The Yankee and the Rebel

About the Yankee

Early in 1997, I received an Email from Kenneth Byrd in Indianapolis, IN. about my Web Page concerning my ancestors who fought in the 11th Arkansas Infantry in the Civil War. Since Kenneth had an ancestor who fought in the 11th/17th Consolidated Infantry from Arkansas, we found a common interest. After many weeks of exchanging email about the Civil War, we considered the possibility of starting a Web Site about the Civil War with special interest in the 11/17th Arkansas. ( The foundation for our WWW address: Pentagon/1117 ) We each had at least one Merit ! I had knowledge of HTML Publishing, and Kenneth was a walking encyclopedia of the Civil War and had plenty of Civil War ancestors to write about. AND SO, Kenneth flooded me with Photos and Information and I went to work....

A few months ago, after several months and 3000 hits on our Web Site, Kenneth informed me that he planned a trip to New Orleans and indicated he would like to stop by for a visit and a chance to visit some Arkansas Battle Grounds. Kenneth arrived one weekend and he and I and my wife took a few Battle Tours of Mark's Mill, Arkansas Post, and Jenkin's Ferry. We spent two very enjoyable days of sight seeing and are now best of friends...well after all, he has some Rebel relatives !

Kenneth ByrdKenneth Byrd at Mark's Mill

Born in Phoenix, Arizona 1951; graduated Arizona State University, B.S. 1973; graduated University of Washington, Ph.D. 1979; Assistant Professor of Anatomy 1981-87; Associate Professor of Anatomy 1988-? at Indiana Univ. Medical School. Father born in Texas, mother born in Michigan - told stories by father about his grandma Bishop during 4th of July celebrations in 1920s West Texas; she would sit quietly during the playing of "Star-Spangled Banner", but would jump up and give a "loud Rebel yell" when the band played "Dixie". No indication of Yankee ancestors on mother's side until discovered the last few years. YOU too might have a "Yankee in your woodpile"!!!

Ken has a wife, Elizabeth ( Neurologist ), and a daughter, Catherine. It should also be noted that Catherine's great-great-grandfather, Pvt. Elam Carr Hamilton, Co. F, 9th Alabama Infantry, was surrendered at Appomattox; one of about 40 individuals who survived out of the original regiment of over 1,000 men. Ken marvels at the apparent Cosmic Significance of his wife/daughter's ancestor having survived the campaigns of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia and such battles as Gaines Mill (wounded), 2nd Manassas, Sharpsburg, Salem Church, Pickett's Charge, The Wilderness (wounded), Spottsylvania, and The Crater.

About the Rebel

Wayne Beck was born in Memphis, Tenn. on January 12, 1942 and grew up in Texarkana, Arkansas, graduating from Texarkana, Ar. High School in 1960 and attended 2 years at Texarkana Junior College before going to work for Cotton Belt Railway as a Switchman in 1963. He later moved to Pine Bluff, Arkansas and has been employed by Cotton Belt / SP / Union Pacific for 34 years. Wayne and his wife Nedreva have been interested in genealogy for about 5 years and as a result of all the research became interested in the Civil War since both have encestors who fought in the Civil War. It turns out that Wayne and Kenneth both had ancestors that fought at Gaines Mill during the Seven Days Battle.

Wayne at Mark's MillWayne Beck at Mark's Mill

Wayne discovered the Internet and it's wealth of Genealogy and Civil War information and also became interested in HTML Publishing and began teaching himself how to design Web Sites. He now has several Web Sites on the WWW and works most of his spare time keeping them up.

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