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If you have understood all the aspects of step one and thinks and feels that you can do it by yourself, then it is fine. Start it, right now. But if you feel that you need some assistance in this regards. We have OBMeM (a training program) for you. First-time in Pakistan, this powerful latest idea was created and promoted by Syed Najam Aziz Ahmed [Director, PC Softweb] for educated (experienced and non-experienced) persons, that will help them to start their own online business without investment. One of his article, on this topic, has also been published at www.insideoffice.com (an international online magazine) in its Dec. 29, 2000 Edition. Click here to confirm its publication.

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What is OBMeM [Online Business Management & eMarketing]?
OBMeM is a training program that tells you how you can utilize your professional skills, how you can start, manage and promote your own online business successfully, not only in your city, even worldwide. You will also learn how to get a lot of advantages via internet for absolutely FREE! 

What will you LEARN in OBMeM and what advantages will you GET for absolutely FREE?
Here is a list about what will you learn in OBMeM program and what will you get absolutely FREE! on completion of OBMeM:

  • Startup – Understanding the business type, nature of business, its system, its market, products & services.

  • Free Domain & Free Web Hosting

  • Web site Designing - Design web site for your business by yourself (designing experience is not necessary)

  • Publishing & Updating the files on web servers.

  • Tips & Tricks - for web designing & web promotion.

  • Home-based business… You can start here in Pakistan!

  • Advertising Techniques that are result-oriented

  • DOs & DON'Ts - in web development & web promotion.

  • Great Ideas, Tools & techniques to start, manage and promote your business online & offline.

  • How to get more hits and increase sales?

  • Is it enough to have a web site for business promotion?

  • How to get success in business & life?

  • How to get great ad response? Tips to analyze a website…

  • How to get return visitors on your website?

  • URL Submission to 110 search engines (including Yahoo!)

  • Search Engine Optimization - Techniques and ideas to list your web site URL in top pages in search engines.

  • Business Details (Company Profile) Submission to 20 Online Business Directories.

  • Get site statistics - Hit Counter, Visitors Profile, Referrer, Page Views. 

  • Use Java Scripts/CGI in your web sites without programming experience

  • Free Online Storage - to backup your important documents and files.

  • Learn online & become certified - from an International Online Testing & Certification Company

  • Affiliation/Association Programs - what they are and how to make extra money from them.

  • Get Paid Programs & Referrals 

  • eMarketing - Marketing via Internet

  • Banner Exchange - Exchange banners and get more traffic to your web site.

  • Mailing List - You send ONE email and it reaches to 1000s of clients/subscribers.

  • Autoresponder - Automate your business and save time.

  • Attract & Motivate Visitors - Manage your own message board, offer free email service on your domain (like Yahoo! Mail), if you want visitors to stay at your site for a long time.

  • Message Boards & Forums - for web promotion.

  • Free Email Ad - Post any promotional ad to our 5,000 Subscribers (mostly businesspersons) for Free.

  • Free Banner Ad - our web site gets 500 - 1000 hits a week. Place your banner on our pages for a week for Free.

  • Search-Enabled web site - Let your site visitors find anything from your site or from the web.

  • Skill Promotion - Read experts' articles according to your interest and utilize them for your business promotion.

  • E-Commerce - if you don't want to loose your potential customers [brief guide to make your business e-commerce enable.

  • B2B & B2C – Introduction with details & examples

  • M-Commerce – Introduction to the latest way of doing business.

Now, you have understood, what is OBMeM. The techniques and ideas we provide (most of them) are applied absolutely free of cost. If you think that you know all these things (we have mentioned), you don't need any training. But if you think that OBMeM is a really powerful and unique program and you should get trained. So, please follow to third and final step!


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