischief in Port Charles!

3) Werewolves invade Port Charles - and someone's been bitten...

2) Frank and Karen marry and decide to have a baby, but they have trouble conceiving. They know the problem is not with Frank b/c he is "Mr. Fertile", so Karen goes through fertility tests...hey, that's not supernatural...that's out!

And the #1 Rejected Story Arc Idea...

1) You've watched Livvie as she struggled to be with a vampire, and you've watched Alison as she struggled to be with an watch Jack as he struggles to be with his love...a mermaid.

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