Owl's Ghost Stories

Horrifying Asia

Welcome to Horrifying Asia at Owl's Ghost Stories! Here, you will find lots of Asian ghost stories that is hard to come by in Internet, or so I was told. Most stories here are from Malaysia while several others from various parts of Asia. Hope you like them!

Note: You are recommended to start from the first story and follow the first link at the end of each story

Ghosts of Sunway
Stories from Monash University Malaysia/Sunway College

Unpleasant Intrusion
Unpleasant intrusions on a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur.

Lost Child
The soul of child captured by a witch.

He was chosen to die next.

The Mersing Road
Stories from the infamous road of Mersing.

Terror in Our Playland
A beautiful playland in the day; terror beholds in the dark.

Revenge is Sweet
A folklore from Japan about a little girl seeking revenge

Do you believe now?
Sometimes it doesn't pay to be sceptical.

Dead Man Driving
Seen those paper products burnt for the dead? Ever seen them being used?

Devilish Look
A little girl taking an innocent walk to school stumbled upon a lady who gives her a look she never forgets.

Meat Eater from Vietnam
When the demon wants meat, any meat will satisfy its craving, even a baby.

Devils of Kota Belud
When you are in a foreign ground, it's advisable not to offend anybody. Or even better, just leave!

The Roommate That Never Was
Although she had a good roommate, there is a mystery Sarah will never find out.

The Lover of Bukit Nanas
The lover who waited distressingly for her husband to return until she went insane and killed herself.

Berbalangs of Sulu
A man's brave encounter with the man-eating tribe which possess supernatural powers

The Orang Minyak
Check out this ghastly rapist.

Hatred in the Hall
Strong hatred in the ghost of this hall often proves unpleasant to the students.

Voluntary Guard
A friendly and helpful ghost but not a very truthful one!

Night Trail
They were chased on the night trail, but they were keen to find out more.

Favourite Grandson
The favourite grandson is so far away and she sure missed him!

Carrying Her Own Head
An unusual ghost stories from the laundry of a 3-star hotel.

Vale of Tempe
It's always a good idea to listen to advice: Don't use that road at night!

Haunted Bungalow in Penang Hill
Scary ghost stories in a hill holiday resort.

Fisherman's Nightmare
No one thought such a thing would happen in the open sea, in broad daylight.

Ghosts of Setapak
We heard enough of haunted houses, what about haunted housing area?

Can you be reborn to be what others wanted you to be?

Ransacking the Library
The library was ransacked by the ghost!

Penang Bridge
All sorts of happenings on this famous bridge in Malaysia.

Karen, Karen....
Maybe it's better to ignore it and leave it alone.....

Quiet Is Not Always Good
If you are one of those people fond of quiet places to study, this is the story you should read!

Marching Army  
In this particular school in Penang, many reportedly claimed they saw or heard a troop of army marching along the school corridors.

Power of the Dead
The wish of the dead is not to be disregarded.

By Wary!
Some areas aren't as safe as it seems. So, be wary!

Came with the Machine
Ghosts do travel, but this ghost couple seems to be travelling in a weird manner.

Highway Nightmare
One of the best stories about Malaysia vampire.

Badminton Hall
Don't think that a new building can be 'clean'. You just can't tell!

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Owl's Ghost Stories
© by Will Ong since 1997

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of Will Ong.