Newsies Bloopers & Observations
by Penny

~Harharhar! At the end, when they're all chasing after the carriage when Jack climbs in, Blink puts his hand on Mush's shoulder and sticks out his middle finger for just a split second! Harharhar.
    ~As for KONY, I have one question: Who's gonna shove Les into the garbage can? (Don't ask.)
    ~In KONY, there's a hand on Boots' chair and a finger on Les' for just a split second.
    ~Watch Crutchy while he sings "Dat ain't news no more" in CTB. He gets this really sorrowful look on his face.
    ~Pie Eater...we need to talk.
    ~Okay, so Swifty is NOT carrying a big red inflatable saxaphone in STD. Sorry! Sheesh. It looked like a big red inflatable saxaphone to
    ~Les chews his soup. Just swallow, dangit!
    ~"Slider" is the third kid to slide on a paper after STD. When he slides, his shirt is hanging out and he looks like he's wearing a dress.
    ~I want Skittery's pajamas! They look comfortable.
    ~Check out the brim of Jack's hat. It's not a cowboy  hat, it's a frikkin
    ~In TWWK, you can hear somebody shout "Stupid Pulitzer!"
    ~By the way, the guy says "Jack is just that way," not "Jacky just got laid."
    ~When Blink sings "I smell money," Mush's pants are unbuttoned and he's wearing blue boxers. (Hey, I have underwear that color too.) Go Mush!
    ~There's lint on the veil of one of the nuns. I didn't believe that when I read it, but I looked and there really is. A big wad.
    ~When Blink sings "Something tah wake me up," there's a guy standing behind him, mouthing the words.
    ~Since when
did Blink become Specs' mother?
    ~The papers are not fit to the times.
    ~It is commonly believed that Mush accidently calls Blink "Parker," because his real name is Trey Parker, but he doesn't. See, he's repeating what Jack said. He's saying to Blink, "He's perusin' the merchandise!" But if you read his lips, it does look like he's saying "Hey Parker."
    ~At the Jacobs' house, Sarah was asked to get the cake, not the plates.
    ~While Jack is thinking before TWWK, and Blink hands him his cigarette, Jack looks at it like "Eww, Blink germs."
    ~Mush falls during STD. You can hear him yell as he hits the ground.
    ~Crutchy is tall, man! I swear, if he wasn't hunched over, he'd be like six feet. (Okay, not really, but even hunched over he's as tall as Jack.)
    ~In the STD dance reprise, Blink is about two steps behind everyone else. He gets the cutest look on his face when he realizes he's late.
    ~At the rally, when the police charge in, you can see red neon EXIT signs in the back.
    ~At the end, Spot goes from celebrating with Jack, to leading the Brooklynites in about two seconds.
    ~At the end of the movie, David is wearing the clothes that Mush was wearing in the beginning. (Or is that just his undershirt?...)
    ~Watch Blink as he sings "the idiot who wrote it..." in CTB. His mouth looks really funny. It reminds me of a cash register... but that's OK. Lots of things remind me of  cash registers.
    ~While we're on the subject of cash registers, someone has to tell Pulitzer that cash registers do not make stupid little slurpy noises.
    ~Watch Blink in KONY. He really gets into it.
    ~Crutchy starts dancing on both feet during STD.
    ~Race asks Weasel to spot him fifty papes, then lends two bits to Jack, which would have bought him fifty papes.
    ~When the newsies head out to sell papers, and the girl walks past, watch Boots: he tips his hat up, then down, then up and down and up and down... it's so funny.
    ~When Jack knocks on the iron bars of the Refuge window, he does it really daintily and politely. I can just picture him asking Ten Pin if he can borrow a cup of sugar.
    ~Racetrack is supposed to be Italian, but his last name is Higgins, which would make him
Irish or English.
    ~When Spot comes to the rescue with his slings boys, the first guy to get hit by a slingshot is the assistant choreographer. (And Spot never even dances!)
    ~Yah. Nice tonsils, Mush.
    ~During KONY, when Race jumps up on the table and sings "Look at me!..." Dutchy gets this really insulted look on his face, like, "Fine, I'll move my food. Go ahead and dance on the table, see if I care."
     ~I think Mush has a twitching problem. (Uh-oh, Major's gonna kill me.)
     ~Blink's lips are chapped or something, because he's always licking his chops.
     ~When David, Jack, and Les are at Irving Hall, and Les is collecting candy from Toby, ack has to drag David by the bandana around his neck.
     ~"Hey, that's my horse!" Harharharhar.
     ~In the beginning, Jack's vest and Weasel's shirt are the same material. Black with white stripes, ooohhhhh.
     ~As me pal Pixie noticed, Seitz is actually kind of nice. While Pulitzer's talking about raising the price being good for the newsies, he's just looking at him like,"Yeah, Joe, and what color is the sky in your world?"
     ~Denton has the worst taste in bowties.
     ~I love the outfit Blink wears in the end! (I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.)
     ~When Les yells "Strike!" David practically strangles him.
     ~The blond kid that apears in TWWK has the best angry face. We call him Happy.
     ~When  Mush jokingly punches Jack in CTB, it looks like he's actually hurting him.
     ~When the Newsies toast Denton, Mush doesn't get a glass so he and Blink share one.
     ~At the end Race learns the hard way not to go with out suspenders. :)
     ~At the dock in Brooklyn, there's a string in the back of Spot's shirt sticking out.        
     ~I love the look on Boots' face when Spot breaks the wine bottle! He's like, "Okay, if I back away real slowly..."    
     ~David starts talking all tough when he's explaining things to Spot.
     ~When Race says, "Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma?" Snipeshooter sniffs himself.
     ~When David is talking about how his father got fired, he looks at Jack and laughs a little bit, like "He's got no union to protect him... tee hee..."
     ~Racetrack's teeth are so annoying! Seriously, is that just me? Or does anyone else just feel like knocking out Race's front teeth? Snitch too. I know it's 1899, but do their teeth really have to stick out?
     ~During TWWK, right before the line "And the world will learn," Mush has to hold his hat on his head to keep it from flying off.

~All right! So Swifty isn't wearing a Flintstones band-aid on his hand. There is nothing wrong with seeing Flintstones band-aids everywhere, is there?

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