Welcome to Enlisted Man's Guestbook

Kenneth Byrd - 12/05/00 01:30:15
My Email:kbyrd@iupui.edu
Home Town: Indianoplace, IN

HAPPY 29K HITS, EMWS!!!!! A quote from Colonel Edward Bacon, 6th Michigan Volunteers, describing one day during the siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana, 1863: "Along the enemy's fortifications the dingy-clad soldiers show themselves, some sitting lazily on their parapet watching us. With a spy-glass I take a good view of these Rebel soldiers. Here, not over 300 yards from me, sits one of the Rebel defenders of Port Hudson. He wears a slouched hat, a dingy gray shirt, and pants of the same color; his hunter's bullet pouch and powder horn are hung across his breast in backwoods style; his feet are bare, and as he gazes at us silently he reminds us of Daniel Boone."

John O'Neal - 11/17/00 22:30:51
My Email:JAOARM@aol.com
Home Town: Embreeville, PA

Trying to drum up recruits for Bradbury Camp #149, SUVCW. Nice site and I will look around a bit.

John Williams - 11/13/00 20:03:30
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/CSA51stVaInf/51stVirginia
My Email:CSA51stVaInf@webtv.net
Home Town: Columbia, SC

Great site! Nice graphics.

Randy Frazier - 11/13/00 16:30:39
My URL:http://www.rrfrazier.com
My Email:cilrandy@bellsouth.net
Home Town: B'ham Al.

Great Site! I am researching General Wirt Adams. Any info please? RRF

Craig Albrechtson - 10/20/00 02:50:23
My Email:cra1@execpc.com
Home Town: Waukesha, WI

Very Good site you have. My GGG grandfather, Garrett VanFleet was in the 77th Ohio Inf, Co F. He was captured at the Battle of Marks, Mills, AR. In the same battle his brother was MIA. I am very intersted in the Battle of Marks Mills, Arkansas because of my family connection to it.

jeanne coakley millman - 10/15/00 14:46:44
My Email:raymondhmillman@msn.com
Home Town: Rancho palos verdes, CA

My gggrandfather, John Warden, is listed in a Stewart Co., Tn book as having enlisted at Fort Donelson in 1861 in the 50th Infantry and discharged in 1863. I enjoyed your site. Maybe my relative was next to yours in the Feb. 14 battle, I just rec'd this i fo yesterday, and now need to order records. Great site!!, Jeanne

Linda Davenport - 09/29/00 04:30:34
My Email:dlkkport@gte.net
Home Town: Baytown, TX

I am researching John BYFORD, private in 19th Dawson's Arkansas Infantry, CSA, Company B (also listed as John BYFIELD). He was captured and became ill and, I believe, discharged. He never fully recovered. Family lore has it that he entered a mental fac lity in Washington. Unknown if that means Arkansas or D. C. Any information regarding this facility would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me by e-mail. Thanks.

Billy Saunders - 08/15/00 03:36:45
My Email:semfi@searchalot.com
Home Town: Whitesville, Wv.

Just getting started.

James Renfro - 06/13/00 13:29:22
My Email:jwrenfro@peoplepc.com
Home Town: Mocksville, NC

Liked your info. Of course, anything that has to do with our Southern ancestors is good. I had ancestors that fought with NC troops, the 7th Ky Mtd Inf, 12th Ky, and 33rd Tn Inf (Co C). Long live the South and may we always preserve the memories of our ancestors. James Renfro

Kenneth Byrd - 05/25/00 02:51:57
Home Town: Naptown, USA

BELATED HAPPY 26K HITS, EMWS!!!! -- from the narrative of Pvt. Jno. O. Casler, Co. A, 33d VA Inf., describing the carnage after the battle of Chancellorsville, VA, May 1863: "The dead and badly wounded from both sides were lying where they fell. The wood , taking fire that night from the shells, burnt rapidly and roasted the wounded men alive. As we went to bury them we could see where they had tried to keep the fire from them by scratching the leaves away as far as they could reach. But it availed not; they were burnt to a crisp. The only way we could tell to which army they belonged was by turning them over and examining their clothing where they lay close to the ground. There...we could see whether they wore the blue or grey. We buried them all alik by covering them up with dirt where they lay. It was the most sickening sight I saw during the war, and I wondered whether the American people were civilized or not, to butcher one another in that manner; and I came to the conclusion that we were barbar ans, North and South alike."

Lisa W. - 05/24/00 15:51:03
My Email:lmw66@yahoo.com
Home Town: PA

I happened upon your site and was amazed to finally see proof that the "dollar" bill that I have from North Carolina is actual money! If you have any more info on the currency of the era or any links to other sites that do have more info, I'd truly apprec ate it. Thanks, Lisa W.

L W. McKinney - 05/22/00 13:21:16
My Email:lwm@d-k.com
Home Town: Danville, Va.


Kevin Coers, Jr. - 05/21/00 02:53:19
My URL:http://www.mypage.org/CSA
My Email:generaloliver@yahoo.com
Home Town: IL

Really Great Page. God Save the South

CLIFF KALASH - 04/24/00 04:57:50


Kenneth Byrd - 04/21/00 16:46:32
Home Town: Naptown, Indiana

BELATED HAPPY 25K HITS, EMWS!!!!!! Obscure historical fact (tm.) -- During the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia by General Robert E. Lee at Appomattox in April of 1865, General Lee noticed an uniformed aide to General U.S. Grant, Colonel (later General) Ely S. Parker - a full-blooded Seneca Indian from NY state. General Lee supposedly addressed him: "I am glad to see there is at least one real American here." To which Colonel Parker replied, "We are ALL Americans here today." Colonel Parker w ote out the actual documents of surrender agreed to by Generals Lee and Grant that day in 1865.

Craig Hensel - 04/08/00 01:53:57
My Email:Johnny Reb 100
Home Town: Fayettville N.C

Yes, My name is Craig Hensel Im with the 51st North Carolina Company K, part of the Tarheel Guards. And I just want to say its my pleasure to be a Confederate Reenactor. My uncle Kenny he is with one of you alls units. I dont know which one. Well indeed must say to you fine and organized, and well-being friends, "My Compliments to the Arkansas Regiment. Pvt. Craig Hensel 51st NCT Co. K

Lee Ginn, Jr. (27thSCVI) - 03/31/00 18:51:51
My Email:Dangan4Fil@aol.com
Home Town: charleston, SC

Hey Pards, Excellent site; great information; enjoyed my stay, but now must move along back to my southern borders. My greatgrandfather Pitts fought for the SC 9th & later the 27th SCVI; Battery Wagner & on up to Petersburg where he was subsequently captured. From here he was sent to the infamous Elmira Union Prison for a glorious year. Take care my friends and keep up the good work - both sides need it! Lee

bruce cheaves - 03/17/00 23:28:25
My Email:bkka4@aol.com
Home Town: louisburg nc

loved it to hear DIXIE just sends goosebumps all over me. Louisburg is home of the first official Confederate Flag. thanks

Kenneth Byrd - 03/08/00 02:24:09
Home Town: Indianoplace USA

Happy 24K hits, EMWS!!!!!! Quote without comment from a Rebel participant in the battle of Cedar Mountain, VA (Aug. 9, 1862), Corporal George M. Neese, Chew's Virginia Battery, Robertson's Brigade: "Ah, my silent friends! You came down here to invade out homes and teach us how to wear the chains of subordination and reverence a violated constitution. In the name of Dixie we bid you welcome to your dreamless couch under the sod that drank your bloo , and may God have mercy on your poor souls and forgive you for all the despicable depredations that you committed since you crossed the Potomac."

Douglas N. Taylor - 02/27/00 19:02:58
My Email:straightedge@schweg.com
Home Town: Pleasant Plains

I enjoyed the site and also the music.

danny perryman - 02/11/00 19:52:57
My Email:perryrlt@earthlink.net
Home Town: alexander,ar

I am searching for a roster of co I, 11th Arkansas infantry around may 1862 at camp douglas, my great grandfather was captured on island 10 and died at camp douglas may 9, 1862. I am also searching for his gravesite. thank you

Larry Heck - 02/02/00 06:16:23
My Email:lheck@ccdi.net
Home Town: LaFollette, TN

Great site, I'm with the 63rd TN. Vol. Inf.So keep up the good work, I really enjoyed it.

john jarrett - 01/25/00 16:02:44
My Email:bogusj@netzero.net
Home Town: dallas,nc

very interesting!..jj

pvt jim "gus" Filegar - 01/15/00 23:08:10
My Email:stermarfan@aol.com
Home Town: 20th maine reg. co h.


Jeffrey E. Stevens - 11/29/99 19:10:23
My Email:gruf@mindspring.com
Home Town: Appling GA

Greetings also from the 48th Geo Infantry/2nd Co. 121st OVI, keep up the good work and thanks. Gruf

Art Green - 11/12/99 15:53:19
My Email:art-karengreen@worldnet.att.net
Home Town: Mobile, Ala.

Great site. Greetings from the 38th Alabama Infantry Volunteers. CSA Deo Vincice.

Edgar Miller - 11/09/99 18:27:26
My URL:http://oocities.com/amusbiz
My Email:edgar_miller@hotmail.com
Home Town: Grafton, WV

Am currently looking for a relative of mine, William Jasper Brown, who served in the CSA infantry during the Civil War. Almost no information exists where I am, and am trying to find the name of the Regiment he was in. I also know that he was captured and spent a great deal of time in a POW camp, although which one is unclear.

JOHN KAPPEN - 10/15/99 00:27:23
Home Town: ELGIN IL


carl hannon - 10/12/99 18:34:09
My Email:papa1999@mediaone.net
Home Town: randolph

just great,my grandfathers served in the war

M. Fillmoore - 10/10/99 23:00:45
My Email:F0RREST44@yahoo.com

SItes good, don't forget that General Archer was prisoned at Fort Delaware before Johnsons island. He was sent to Charleston from fort delaware then to johnsons island. I have the research if you want it.

Kenneth Byrd - 10/06/99 03:53:29
Home Town: aboriginally, Phx, AZ

IN CELEBRATION OF 20K HITS FOR THE EMWS!!!!!!! The following is an excerpt from Walt Whitman's "Memoranda During The War" (1875): "The War, though with two sides, really ONE IDENTITY (as struggles, furious conflicts of Nature, for final harmony.) - The Soil it bred and ripen'd from - the North as responsible for it as the South. - Of the War of Attempted Secession - the greatest Nat onal event of the first Century of the United States, and one among the great events of all Centuries - the main points of its origin, and the conditions out of which it arose, are full of lessons, full of warnings yet to the Republic, and always will be. The underlying and principal of those points are yet singularly ignored. The Northern States were really just as responsible for that War, (in its precedents, foundations, instigations,) as the South." "As to slavery, abstractly and practically, (its idea, and the determination to establish and expand it, especially in the new Territories, the future America,) it is too common, I say, to identify it exclusively with the South. In fact down to the openi g of the War, the whole country had about an equal hand in it. The North had at least been just as guilty, if not more guilty; and the East and West had. The former Presidents and Congresses had been guilty - the Governors and Legislatures of every Nort ern State had been guilty, and the Mayors of New York and other northern cities had all been guilty - their hands were all stain'd."

Jane Templeton Cato - 09/28/99 03:31:10
My Email:2catojc@bellsouth.net


Stuart Underwood - 09/26/99 11:38:50
My Email:stu@ncweb.com
Home Town: Painesville, Ohio

Great site. Very informative. Enjoyed it.

mark swindle - 08/25/99 15:53:46
My Email:mvswindle@getaway.net
Home Town: russellville al.

I was looking for a screen saver if you know of one let me know.

Sandy Kicker - 08/24/99 14:08:04
My Email:skicker@stockton.k12.mo.us
Home Town: Stockton, MO


Pete - 08/24/99 05:52:56
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Pentagon/Bunker/8150
My Email:cof_9thva@hotmail.com
Home Town: Toledo, Ohio

It's gonna be a l-o-n-g night looking at this site! I'm the webmaster for the 9th Virginia, Co. F re-enacting unit based out of Toledo, Ohio a family unit with members all over Northern Ohio. Your site sure has driven me to do more research as well as b tter our site! THANKS!!

Kenneth Byrd - 07/02/99 23:55:30
Home Town: Phoenix, AZ (aboriginally!)

As a WBTS/CW hybrid (ancestors on BOTH sides!), I found the following from the United States Civil War Center to be interesting: ..."Reconciliation is the achievement of a mutual understanding of how two parties fell into conflict and an agreement to work together to heal the wounds of that conflict."... ..."Reconciliation assumes that no part of Civil War history is the exclusive property of any group, Northern or Southern, but that IT BELONGS TO ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS (emphasis mine, KEB), however recent their citizenship, as the shared history of our un ivided nation."..... HAPPY 17K HITS, EMWS!!!!!!!

Kenneth Byrd - 07/01/99 03:16:02
Home Town: Naptown, Indiana

Wowser!!! HAPPY 17K HITS, EMWS!!!!!! Coming one of these days, the finished bio/narrative of Edgard D. Demarest, 115th NY Inf. Wonder if Der Webmeister, Herr Beck, wants some more of Kennie's ancestors in the 8th Michigan Inf., Fristoe's MO Cav. CSA, or the obscure Clardy's Battn. MO Cav. CSA for posting...........???? ;-D

Bill - 06/24/99 00:30:08
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/3399
My Email:blackpowderbill@yahoo.com
Home Town: Born Moundsville ,WVa

Nice page great tune! Regards Bill

Doyle O. Wilson,Jr. - 06/23/99 22:18:55
My Email:doyleo@altavista.net
Home Town: Gurdon,Arkansaw

Wonderful,informative site. Keep up the good work,ya'll. If you could,sometime,please enter some information on The 4th Arkansaw Infantry Regiment from Calhoun County.My Great,Great Grandaddy Isaac Perry Haynes, served in this outfit.I think He was mustered in at Fort Smith sometime in 1862,and served in The Battle of Elkhorn Tavern.I would appretiate anything you could give me. Thank You.

Pat Fuller - 06/09/99 17:06:59
My Email:fullerpa@pilot.msu.edu
Home Town: Eagle, MI

I enjoyed reading about PVT. Demarest. I was expecially interested because my gg-uncle was a memeber of the 19th Michigan, Co. C and imprisoned at Libbey Prison also. His name was Joseph Polite. After he was released from the prison and recovered from his wounds, he later joined 1st Michigan Lt. Artillery Battery D. I will come back and visit your page again.

Kenneth Byrd - 06/02/99 21:36:43
Home Town: Naptown, Indiana!!!

HAPPY 16K HITS, EMWS!!!!!!!!! Coming soon, bio of Pvt. Mark McMullen, Co. E, Dawson's 19th Arkansas Infantry, CSA......!!!!

Charlene Peel - 05/29/99 17:01:46
My Email:rpeel@inland.net
Home Town: Jonesboro/Paragould

My great great grandfather David Griffin was in the Civil War. he lived in Lafayette Co. Arkansas and went across the border into Texas and joined Company D of the 19th Regiment of Texas Infantry. He died 17th or 19th Nov. 1862 in Arkadelphia. I don't kno if from wounds or illness. His personel effects were sent home by Capt.C.S Marshall from Camp Bayou Meto, Ark. His widow was Ann Eliza (Stuckey) Griffin. His daughter Sarah Jane Griffin was my Great Grandma. Does any one have any info. on Camp Bayou Me o? or any battles there? or a hospital in Arkadelphia? He had been listed at home ill in Sept. & Oct. and reported dead 17th Nov. home was in Lafayette Co, Ark. probably 75 or 100 miles away. Perhaps he had recovered and returned to the fighting? why did e die in Arkadelphia in Clark Co.? can anyone help me unravel this mystery? Thanks, Charlene Peel

Thomas F. Broadaway - 05/25/99 03:06:55
My Email:tombway@yahoo.com
Home Town: Jonesboro, Arkansas

Now living in Florida.

Tim Beeck - 05/16/99 18:31:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~thewonderdog
My Email:patriot@warwick.net
Home Town: Wantage, NJ


David J Mikell - 05/05/99 16:47:07
My Email:2Gator@bigfoot.com
Home Town: LaFayette,Georgia

I like your site very much,i was doing some re- search for someone,found your pages,real nice.I found a couple who are distant kin to me,G.W &W.L. Mikel of co. C 11TH/17TH,KEEP UP GOOD WORK!!! I will be back. David J Mikell

tiffany - 04/25/99 16:57:56
Home Town: madera

These storys are bone chilling and make you wounder what kind of a person could do something like that.I have such sorrow for the victoms and there familys.I was surprised about the truth of these murders.

- 04/21/99 23:22:09


Kenneth Byrd - 04/21/99 17:30:36
Home Town: Indianoplace

HAPPY 15K HITS EMWS.....!!!!!!!!! "To speak the name of the dead is to make them live again!!" (attributed to the Egyptian Book of the Dead). Also, "History is Prologue" (on entrance of the National Archives in Washington, D.C.)

Frederica Wyatt - 04/10/99 18:20:47
My Email:burtwyatt@sat.net
Home Town: Junction, Texas

Ken, this is wonderful! I plan to spend more time at this website.

Roger Rowlett - 04/09/99 16:50:20
My URL:http://www.americasroof.com/ms.html
My Email:roger.rowlett@americasroof.com
Home Town: Maryville, Missouri

Great page! Check out my page on Woodall Mountain (Mississippi's highest point -- and an important part of the Battle of Iuka). http://www.americasroof.com/ms.html

Stephen Durr - 03/30/99 20:32:59
My Email:steve@durr.demon.co.uk
Home Town: London

Pvt. William Washington Durr. Thanks for putting up the story of one of my ancestors it was great to read that he distinguished himself in battle.Many thanks once again Stephen Durr.

J.D. User - 03/25/99 12:46:11
My Email:jduser@podunk.com
Home Town: Moscow, Ark.

Keep up the good work, our Great Grandpaws would be proud!

martin moseley - 03/14/99 07:31:12
My Email:fristark@soark.net
Home Town: pine bluff ark

well done 1st arkansas inf co .d

Syble Duke - 03/06/99 22:09:45
My Email:brduke@ipa.net
Home Town: Jonesboro, Ar.

Enjoyed your site as most homegrown Arkansans will.

Don Thore - 03/02/99 16:38:39
My URL:http://www.shucks.net
My Email:shux99@hotmail.com
Home Town: Dixie

Howdy! You've got a great page that seems to improve everytime I visit. Keep up the good work!

David W. Primrose - 02/16/99 23:43:19
Home Town: Page Az.

I am looking for someone who would be interseted in putting some civil war letters on a web sight. Please contact me at P.O. box 3432 Page Az 86040.

James Mitchell Byrd - 02/08/99 16:43:18
My Email:sheilabyrd-westover@juno.com
Home Town: Humboldt TN

My grandfather, Ossie Freeman Byrd, traveled from Obion county/Reelfoot lake area to Crocket county TN to marry. My info not handy at this time but the areas crisscross. nice to meet you. mitchell

Diane Freeman - 01/23/99 17:23:13
My Email:dianefreeman@webtv.net
Home Town: Macomb. IL

Very informative site. I had an uncle killed at Jenkins Ferry, so I am always looking for info an that battle for my genealogy research. Good job.

Kenneth Byrd - 01/07/99 05:41:45
Home Town: Indianoplace

HAPPY 12K HITS, EMWS!!!! Coming soon to EMWS: a list of all members of both the 17th Arkansas and 11th & 17th Consolidated Arkansas Infantries.....ouch, my aching eyes!!!!! ;-D

H. L. Phillips - 01/06/99 04:50:40
My Email:hlp@txk.net
Home Town: Texarkana, AR

I really enjoyed this. Thanks for all your trouble. H.L.Phillips

- 01/01/99 15:20:26
My URL:http://www.access-isp.com
Location: USA

Hello, Happy New Year! I was just at a website that offers UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS for JUST $13.95/mo!

Bill Garrett - 01/01/99 03:07:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland.Cottage/1171/
My Email:TSNTobias@aol.com
Home Town: Coweta, Ok.

Great site. I am new to the web page area and was curious. Can you tell me how I can get my site to come up on searched items and how did you get the music to play. Thanks, Bill Garrett

Bill Garrett - 01/01/99 03:06:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Cottate/1171/
My Email:TSNTobias@aol.com
Home Town: Coweta, Ok.

Great site. I am new to the web page area and was curious. Can you tell me how I can get my site to come up on searched items and how did you get the music to play. Thanks, Bill Garrett

David McCoy - 12/30/98 00:44:01
My URL:http://seark.net
My Email:mccoy@seark.net
Home Town: Star City Arkansas

I really enjoyed it and will look at again soon.

Paul - 11/29/98 04:40:11
My URL:http://www.shinbiro.com/~PMOADE/
My Email:pmoade@usa.net
Home Town: Jacksonville

Hello Kenneth. Nice job on your Enlisted Man's CW site. Good info on the battles fought by the Arkansas Mounted Infantry. Best of luck to you.



Richard A Larson - 11/10/98 05:28:27
My Email:larson25475@yahoo.com
Home Town: santa clarita, ca

Your web pages are beautiful and I enjoy your music. This is the second time you have helped me in my search. I have been looking for a christopher columbus brown--I found him in the 1850 census and also in the Kentucky civil war union army 20th Kentuck Infantry from Mercer County---This Brown's family married into the Erwin family---but I still do not have his birth date or date of death or marriage date --but I am getting there. Again Thank you very much--I have bookmarked your web page as I enjoy yo r music---Richard

K. Hightower - 11/10/98 02:40:48
My Email:jenn5000@aol.com
Home Town: Stamps

If you could help me find more information on this subject please let me know

plundeen - 11/10/98 01:55:16
My Email:plundeen@kings.k12.ca.us
Home Town: Corcoran, California

I'm still looking for elusive Burnette's and Shamblins....I know they are out there. Angline Morgan married william Beve Shamblin at the turn of the centry or therabouts.

Tony Johnson - 11/05/98 01:13:12
My Email:TMaryJohn@AOL.COM
Home Town: Texarkana, Ark.

Nice article--- I have always wondered. Just heard hear say. NOW I KNOW-- Thanks

Don Horton - 11/04/98 02:59:40
My Email:drhorton@iname.com
Home Town: Clarksville, Tn

Where did you get the information to write the following "Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest survived the war to become a founder of the Ku Klux Klan". I am not disputing that he survived the war or that he was member of the KKK. But founder?? John W. Morton claims to have sworn him in and that he became the grand wizard, but founded. Please give me the source.

- 10/23/98 08:31:14


Elizabeth Dale - 10/19/98 13:29:29
My Email:Elizabeth.Dale@mailcity.com
Home Town: Bourbonnais IL

I would like to know what the benefits are for enlisted men that are married. My soon to be husband is going to the Defense Language Program in Calf. I was wondering what the benefits that we will get being that we will be married shortly after he gets ut there if you find or know any info please let me know. Thank you.

Robert Steiner - 10/14/98 12:41:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Parthenon/6865/index.html
My Email:robertsteiner@hotmail.com
Home Town: Klagenfurt (Austria)

Thanks for the site. I always looked for something like this since I saw the movie.

Kenneth Byrd - 10/12/98 01:49:56
Home Town: Indianapolis

HAPPY 10K HITS, EMWS!!!!! - Four score and some weeks ago, Wayne Beck brought forth on this planet a new website, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all Confederate and Union ancestors were created equal. The brave men who struggl d here have consecrated this website far above our poor power to add or detract. It is for us, the living, to dedicate here to the unfinished work which they who fought have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the gre t task remaining before us descendants of these individuals - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave their last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died i vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the earth! (apologies to Uncle Abe)

- 10/10/98 03:12:52


R. O. Blankenship - 10/10/98 00:53:05
My Email:roblank@bellsouth.net
Home Town: Memphis, Tennessee

I am interested in this page because of cousins Ed. Rutheford and Monroe and Lester Stuckey. I will get time to really look at it sometime, I hope. Thanks.

- 10/09/98 07:46:04


Leonard Bresland - 10/08/98 09:02:11
My Email:bresll@stgeotce.training.wa.gov.au
Home Town: Perth West Australia

Re: HM Stanley John Rowlands was not adopted by Henry Hope Stanley; he simply started calling himself Henry Stanley, adding Morton later. Rowlands fell out with the Stanleys, as he did with almost everyone (except Livingstone who incidentally lost one of his sons in the Civil War), but continued to use the assumed name throughout the remainder of his incredible life.

Anita Stamps - 10/03/98 13:06:29
My Email:dahast19@idt.net
Home Town: Memphis, TN

I enjoyed your WEBSITE very much.

- 09/17/98 08:03:52


Russ McDermott - 09/17/98 08:02:42
My Email:scrollkey1@aol.com
Home Town: Texarkana, AR

Nice site. I am news editor at the Texarkana Gazette and designed the Phantom Killer at 50 tab. There is a photo of the main suspect, Youell Swinney, in the tab. He is the slight fellow standing in the middle of a group of police. He is not identified, al hough he has been dead for a while.

Art Bergeron - 09/15/98 18:43:53
My Email:bergero1@ix.netcom.com
Home Town: Chester, VA

It's good to see some material on the Internet about Western Theater units, especially ones that served in Louisiana.

anson caudill - 09/15/98 17:11:26
My Email:hawkeyea
Home Town: palm springs,ca


h. malcolm peabody - 09/15/98 14:41:26
My Email:stonewal@blyonline.com
Home Town: blytheville, ark.

I spend many hours surfing CW sights. I found yours today and bookmarked it. I know I'll thoroughly enjoy it.

Sawbones - 09/09/98 16:35:41
My URL:http://members.aol.com/cwsurgeon0/indexJ.html
My Email:cwsurgeon0@aol.com
Home Town: Fairview Park, Ohio

Very nice page. I liked it a lot. Some good info and facts.

Tony Brown - 09/03/98 18:03:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Agora/3165/
My Email:tonybro@cheerful.com
Home Town: London, England

A very impressive site - I am quite jealous! Seriously, if you come across any references to British citizens who enlisted we would be very interested on this side of the pond. Best wishes from London, Tony Brown

Betty - 08/31/98 10:02:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TENNESSEESUE/index.html
My Email:bksheets@usit.net
Home Town: Giles Co., TN

Lot of hard work and your efforts show. Have added to my favorites and will be back to look more. I'm into genealogy and was looking for common surnames. Came here from PYFT referred site. Knew a Dr. Ledbetter in Rogersville, Lauderdale Co., AL.

naomi allen - 08/27/98 01:50:20
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/hills/8225
My Email:p-naomi-allen@msn.com
Home Town: ann arbor, michigan

Nice site. My little brother Ian is a re-enactor for the 12th South Carolina/4th Michigan. His url is http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/1402 His email address is ians_rebel_heart@hotmail.com Some of the events my family always attends are Jackson, MI, Lawton, MI, and Hastings, MI. We've also been to Shilo, TN, and this year Ian made the long trip to Gettysburg. He's only 16, but he's been re-enacting for about 5 years. He is definitely "in o" the civil war. I'm going to tell him about your site, and I know that he would appreciate you checking out his. He is kind of new to cyberspace.

naomi allen - 08/27/98 01:41:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/hills/8225
My Email:p-naomi-allen@msn.com
Home Town: ann arbor, michigan

Nice site. My little brother Ian is a re-enactor for the 12th South Carolina/4th Michigan. His url is http://www.oocities.org/nashville/opry/1402 His email address is ians_rebel_heart@hotmail.com Some of the events my family always attends are Jackson, MI, Lawton, MI, and Hastings, MI. We've also been to Shilo, TN, and this year Ian made the long trip to Gettysburg. He's only 16, but he's been re-enacting for about 5 years. He is definitely "in o" the civil war. I'm going to tell him about your site, and I know that he would appreciate you checking out his. He is kind of new to cyberspace.

SANDRA WARD PURTLE - 08/22/98 16:07:50


Sandra Johnson - 08/08/98 04:26:01


John White - 07/29/98 02:15:18
My Email:starduster63@yahoo.com
Home Town: Freedom Pa.

Nice layout I havent tried any links yet

Billy D. Byrd/The Border State Sutler - 07/28/98 02:37:05
My URL:http://www.nashville.com/~richard.hanson/46tn2.htm
My Email:byrd@kih.net
Home Town: 112 West Kentucky Ave. Franklin, Ky 42134 502-586-9343

It does my heart good to see descendants/reenactors honoring the glory of their ancestors as we also do in the 46th Tn Inf. Co.K CS

Albert Gore - 07/26/98 04:10:33
My Email:APGORE@aol.com
Home Town: Bridge City, Tx.

Tim, When I finally found this site it is getting late. It looks like you have collected a rather large assortment of "Gorestuff". My Gores go back to a John Gore -Roxbury, Mass.--Married Rhoda-Come from England 1635. They had son-Obediah--There are S muels, Elijahs Johns all down through the line. I don't have time tonight, but I will send a brief descendant tree in a few days to see if there might be some connection. Sincerely, Albert

Mary Agnes Ledbetter, Hudson - 07/13/98 13:53:56
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Pointe/3597
My Email:mahud@rollanet.org
Home Town: Newburg, MO.

I can't put into words how much I appreciate the help you have given me this past year. Just because you are interested you have inspired me to learn and continue to do better than I ever though I could. This page is a true example of as good as it gets And I am Proud to say so, Cuz

Clarence Curl - 07/11/98 05:56:13
My Email:ccurl@swbell.net
Home Town: El Paso

Interesting site.

Jack - 07/06/98 06:13:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Plains/9915
My Email:nt3bjack@mail.cvn.net
Home Town: Gettysburg,Pa


Hello Wayne K5MB,

What luck to come across such a interesting and very well design and contents web page such as yours.
Really enjoyed it Wayne and meeting you on the internet.
Your Ham radio page about you in your early days were very interesting to read.
I am mo tly always on the Digital Modes Wayne and usually using Pactor, but will work Rtty or whatever if I see a Cq come across. I have been in your home town of Texarkana years ago when I was station in Little Rock with the Air Force. Was wondering what this li tle town on the map look like so we drove there and they already folded up the streets at 5 pm I think it was on a weekend..ha..
I loved Arkansas and the people were some of the most wonderful friendly folks I have ever met and your State still feels like a second home to me since I still have close friends there in Lonoke and Cabot.
Your Ancestors of the Civil War I really enjo ed reading. The Civil War has affected so many lives and reading about the hard ships of those families are a reminder of how terrible war is.
This weekend for the 4th of July was a big event for thousands of reenactors from all over even England and C nada.
Traffic was a real mess in town and so many people. I could hear the cannon fire 10 miles away.
Wayne, thanks for letting us share your history and Ham radio with you though your great pages.

73 and Good Dxing!

The Ditzler's

Stop in a say hello to my club's members.

Marilyn J. Powers - 06/29/98 16:50:52
My Email:Marilyn105@aol.com
Home Town: Tigard, Oregon

I did enjoy your web page. I am descendant of Hollis C. Gore and Mary E. Towner. Mary Maude Gore and Walter Wright are my grandparents. My father is Ernest Alivie Wright. Marilyn

Denise Whisenant - 06/17/98 14:30:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/famfun
My Email:denisew@cctr.tamu.edu
Home Town: College Station, TX

My ancestor, John Van Buren Creel, of Bibb County, Alabama, fought in Civil War. Legend has it that he was wounded in Virginia and was taken prisoner. Released after the war, he went baqck to Alabama and farmed in Jefferson County.

Russel Madere, JR. - 06/17/98 12:34:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Pentagon/Quarters/8424
My Email:27missinf@oocities.com
Home Town: Metairie, LA

Very nice page. Thanks for posting it. May the Good Lord and St. Barbara watch over all of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

G. Toomey - 06/07/98 21:31:56
My Email:jerlee@aol.com
Home Town: Dubuque, IA

Just getting started but enjoying all of it.

- 06/07/98 21:24:17


terri bratton shultz - 05/30/98 03:08:15
My Email:terri@advi.net
Home Town: lowgap, nc

Mom (grand-daughter of Captain Thomas Jefferson Morrison - Company C of Witt's 10th Calvary) and I love the access to all this information. We have traveled many miles gathering this information in previous years.

Dennis - 05/29/98 17:00:19
Home Town: Texarkana, Ar

If your ancestor went by W.W. Stucky and was alive July 8, 1908, he signed a proof of service report for my g-g-grandmother Margaret (widow of pvt. Hale Talbert Mitchell. Let me know if this is the same Stucky.

Third Maine Regiment - 05/19/98 14:46:10
My URL:http://www.powerlink.net/mcgill
My Email:mcgill@powerlink.net
Home Town: Augusta, Maine

Thanks for listing the Third Maine in your "Regimental Histories" section. Your site is great, a solid contribution to the history of the period. Your hum. & o. servt., Charles McGillicuddy, Webmaster, Third Maine

Kenneth Byrd - 05/17/98 05:01:17
My Email:kbyrd@topaz.iupui.edu
Home Town: Indianapolis, IN

HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY, ENLISTED MAN'S WEB SITE!!!!!!!! As an addendum, a quote without comment from the book by Jim Cullen _The Civil War in Popular Culture; A Reusable Past_ (1995): ".....history as communion has unique strengths that have been too often overlooked or denigrated by academic historians -- even when they unconsciously embrace it. A frank acceptance of these dimensions of history can be used to contest or revise some o the more dangerous or repugnant configurations of the past." (page 5)

Tony Brown - 05/15/98 22:57:56
My Email:tonybro@cheerful.com
Home Town: LONDON, England

Nicely done. One day I hope to visit that battlefield!

Tom Guldner - 05/10/98 23:44:06
My Email:FIRENY@aol.com
Home Town: Pearl River, NY

Great Site!!! How can I get a copy of that music? I'm researching the 17th Virginia Cavalry Regiment for three members of the QUEEN family who were all in Company B and then transferred into Company K in 1863. I have a partial list ofmembers of that Regiment reprinte in 1982 by Morningside House Inc. of Dayton, Ohio. Would you like a copy?

James Stump - 05/08/98 22:06:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/2320
My Email:southernroot@oocities.com
Home Town: Lebanon,PA.

Just found your site from the Civil War Archives Web Ring.I have enjoyed the story of The Battle of Jenkins' Ferry.Your site is very easy to navigate through.Great job!

- 05/07/98 01:39:26


Michelle - 04/28/98 00:52:20
Home Town: Paducah

I am not a man but I am a reenactor. I thoroughly enjoy this pastime. I have been to such events as Springhill, TN in 96 and hope to attend Gettysburg in 98. Thanks for this site. It's awesome.

Jeff Bradshaw - 04/26/98 15:03:22
My Email:JBrads27@aol.com
Home Town: Dayton, Ohio

I am looking for info on the N.C. 16th regiment Company K. Please email me.. Thanks

Bobby Thomson - 04/06/98 20:10:56
Home Town: Bossier City, Louisiana

This is my second time to visit this website. I really love it, but I can't find any info on soldiers in the war. I am still searching for info on my great - great grandfather, William Earnest Weaters. All I know is that he lived and was discharged from service in Alabama. If you find any info o him or know of any other good websights, please leave a memo for me in the guest book. Thanx!

Bobby Thomson - 04/02/98 20:49:42
Home Town: Bossier City, Louisiana


Arthur Breed - 04/02/98 03:29:56
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Pointe/8680
My Email:mtnman@televar.com
Home Town: Carlton, WA

Enjoy your Page ( I am a new member of SUVCW)

Beth Thurman - 03/28/98 00:59:47
My Email:terrilee@ipa.net
Home Town: Monticello, AR

I am looking for any information on an Anson Pollen Lee from Drew Co., AR, who served in the Civil War. A.P.Lee If anyone knows anything, I would appreciate it. Thanks. Beth thurman

George Tunstill - 03/23/98 18:06:40
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Corridor/9006
My Email:xslider@oocities.com
Home Town: Alexandria, Virginia

I am a big Civil War buff. My adopted father was a proud Southerner through and through. He loved the South and I know that if he was alive today, he would had loved looking through your home page, as I have. I would like any information from anyone ab ut whether or not any of my dad's descendents fought for the South in the Civil War. Thank you.

John V. Taylor - 03/20/98 00:11:52
My Email:JohnT25811@aol.com
Home Town: Chattanooga,Tennessee

Very good presentation, I enjoyed it very much, My Great-Grandfather William Ballard Taylor enlisted in the Union Army at Cleveland , Tennessee ,I have a copy of his enlistment doc. and I am still looking for any other information pertaining to him. Thank for letting me take a look at the various pages.

Jeff - 03/18/98 23:21:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/pentagon/9056/
My Email:jguerns@midusa.net
Home Town: Salina, Ks

good site, will visit again

RICHARD STEWARD - 03/08/98 00:29:47
My Email:EPD2222@AOL.COM
Home Town: VASS,N.C.


Rich T - 03/06/98 16:52:12
My URL:http://oocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/2421
My Email:musket.buffer@usa.net
Home Town: So. Plfd, N.J.

I enjoyed your page

SgtMaj - 03/02/98 20:34:50
My URL:http://8thnj.com
My Email:rrvitale@juno.com
Home Town: Collingswood, NJ

I'm a CW Re-enactor with the 8th Reg. NJ Vol. Inf. USV. I just wanted to say you have a great web site. I came across it and spent some time here and enjoyed your links. My units is putting together a web site of our own. It's still in the beginning stage but we're working on it.

Lisa Grimes - 03/01/98 11:06:22
My Email:nivek@gorge.net
Home Town: CA now WA

My mother was a second cousin to a Confederate soldier: THOMAS LAFAYETTE ROSSER, who ended up commanding ... apparently "invented", or put into use, the floatation bridge. Had family on both sides, and being from CA myself, not taking sides. GREAT SITE, I'll visit again just to see what new goodies you've added.

Lee Preston - 03/01/98 03:25:40
My Email:LeePreston@aol.com
Home Town: Walnut Creek, CA

Great, Tim! Okay if I add it to our TJ Chapter E-mail Compatriots List? I showed your photo (made some bigger copies) to our TJ Board Members today. The South imediately surrendered......... Best,,,,

Kinloch McCollum - 02/27/98 19:46:26
My Email:kmccollum@lsijax.com
Home Town: Orange Park, FL

Great site! Descendant of a member of Stockdale's MS Cavalry Battalion.

BETTY - 02/15/98 22:34:01
My Email:ChrisCJ33@aol.com
Home Town: YUKON,OK.


Tom Whitaker - 02/15/98 03:51:23
My Email:RAzorreb@aol.com
Home Town: Youngstown,OH


Tom Whitaker - 02/15/98 03:49:33
My Email:RAzorreb@aol.com
Home Town: Youngstown,OH


Ed Crump - 01/25/98 06:22:13
My Email:kb5cx@linknet.net
Home Town: Alexandria, LA

One of the VERY BEST I've seen!

Pvt. Dale Campbell, 7th Wis - 01/21/98 20:13:27
My Email:agipeng@stny.lrun.com
Home Town: Chemung, NY

Great site, Tim! I'm very impressed with the way you have it set up! It is very informative and interesting. I hope more people visit this site and enjoy your piece of history. Someday I hope to have my own site as well. Talk to you later! The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah!

Danny Butler - 01/11/98 21:16:50
My Email:dcbutler@usit.net
Home Town: Jackson, Tn.

Very informative. Have added to favorites. Will visit frequently.

D. Scaggs - 01/06/98 20:48:03
My Email:dscaggs@hotmail.com
Home Town: Charlotte,NC.

Great page,really in depth,had to put a book mark on this one.

Jim Mann - 01/02/98 03:48:10
My Email:jmann@pacwest.net
Home Town: Eugene, OR 97405

I enjoyed the visit very much. My great great grandfather Elias Franklin Yeager was in the 17th Arkansas Infantry, Griffith's brigade. The information on the 17th Arkansas Brigade in this site has made my research easy by identifying where that unit was involved. Now I can go to more specific sources on their activities. Thanks a lot.

J. L. White - 12/28/97 06:22:28
My Email:stoneman@execpc.com
Home Town: Caledonia, WI

Of all the web pages I have visited this has to rate at the top. I think the music helps!! JLW

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