Special Forces Assesment and Selection

What is SFAS?

Career management field (CMF) 18 includes positions concerned with the employment of highly specialized elements with the employment of highly specialized elements to accomplish specially directed missions in times of peace and war. Many of these missions are conducted at times when employment of conventonal military forces is not feasible or is not considered in the best interest of the United Ststes. Training for and participation in these missions are arduous, somewhat hazardous, and are often sensifive in nature. For these reasons, every prospective "Green Beret" must successfully complete the 3-week SFAS Course.

The SFAS Course assesses ans selects soldiers for attendance at the SFQC. This program allows SF an opportunity to assess each soldier's capabilities by testing his pyhsical, emotional, and mental stamina. SFAS also allows each soldier the opportunity to make a meaningful and educated decision about SF and his career plan.

SFAS Overview

  • Must be an active-duty male soldier.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen.
  • Must be airborne qualified or volunteer for airborne training.
  • Must be able to swim 50 meters wearing boots and battle dress uniform (BDU)
  • Must score a minimum of 206 pionts on the Army physical fitness test (APFT), with no less then 60 points on any event, using the standards for age group 17 to 21.
  • Must be able to meet medical fitness standards as oulined in AR 40-501.

    Additional criteria exclusive to enlisted applicants:

  • Enlisted applicants must be in the pay grade of E-4 to E-7. Successful aompletion of SFAS is a perequisite to the SFQC.
  • Must be a high school graduate or have a general educational development certificate.
  • Must not be within 120 days of reporting to a new assignment (permanent change of station [PCS]) or attending a school that will untilmately require a PSC at point of application approval.

    Soldiers recently completing an MOS-producing school must serve in that MOS for 1 year.

  • Must not have 30 days or more lost time under Title 10, United States Code, section 972, within current or preceding enlistment.
  • Must not be barred to reenlistment.
  • Must meet eligibility under Retention Control Points to graduate SFOC.

    Additional criteria exclusive to E-7 applicants:

  • Time in service: No more than 14 years active duty.
  • Time in grade: No more than 12 months active duty.
  • Be qualified as a parachutist (P or V).
  • Not currently in a restricted MOS.
  • Meet all requirements in accordance with AR 611-201 and AR 601-21 0.

    All applicants MUST NOT:

  • Be under suspension of favorable personal action.
  • Have been convicted by court-martial during their current term of service.
  • Have voluntarily terminated Airborne school or SF training.
  • Exceed weight standards in accordance with AR 600-9.
  • Be barred to reenlistment.

    Stress in SFAS.

    The purpose of SFAS is to identify soldier's who have potential for SF training. The program has two phases. The first phase assesses physical fitness, motivation, and ability to cope with stress. Activities in this phase include psychology tests, physical fitness and swim test, runs, obstacle exercises. An evaluation board meets after the first phase to determine which candidates will be allowed to continue in the program.

    The second phase assesses leadership and teamwork skills. At the end, another board meets to select those soldiers who may afend the SFOC and the SFDOQC.

    When you report to Fort Bragg, NC, you should be at 100 percent physical ability with zero percent stress level. Any of the following might cause you stress while attending SFAS:

  • Wife not in agreement with you.
  • Financial problems at home.
  • Medical problems with yourself or family.
  • Not sure SF is what you want.
  • Low self-esteem or lack of motivation.
  • Not in top physical shape for SFAS.
  • Just to escape your present unit or duty assignment.

    If you can meet this criteria, then you can wear the Green Beret.

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