Counting plays a crucial role in probability theory. One basic principle of counting is the Multiplication Principle that allows counting objects that are constructed in successive steps by multiplying together the numbers of ways of doing each step. As an example: if there are 4 choices for an appetizer and four choices for a main dish, the total number of dinners is 4 * 4 = 16. In order to count the total number of objects in disjoint

sets of objects, Addition Principle is used. As an example, suppose that within a set of strings, two start with a and four start with b. Then 2 + 4 + 6 start with either a or b.

  A permutation of n distinct elements x1, …, xn is an ordering of n elements x1,…, xn. Using the Multiplication Principle, a permutation of n (n!) elements can be constructed in n successive steps. n! = N(n-1)(n-2)…2 * 1. A combination is a selection of objects without regard to order. The number of r-combinations of n-element set is denoted C(n, r) and is calculated  by the formula: n!/(n –r)!r!.

 Discrete probability is used to compute the chance that an event happens in a sample space. The probability P(E) is: P(E) = |E|/|S|. Imagine A and B are events. Then:

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P( A and B).

A probability given that some event occurred is called a conditional probability. Let C and D be events. The conditional probability of E given F is: P(C|D) = P(C and D)/P(D).

  Pattern recognition places items into various classes based on features of the items.

Bayes’ Theorem  is useful in computing the probability of a class given a set of features.

The binomial theorem can be used to expand expressions. If a and b are real numbers and


n is a positive integer, then (a+b)^n = ΣC(n, k)a^n-kb^k. The numbers C(n, k) are known

                                                           K = 0


binomial coefficients.





1. Probability is used in the field of Computational Statistics 


2. Probability is also used in the design of Stochastic Networks 




1. What is the probability that a living person be strike by lighting?

2. Can anybody state a fourth form of the Pigeonhole Principle?