Lahr Senior High School FOUND FRIENDS

This is just one page from Claire Gagne's Lahr Senior High School WEB SITE

SABELLI, Tannia I lived in Lahr, Germany from 84, to 88 . I attended West End and Lahr Senior. I lived in Lagenwinkel. I am now living in Montreal, Quebec. For any one who remembers me you can reach me at

SANDBERG, Jennifer lived in Kippenheimweiller 34-11-6, 1981-1985 , I am now an Insurance Broker living in Courtney, BC, welcome anyone from area 34 or friends to email me at

SANDERSON, Eric - Lahr 1967/68, grades 11-12, one of the first yearers from Marville. Looking through the old yearbook brought a lot of memories. Now in Kitchener with my lovely bride of almost 28 years. email:

SANFORD, Debby - LSH 71-71 grades 9-11. Now in St.Albert, AB, brother Joe is in Kingston and sister Sandra is also in Kingston. Gang members include Paul Morrison, Steve and Tony Mullholland,Dave Algers and best friend Shannon and you could probably throw in a few Goddards. e-mail

SANTOS, Babette - Lahr 1991-93. Moved from California to Vancouver in October 2000. Currently a mural artist and wood carver but also perform spoken word and forming a band named Bridging Circles. Are you going to the Horse? Email me at

SAUER, Tim, LSS 1979-83, Grades 10-13 (never did graduate, too much drinking!!), Living in Calgary since I left Lahr. Best known for the Friday Hideway show and DJing at the CYC. Email me at

SAUER, Tracey (now Kaszas), lived in Lahr from 1979 - 1983. Now married with to awesome boys Lyle (14) & Justin (10). Would LOVE to hear from any and all old friends. Please email me at

SAULNIER, Heather - I lived in Lahr from 89-93, I'm trying to contact Heather Orford, Kim Burke, Francine Forest, and Janine Hughes...anyone who remembers me feel free to email me: i'd love to hear from you!

SAYER, Sonja - I was in Lahr from 1985-1989. I spent most of my time hanging around with Meri Diamond, Susan Stewart-Burton and Kim Roop. If anyone knows their whereabouts or anyone else would like to contact me I can be reached at

SCHALLER, Jacqueline - Lahr Senior '86 to '88. Married and living in Toronto. We have a one year old baby girl. Worked in the fashion industry for a number of years as a designer (Ryerson, class of '96). Now pursuing a career in art... I am heading off to France for a year to continue my studies in classical painting. Email me at:

SCHALLER, Uli: I had the best time of my life with the Canadians and really miss you ! It was great to read some familiar names. I am especially looking for Chris Griffin, can someone help ??? My email is

SCHIELDS-CLARK, Kelly - Im living in Petawawa..... Married with 2 boys! I miss the good old times! I would love to hear from and catch up with some old friends! email:

SCHILDS, Val - I was in LSHS (Grade 10 to 12) 1975 until 1977 and lived in Area 14. Our family (brothers Gary and Steven Schilds) also lived in the Bahnhoff area back in 1967 - 1969. I am interested in keeping in touch with the Lahr gang. My daughter and are now residing in Brandon. email contact at

SCHMIDT, Cindy -Lahr 73-77. Grades 6-9. A lifetime ago but great memories! Was a member of Lahr Beavers Swim Team. Sister Debbie and brother Wayne are both in B.C. Younger brothers Dug and Brian in Calgary and Edmonton. E-mail me at:

SCHMIDT, Dawn (Dryden). Lahr from 1975 to 1980. I'm busy with kids Andrew (b. 1987), Eric (b. 1991) and Sara (b. 1993) and loving every minute of it. My sisters Kim, Karin, Denise and I would be happy to hear from anyone who knew us when....e-mail me at

SCHMIDT, Gunter (LAHR, Germany), maybe there are a few that still remember me? I met with Mike McTaggert here in Lahr-showed him the ex-Kaserne and Airfield, Castle, Georges etc. I look forward to some survivors. e-mail:

SCHMIDT, Jason, 1972-77 & 1989-90 LSS Living in Cobourg Ontario. Work for Ontario Power Generation -Nuclear. Love to hear from all… email:

SCHNEIDERCHEN, Klaus - I used to have some Canadian friends in the year 1985 -1990, which I�d like to hear of. so if anybody remembers me, please send me a mail ( I used to hang around Helen Hopkins (lived in area 31, near the train-station) and Pat Kennedy, who lived right across the caserne.

SCHNURR, Noreen - Lahr 1974-78. My family lived in Kippenheimweiler. We lived in Building #5 on the second floor. My father's name was Lorne, my mother Lorraine and I have 2 sisters Debbie and Lori. I would love to find some of the gang I hung out with. email:

SCHOFIELD, Lynn (now van der Vlist) attended Lahr Senior 1980 -81 and 1984-85. Married Chris van der Vlist my Lahr senior sweetheart! We have two terrific kids and live in Abbotsford BC. Would love to hear from any old friends! I am in touch with Anne Maximuk and can give her a message if you like! email:

SCHOFIELD, Mary May (now de Jong) - Attended for Grade 8 (1980-81) and Grade 13 (1985-86)I am now married with three wonderful children. I live in Abbotsford, BC and work seasonally for a cruise line in Vancouver. I look forward to hearing from anyone who remembers me. My email addy is

SCHUNDELMEIER, Uwe (nickname Steve), German, Lahr from 1959 (!) till 2003, used to hang around area 31 (Im Glockengumpen) from 1971 till 1976, together with Rainer (alias John) waiting for the school bus from westend-high ;) I went to Westend-Junior-School cause I was always looking over the fence till some teacher told me to come in and have a look and some talk ..., now Freiburg, email-adress:

SCHWAB, Barb. Attended LSS from '85-'90. Now living in Calgary finishing up my MSC researching grizzly bears, then off to do my PhD. Would love to hear from you, email: or

SCHWAB, Janet. I lived in Lahr from 1986-1990 and attended grades 5-8. I am currently living in Calgary with my husband Tyler and son Brayden (2005). Would love to hear from you. Email:

SCOTT, Cheryl, 1980-86 (Westend and Lahr Senior, grades 5-10). Designing and working in the fashion industry in Winnipeg since 1995. I am mom to two awesome kids - son Cameron (1992) and daughter Rowan (2006). I'd love to hear from old friends. Reach me at

SCOTT, Mark, (last name is now Quade). My brother was Ralph. I attended Lahr Senior High from 78-83. Since then, married, have a daughter, divorced (c'est la vie). Still serving in the Air Force, currently stationed in Shearwater, NS. Would like to hear from any and all who went to school together. Email me at or I check either email all the time. Take Care all!

SCOTT, Nancy - Hi, this is something i have been wanting to do for a long time but never got around to doing it. I lived in Lahr in 1982-83 and went to Lahr Senior and am hoping to meet up with some old friends. email:

SCOTT, Ralph Last name now Quade, it's a long story. Living in Quinte West, married 2 Kids, 3 cats. Now a Loadmaster on the Mighty CC130 Hercules, in Trenton. Looking for anyone from the good ol days 79 - 83 Lahr, and 84-85 Baden. North College rules.

SCOTT, Tena. Was in Lahr from 1989-1993 (grades 8-11) at Lahr Senior. Lived in Area 32 and Kippenheimweiller. Am currently living in Calgary and in touch with Mike Pilling, Mike Dickson, Terri Powell, Bret Cuthbertson, Pat Parker, Mike Hartman, Lisa Vergie, Ben Romaine and Regan Shaw. If anyone wants to get in touch you can email me at

SEARLE, Vicki (Juba) Marville France 1966-67, Lahr 1967-69. Grades 9 to 11. Transferred to Cold Lake summer of 1969. Currently living in Edmonton. email:

SEGUIN, Danielle : 1974 to 1976. Now living in Ottawa with husband Michel Auclair and 3 sons ages 11, 9 and soon to be 7. Would be interested in e-mail ad. for Dojacks. Brother Paul Seguin also attended Lahr Senior in 1974-1975. Sherri Cowan is in Ottawa. My e-mail:

SEGUIN, Marie (married name Moloughney) - Attended Lahr Sr. 1974-1978. Now living in Newmarket Ontario with husband Brent and my three kids aged 8, 6 and 3. Can be reached at

SEISER, Gisele, Lahr 71-75, grades 9-12. I have been married to Maurice (TJ) Charland since 1976 (another Lahr brat) and have two wonderful kids. We have lived in Mississauga for the past 8 years. I can be reached at

SELMAN, Kimberly: LSS from 1985 to 1990. I am a physiotherapist and now reside in Oakville, Ontario with my husband Harm. My email is

SELMAN, Mike, 1985-1990. Westend (5,6) and Lahr Senior (7,8,9). Educating the youth and living in Guelph. I have an older sister Kim who lives in Oakville. You can contact me at

SHAND, Janice Lived in Summern/Hemer [68-70] Gr.6-7, then on to Lahr in [70-71] Gr.8. Have a brother Ken Gr.11. Love to hear from old friends! new email:

SHAW, Betty - LSH 1972 - 1975. I lived in Area 31. I now live in Dartmouth N.S. I am married and have a 13 year old son. I am a cafeteria supervisor at a local Junior High School. e-mail
SHAW, Dale - I attended Lahr Sr. Secondary from 1972-1975. Many friends from all those years ago. Darrell Roenspies, Dave Hercun,Dave McCracken, Luca Josh, Jeff and Paul Roberts, Milford Spencer. Kevin(Circle) Killeen sadly passed away much too young in March 1994.Time catches up to us all. Happy to hear from anyone who's been a long time...spent most of my adult life in the western Provinces and am now living in Ontario as of summer 2006. Good wishes to all. email:

SHAW, Kelly (Lahr 1983-1987). Married and fondly remember the people, places and the fun that was had. Ottawa has been my home since 1988 and, like the many other people, would love to hear from friends who I have lost touch with but who I think about often. Email:

SHAW, Shannan (Lahr 1983-1987) Living in Ottawa, Ontario since 1990. Working in the field of youth treatment and detention. Miss the Lahr days and would love to hear from some old friends. Sorry no email so please call so we can catch up on the past 15 yrs! (613) 738-8913.

SHEA, Allison (Baldwin)- I lived in Lahr from 72-78. Last school i attended was Lahr Senior, best years of my life. I am looking for a Mike Leterneaux, he lived on Wilhelm Strasse. Area 32 I believe. Would love to get in touch with him. He hung around Davenport and Nightengale(on the hockey team). I have been married for 20 years to an army guy I met in Petawawa. I have 1 daughter. Would like to say hi to Lee (Keough) a good friend from Lahr. great web site, I enjoy going down memory lane. email:

SHEIL, Kim - Lahr 1984-1988. Attended Westend Jr. and Lahr Senior. Now living in Edmonton, AB. Just been thinking about the great times I had there lately and wondering what everyone has been up to. Feel free to e-mail me at

SHEPPARD, Darcy (last name now Lipinski ). LSHS 1975- 1980. Became a deep- sea commercial diver offshore. Now in Edmonton, Married with two boys, Quinn (7), Cale (5). Employed as an oil refinery tech. last 14 years. E- mail

SHERMAN, Sabrina: Lahr 1978-1984, I now work for Correctional Services, live in the Kingston area with 2 beautiful children, Colin, 7 and Jesse, 4. Love to hear from anyone who remembers me (or perhaps just drank with me.) email:

SHEHYN, Tammy (Stoian)- attended Lahr Intermediate and LSHS from 1977 - 1981. Also lived in Soest/Werl during the years 66-70. I'm married to Mike and we have 3 lovely children, Lindsay - 16, Codie - 11, and Shyanne - 10. I can be reached at

SHEHYN, Tina (Shull) attended Lahr Senior High from 77 - 82 (Soest/Werl 1966-70); now living in Victoria, BC. Current address is 863 Wollaston St., Victoria, BC, V9A 5A9 email:

SHEIL, Chris - LSS 1984-1988. I would love to hear from Cynthia Gilbert or, for that matter, anyone who actually remembers me! I can be found at

SHINDELL, Terrie - I was one of the first kids to go to Lahr from Marville. I attended the Highschool until 1968 (Grade 11) when I returned to Canada and the base at Jericho. I have three sisters who were also in Lahr - Leslie, Tracy and Kelly. email:

SHORT, Bill, I lived in Lahr from 1975 to Late 1978. Lived in Kappel, Area 7 & area 31. Attended intermediate school grades 4-7. Now married and have a beautiful 2 year old daughter (Jayde) and reside in Winnipeg. Love to hear from anyone out there. email:

SHORTT, Christa (now Tucker) - Lived in area 31, from 1980-1986, attended West End School 1980-84, attended LSS 1984-86. Now living in Ontario, married with 2 kids. email:

SILZER, Janet (Parkinson was my maiden name) - I just want to say hello and possibly reconnect with some old friends. Our family was posted in both Soest and Lahr and we left Germany in 1972. I completed Grade 8 in Lahr Germany and my home room teacher was Mr. Thiessen. email:

SIMISTER, Shand (now Gormley)-Lived in Lahr from 82-85. Attended GGV Grades 5-6 and Lahr Senior for Grade 7FI. Currently living outside Saint John, NB with my husband and two children. Would love to hear from old friends!! Email

SIMMONS, Arnold - Lived in Lahr from 79/83 in area 31. Attended Lahr senior , living in Calgary

SIMMS, Randy - Our family lived in Lahr from 1969-74. That would have been grades 5-9. Who remembers the Ski Week to Oberjoch in the spring of 74, when Steven Else broke his leg.? I'm now living in St. Albert, AB with my wife Lorraine and daughter Kayla. Drop me a line

SIMONS, Darren - Lahr 1983-86 then joined the military for about 2 years. I joined the RCMP in 1990. Presently live in Lac La Biche, a small town 1 hour east of Calgary with my wife Tracy and our 2 dogs. Contact me via E-mail at or (403) 734-3468

SIMONS, Jay. Lahr 1983-1989 grades 9-13 now living in Winnipeg Mb. working as a Firefighter since 1998. email: or phone (204)831-0136.

SIMPKINS, Kim - Lived in Lahr from 1972-1976. Many great memories from the field trips to best of all the friends. I live in Comox B.C. with my two wonderful daughters. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me and a few of my girlfriends.. It was a time like no other. email:

SIMPSON, Kelly - I was lucky enough to live in Lahr twice 1975-79 and from 1983-88 I went to Westend Jr and Lahr Senior in French Immersion for Grades 7 & 8. Moved to Chilliwack B.C and then to N.B in 1990. Now working for the Federal Government in Fredericton, living with my common law husband of nine years Greg and our two dogs Bronx & Storm. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. My older sister Tracy Simpson also lived in Lahr. I can give her any messages. I can be reached at I curently keep in touch with Tandy Toomey,Chris Bruce (aka Ace). Would love to hear from others.

SIMPSON, Kim (now Sleno) I lived in Lahr 68 - 71 in grades 6-8. My brother Mike grades 10 - 12, sister Leslie and my younger brother Steve. I would love to find Debbie Wagner, Sherry Olson, Nora Gillis. After Lahr we were posted to Comox where I have remained. I can be reached at

SIMPSON, Paula (now Capadouca) - Lahr 1988-1991 - Daughter of Steve Olliver, biology teacher. I am married and living in Huntington Beach, California. We just had a baby boy, Jared Alexander, born June, 2000. I would love to hear from anyone from my "era". email:

SINGHER, Denis - I lived in Lahr from 1970 to 1973. Grades 8,9 and 10. My father was posted to Valcartier Quebec after our stay in Lahr. I've been with my wife Johanne for 17 years and I have a son Julien 11 years old and a daughter V�ronique 8 years old. I now live in Sherbrooke Qu�bec. My E-Mail address is

SIVELL, Brian - Just completing my PHd in Japanese Language and History from the U of Toronto. Am 45 and still single. travel. I spend a great deal of time in Thailand and Asia travelling. We Sivells love the Far East. See everyone in Ottawa at the big one. email:

SIVELL, Gordon. I lived in Lahr from 1971 to 1973. Played hockey for Lahr Aces and Schwartzwald Adlers. Had a Hideawayshow on CFN. Was a DJ and sang at Teen town with Jason Evans and Chris Sherlock. Brothers are Stephen, Brian and Larry. Currently, independent TV producer. Sivell boys attending reunion.(905) 634-7883; email:

SIVELL,Larry. We were in Lahr from 71 to 73. Our father might have fixed your teeth and my brothers might have wrecked your cars. Stephen's in Thailand, Gord and Brian are in Ont. and I am married,2 kids. Would love to hear from old friends and also have brothers e-mail. E-MAIL:

SIVELL, Stephen..Now a ripe 46 years old..Lahr 1972-1973..Married for 7 years,now divorced for 12..Have two wonderful children in Canada: Dave 16 and Jeff 12. Now living in Northeastern Thailand..teaching English to Thai kids and riding my motorbike. email:

SKALOZUB, Robert [Bob]. I went to Lahr Senior High School in 1969-71. Attended grades 9 & 10. I had two brothers and one sister there as well...their names are Donald, Chris and Tina. I currently live in Red Deer Alta., married 26 years, have two girls and one e-mail is

SKANES, Sean. Lahr from 86-90. I attended Westend for grades 5&6. Then went to LSS for grades 7&8. Now in Barrie, Ont. For the people who remember me, they won't believe it but I am a police officer now. I work for York Regional Police.

SKELDING, Lori - I lived in Lahr from 1980-1992. I went to university in Calgary, and now I am currently working in Bosnia-Herzegovina with SFOR (not in the military tho, just work for them) and traveling, like a gypsy, no mailing address. My e-mail is

SKIDMORE, Kali (now Verheul) - I attended Lahr Senior from 1987-1988. I was in Mr. Ayotte's grade 7 french immersion class that year. My family lived in Lahr from 1983-1988. I also attended Westend school. I now live in Cold Lake Alberta with my husband, Mike, and 2 year old son, Hunter. I can be contacted at

SKINNER, Andy - Lahr 1978 - 1981. I would be happy to hear from anyone whether it's from that time period or not. I feel that there is a special bond that we share from our time and experiences. I know it was special for me! email:

SKINNER, Paul - LSS 1990-92 Living in Ottawa. Been working in IT for 4 years now. I'd like to hear from anyone I would have known! I really miss those years.

SLACK, Murray - I attended Lahr Senior from 86 to 89,I graduated over there. My e-mail is

SMALLWOOD, Patty, Married to John Lawton, attended grade 11 and 12 between 72 - 74. Married in 1977, have 4 kids, and 1 grandson. We both work for Scotiabank, (Lethbridge, AB) and have worked all over the prairies (like military life). email:

SMITH, Clayton, 1983-1988, grades 9-13. Married to Pamela and have two boys, Carter (5) and Alexander (3). Currently working for Foreign Affairs and stationed in Berlin, Germany.

SMITH, Greg - Lahr senior 89-92. Wow...Lahr....kinda hazy. Sorry if I was mean to ya ! I don't remember much, even the names of the teachers don't look familiar.....Email:

SMITH, Jackie and I'm now living in Dartmouth. I was in Lahr from 1974-1989 so I met alot of people on my visit! My new email is too. I lived on Rommerstrasse most of the time.

SMITH, Jenny - I was in Lahr from '73 to '77 - I had Grade Five with Ms. Williams, grade 6 at Georges Vanier with Francine, grade 7 back in the English school and Grade 8 with Mr. Michaud at LSHS. You can reach me or my sister CINDY SMITH at

SMITH, James (Jim) - LSS 91 - 93. Graduated from RMC in Software Engineering. Currently serving overseas as a Combat Engineer in The Royal Canadian Dragoons Battle Group. Give me a shout as I never knew this site existed. I'm quite excited. email:

SMITH, Lea Ann. Lahr 1967-70 (married name: Veysey). Living in Varna, ON, and have one son, Christopher, 26, now in the armed service himself. e-mail:

SMITH, Phillip, Lived in Lahr 1981 to 1985. Attended Guttenberg, and Westend Elementary schools. I have an older brother, Troy who attended LSHS during our stay in Lahr. I am looking to get in contact with anyone who was on the Lahr Beavers swim team between 81 and 84. e-mail:

SMITH, Ray - Went to Lahr Senior from 1978 to 1984. I am now living in Westport, Ont. where we (my wife Kelly and our 2 boys) have a computer business. Hi to all my old friends. My sister Sabrina can be reached through me. email:

SMITH, Troy: lived in Lahr from 1981 to 1985, went to Westend Elementary School(Grades 5&6) and Lahr Senior(Grades 7&8). I have a younger brother (see above). Anyone who was there from these times that wishes to contact me can at

SMITH-WESTON, Gail, living in Victoria BC, went to Soest in 1968/69 then on to Lahr Senior until 1972. One daughter Robin, aged 24. Retired this Sept. from the military. Purchased a motorhome and still enjoying travelling around! I look forward to hearing from anyone who remembers me. email me @

SMITH-WESTON, Sue (now Blake) living in Surrey BC went to Soest in 1968/69 then on to Lahr Senior until 1972. One daughter Natalie, aged 24., happily married to Mike Blake. Fiona Weller is in Vancouver working for the City Police if anyone is still looking for her. email: . I look forward to hearing from anyone who remembers me.

SMYTHE, Cathy (now Adair) - LSHS 1977-81. Brothers are David and Steven. I live in Tottenham, Ont. Married since '92 with a son ('94) and a daughter ('96). I would like to hear from anyone who would like to catch up! E-mail is:

SMYTH, Loralee. 1981-1983. Victoria, British Columbia. Manager of Citywide Classifieds, at the News Group since 1991. Mother of two, son Josh (17) and daughter Alex (9). Brothers Chris and James also in Victoria. E-mail:

SMYTHE, Steven - Lahr 1977 - 81, the last 2 years at LSHS. I am currently living in Winnipeg and working at Global Television. My brother is David Smythe and my sister is Cathy Smythe (now Adair). I am also in contact with Mike Carty and Michele Hunter (now Carty) as well as Susan Graham. e-mail:

SNELL, Laurie. Lahr High School from 1970-73 (Grades 7-10). Lived in Kippenheimweiler--have older sister Jackie. I now live in Meaford, Ontario with my husband, Jerry and two children. Would love to hear from Kendall Lyons, Kevin Pettigrew and anyone else who we hung out with!

SNOW, Ed - LSH '72-'76 and '80-85 just cruisin. Married with four children. Twin girls and two boys. Who would have thought. Living in Ottawa. Email address or Looking for "sudsy" Glen Sutherland

SNOW, Robert - LSHS 1971-75. Lived in Lahr until 1987. Moved to Halifax. Hoping to here from old friends can e-mail me at

SNOW, Shana. Lahr 1984-91, grades 1 -7. Now in Cape Breton N.S. Would love to find Loni Goodfellow, Heather Meating, Kerry Lirette, Heather Saulnier, and Gerard Meunier, the gr 7 homeroom/science teacher, friends from Area 31, or anyone else or who remembers me from then. email:

SNOW, Susan - 1972-1975. Hello old friends. Excited to hear about this site. Mother of two beautiful daughters, and proud grandmother of one grand daughter. Married 25 years August 2006. Would love to hear from any old friends who might remember me. email:

SNOW, Tonia - Lahr 1988-1991 graduated from LSS in 1988. Now living in Ottawa, Ontario working in the IT world. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.

SOMERS, Frank - LSS 73-79, CFB Lahr Fire Department 80-94. Now live in Cole Harbour, N.S. Two children Tyler born 92 in Ettenheim, Katelyn born 95 in Halifax.Work as a Firefighter in Halifax. All lost friends can e-mail at :

SOMMERFELD, Eric - Lived in Lahr 1967-69; sister Ruth married ex-Snowbird Dan Dempsey; brother (Ralph) and I Investment Advisors almost 20 years each. All three of us are married 20-25 years and living Vancouver and Victoria.1999 was first time back for me; stayed at Schulz Hotel, just as we did in 1967. Wonderful memories. email:

SOREL, Denise, LSHS 77-79, living in Camrose AB, working as an Infection Prevention Control Nurse, was married 10 years, two children Lauren 9 and Brent 7. Glad to hear so many of you are happy, email:

SOREL, Lynda, was at Lahr Senior from '77-'79. Now living in Ottawa and working in marketing for a software company. I married Tony Partner (also a Lahr Senior Grad) and have 2 boys. Would love to hear from others -

SOREL, H�l�ne (Huot) Lahr 1972 to 1975 (area 13). I am happily married (17 years in June 2000) and have 2 beautiful girls. I live in Ottawa (Orl�ans). My sister Line, attended the French school and switched to Lahr Senior in 1975. You can reach her through me. email:

SOUTHAM, Peter - Lahr Senior Highschool grades 7-11 1969-1972. I joined the Navy after graduating from Carleton University and retire as a Lieutenant Commander just two years ago. I now own my own business, called Sidney Marine Supply, with two stores in beautiful Sidney by the Sea on Vancouver Island. I was married for twenty years but came to a very amicable parting of the ways in February. Thankfully, there were no kids to disappoint. I can be contacted at

SPARKES, Jeff (Lahr 1976 -1979). After leaving Lahr I went to college and attained my commercial pilots licence and then joined the Canadian Airforce. I retired from the military in 1990 and joining Air Canada. I live in Toronto and can be reached at

SPARKES, Jennie (Lahr 1976-1979). I live in Sidney BC, just outside Victoria, and have worked for Parks Canada for the past 20 year. I have one daughter, Bethany (1991). I can be reached at

SPENCER, Shasta (now Wick) - I attended Westend for grade six in 1988, then LSS from grade 7 through 11 in the years 1989 through 1994. I have been in Calgary since then, and can be reached at

SPENCER, Sherri - I lived in Lahr from 1974-78 and again in 1988-94. I attended Lahr Senior School and graduated in 1991. I would love to hear from any of my old friends. I'm in touch with Marcia Desmeules, Sara Murray, Julie Dickie. My email is

SPURR, Mary-Alice - Attended Lahr Senior between 1979-1982. I am a high school music and english teacher in New Brunswick. I sing in a band , "Mad About Music". email:

ST. CYR, Peggy. Lahr 1976-1981. Now in Kingston, ON and married to Kent Nicholson (Lahr 1970-1975; 1980-1984) and have three children. We both work for Correctional Service of Canada. Brother Mike in Burlington, sister Sherry in Kingston and brother Tim in Brampton, ON. email:

ST. CYR, Sherry: Lahr 1976 - 1981. Living in Kingston, Ontario. Sister to Peggy, Mike and Tim. Email:

ST.-GERMAIN, Janet (now Labelle) - Lahr - 1974 - 1978. Married 15 years, in Ottawa, with two beautiful children. Would love to chat with any old friends. email:

ST. JEAN, Monica - Lahr 1981-1985 - siblings Jackie, Matthew and Nicolas. I can send messages for them. I live in Ottawa with my daughter Jenna - born 1995. I'd love to hear from anyone I knew way back then.

ST. JOHN, Louise (1982-85). I am living in Kingston, Ontario, and am teaching at the elementary level. My e-mail is

ST. JOHN, Thomas - Lahr 1982 - 1986. I am currently living in Fort McMurray, Alberta. I am a Fire Service Instructor, as well as an active fire fighter/EMR. I can be gotten a hold of at I look forward to hearing from anyone who may actually remember me.

ST-LOUIS, Patrick, 1989-1994, Looking for anyone from LSS between 89-94. Currently living in Paris 14th. Coming to France? contact me. email:

STACEY, Correna - I was in Lahr from 86-91 (married name Keddy) living in Nova Scotia. Would love to hear from old friends.

STADEL, Corinne (married name Gilliard) Lahr 1978 - 1980. Now living in Edmonton, Alberta with my husband and 2 step children, 20 and 22 years old. Working in the insurance industry for the last 12 years. My sister, Dawn married her high school sweetheart, Roger Tynes and they have 2 beautiful girls and currently live in Red Deer. Email for Corinne: and Dawn: Would love to hear from old friends!!!

STADLER, Betty: I went to Lahr Sr from 1974 - 1977 when I graduated. My married name is Yakimenko and we have 3 children and a Samoyed dog. My husband is an Armoured Corps Officer and we now live in Ottawa email:

STADLER, Christian, lived in Lahr 1988-91; i am looking for Andrew Green, Mike Mulrooney or anyone else who knows me. e-mail:

STADLER, Perry, Lived in Kippenheimweiler (34-16-3) from 74-79. Married to Karen with 2 children Katlyn (6) and Keegan (11 months). Instructing on Sea King helicopters for a living, in Dartmouth. Brother David in Gagetown and 2 sisters (Betty & Susanne) live in Ottawa. e-mail

STALEY, Debbie - I was in Lahr from 1976 to 1983. I lived in Kippenheimweiler (Area 34). I now live in Trenton, Ontario. You can reach me at

STALEY, Steve, I was in Lahr from 1976-1982. Graduated in 1982. Lived in Kippenheimweiler (Area 34)Married and have 1 son (8 years old). Spent my time in the military and am now a Public Servant in Gagetown. email:

STANLEY, Keith - Lahr 1968-1972-moved to England in 1972. Still there, (for now) married, wife Cherie, Son Damien, Daughter Naomi Teaching IT for a living now. email:

STAPLETON, Jason - Lahr 1984 and 1986 and attended grades 6 and 7. I am interested in talking to some friends from that time period, especially Gary O'Connor. I can be e-mailed at

STEARNS, Erin (married name "Lee"), 1985-1988. My father was a Science teacher at Lahr Sr. "Robert Stearns". I have a younger sister "Heather Stearns" (age 24yrs) and a little brother "Tyler Stearns"(age 22yrs), All in Ottawa area. Married (Dave) and we have a beautiful three year old daughter named "Cylia". E-mail: me at home at or at work at

STEDMAN, Raylene- LSS 85-89 (area 31). Living in Chilliwack BC, I work for Rogers as a video store manager, I have a 9 year old son, and I got married in July 2002. Anyone who wants to drop me a line & say hi email me at

STEELE, Sharon - I lived in Lahr from 1990-93. Currently live in Portland, Oregon with husband Tony. Presently completing my degree in Human Service Administration, and work for Hilton Hotels. No children yet, maybe soon. Will move back to Ottawa in May of 2003. If you remember me or my late brother Rob, please write. My e-mail address is .

STEFFAN, John , I lived in Lahr from '77 to 82. Now live in Victoria, BC. Sister Rhonda in Nanaimo, BC. email:

STEINER, Niels - 1989-1994. No Wife. No Kids. No Canada. As of December 2001 I have moved back to Europe. I am not using my BSc in Forest Hydrology and am selling skis in Engelberg, Switzerland. Learning German again. Still racing bicycles. Contact can be made at

STEINKEY, Dan - (81-85), Westend and LSH. Currently live in Calgary, Alberta, with my wife, Nicole. Please get in touch at or

STERLING, Tracey - Lahr from 86-90 grades 4-7 (West End & LSH). I am currently working at Royal LePage in Prince Edward Island. My brother Scott who was in grades 7-11 is currently living in Winnipeg. Would like to hear from some of my old friends or anyone who remembers me. e-mail me at (will pass messages along to my brother.)

STERTZ, Brenda (married Lloyd) . I lived in Lahr from 1975-1982. Married Terry in Germany in 1981. Still married to same guy (almost 19 years). Have 2 sons, Nathan -17 and Josef 14. Going to reunion with sister Shirley and her friend Sylvia. email: STERTZ, Shirley, Lahr 75 - 81, LSH "80, living in Winnipeg, sister Susan is in NS, Brenda is in Wpg & Norma also here, (one of the little kids Lahr Interm.) Joined Airforce in "84. I have 2 girls, Julianne (89) & Angela (91). I'm in contact with Sylvie Cote, but would love to hear from anyone who remembers us. See you at the reunion!!!

STEVENS, Grant - Lahr 1979-84. Now living in Toronto. Looking for any old friends from LHS. email:

STEVENS, Mike (Shane) , Living in Waverly Nova Scotia. Have been in the Halifax area since arriving back to Canada in 1970. If you wish to contact me the following addresses are good. and are my email addresses as I travel extensively in North America and overseas.

STEVENS, Rob. 79 -84 (gr.6-10) live in Bradford On. My e-mail is

STEVENSON, Dareck - My brother Ron, and myself attended Lahr Intermediate and Senior from 1977-1982. I currently live in Southern Ontario. e-mail: DStevenson@OLGC.CA

STEWART, Al - Our family was in Lahr from Nov/67 until the summer of 70. My brother Peter and I both attended high school there. A long and winding road led me to Swift Current SK. where I manage a branch for RBC Dominion Securities. I am married with 3 children ranging from 13 to 10 yrs of age. Peter is an air traffic controller in Moncton NB. also married with 2 daughters.

STEWART, Allen - Moved to Lahr in 67 just as the base was being turned over from the French Army. Spent 18 years in CF as a fighter pilot and am now Professor and Head of Civil Engineering at RMC, Kingston ON. I was one of the original member of 800 Black Forest Air Cadet Squadron, the only Air Cadet Sqaudron based out of Canada. After Lahr our family moved to SHAPE in Mons Belgium. We spent the next two years there before returning to Canada. email: email: or

STEWART, Bob Hemer, Werl ('69-71) (pres. Of Werl Teen Hut). Transferred to LSHS 1971-72 and graduated. Married my high school sweetheart (Barb Hudson) in Calgary; now have two sons, 18 and 23. Marriage ended in 1992 and I now live in Red Deer Alberta; have remarried and have a beautiful 2-1/2 year old granddaughter. E-mail:

STEWART, Eric (89-92/grades 8-10) well it took a few but i finally got here. i work for a landscaping company on base gagetown in oromocto n.b. and yes i'm still the same, with a few upgrades. got alot of memories and alot of blurry ones too. if you remember me, e-mail me at! thank god (or claire) for this site

STEWART, Garnet - Hemer, Werl 69 to 71 - Lahr 71 to 74. Moved to Calgary from Lahr and am still here Married to Lana in 1982 and have 2 teenaged daughters. Have been a Realtor since 1985 -mail -

STEWART, Greg - Moved to Lahr in 67. Was a SeaKing navigator and now works for CDC in Nepean ON. You can send messages c/o brother Allen, email:

STEWART, Gordon - Lahr 1971-1974. I have two brothers Garnett and Bob. I have two children, 12 ajd 8 and married to Georgette for 15yrs. I was the one that called in the bomb threat and went to trial in Lahr.I would love to get in touch with the person that did this act with me (M G). Email me at Or at

STEWART, Ken - Moved to Lahr in 67. I'm now a Commander in the Canadian Navy and Captain of HMCS Regina, CFB Esquimalt. You can send messages c/o brother Allen, email:

STEWART, Lynn (Murphy) Moved to Lahr in 67. I'm a Social Worker for the City of Toronto and live in Oshawa. You can send messages c/o brother Allen, email:

STICKLEY, Mike: Lahr Senior from 85 to 89. I now live in Toronto and fly for Air Canada. You can reach me at

STOLEE, Brent - In Lahr from 73 - 78. Now living and working in Medicine Hat, AB e-mail c/o Janet

STOLEE, Don (Babe), In Lahr from 73-78, now live and work in Sydney Australia. e-mail:

STOLEE, Janet, In Lahr from 73-78. Now living in Red Deer, Alberta. Email:

STOREY, Ed - Lahr 1971-74 and attended Lahr Senior in 73-74. I lived in Area 10-1-5 just up from the KK store in Lahr. I am a WO in the Canadian Military Engineers. Would like to hear from old friends. email:

STOVOLD, Ken, Scout leader in Lahr - Summer 1980 -83, Summer 1985-89 and my ICQ# is 5869785

STOYLES, Denise (MacLean)- Lahr 78-82. I now live in Petawawa, Ontario and I seem to run into people from Lahr all the time!! If you remember me email me at

STRAND, Perry - Lahr 1981-1985. Graduated in 85. Living in Barrie Ontario now. My e-mail address is

STRATFORD, Wendy - attended Lahr Senior from 1974 and graduated in 1977. Married Kim Morrison in 1978 and we have a 10-year old son. Living in Red Deer. e-mail:

STREETER, Sara - I lived in Germany from '88-'94. I live in Toronto right now. My email is if anyone wants to talk to me.

SURPRENANT, Stephanie(kept my maiden name). I was in Lahr from 1983-1986 and attended Ecole General Georges Vanier for grades five and six and Lahr Senior for grade seven. I currently live in Ottawa, Ontario with my wonderful husband of nine years. I work for the RCMP in forensics identification as a dactyloscopist. I would love to hear from my classmates! email:

SUTHERLAND, Carole - Lahr Senior 1973-1975. Widowed in 2002 after 22 years of marriage. Re-married 2003. Living in Ottawa, working as a technical editor for DND. Lost touch with Firth Adcock and Lynne Mason. email:

SUTTON, Don Lahr Senior from 1971 to 1975. Graduated grade 12 in 74 and grade 13 in 75. I now live in Victoria B.C. as do some other Lahrites, Linda Barnes, Ian Gidney and Mike Dunlop. E-mai;

SUTTON, Tracy (Dicker): Lahr (Intermediate and Senior) 1970-'77. Now living in the UK & working as a Special Needs Teaching Assistant, married to Ian (a freelance TV cameraman) and mum to Jeremy (11) and Robin (9). E-mail address is

SWEET, Ryan -I Attended Lahr senior school for only one year, 1991-1992, but the experience changed my life. I am now living in Calgary and love it here. I'm working towards getting into film and am looking forward to getting a hold of some old friends. Ten years is a long time, and I'd love to hear from some of the people I went to school with. email:

SWINIMER, Carol-Ann (O'Halloran). Lahr 1979-1982. I am a mother of 3 children. Have 3 brothers Russ, Mike, Branden. I live in Ontario near Base Borden. Lived in Lahr from 78 to 82. Would love to hear from old friends. email:

SYMONDS, Missy (married name Searl). I lived in Lahr from 1976-1981. LSS 1980-81 and was in Mr Fentons homeroom; Westend for grade 5, Lahr Intermediate (teachers were Mr. Strand, Mr Tasaka) I also belonged to the Guy Lafleur fan club. You can also reach my younger brother, Richard, through me. e-mail: or

SZPAK, Michael - Lahr 1990-93 (Grades 9-11). Graduated from the University of Victoria with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After traveling for a year in Australia and South East Asia I returned and I am currently (Aug 2001), working in Vancouver BC as a Mechanical Engineer. email:

TAILLON, Gisele - 1970 to 1975, lived in Reichenbach until 1979. Moved to St. Catharine's a few years ago and now I work as an executive chef at a great golf course, Peninsula Lakes Golf Course. email me at

TANGUAY, Carrie - (now Crnkovic) Lahr (80-83), grades 7-9. Now in Calgary, and have a boy named Jake born June 99. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. Email:

TAYLOR, Debbie - Lahr senior 1971 -74. Now married to John Milner(28yrs) and mom to Shannon (25) and just became a new grandmom to Samantha (4 months) currently living in Kingston but that is subject to change-Love that military life! just found out about the site. Looking forward to hearing from any of my old friends that remember me. email:

TAYLOR, Jeffrey: LSH 1976 - 1980, grades 8-11. My sister and brother are Jennifer & John. My buddy was Greg Geisler and later Rick Snow. I lived in Oberschopfheim (12 Turnhallenstrasse) and took the school bus with kelly parent, ladean morton , adam & dominic shadbolt and many others. E-mail:

TAYLOR, Sherri (married name Rousell) lived in Lahr 1983-85 and 1987-89. Currently live in the Toronto area with my husband Jeff and daughters Taylor and Abigail (Abby) (born September 2002 and May 2006). I would love to hear from anyone who lived in Lahr the above noted years. E-mail address is

TERVO, Rich - Lived in Germany 1969-70, 1974-79 and attended/graduated LSH 1985-89. Still get together with Rich Moore and Pierre Oullete quite often. Now living in the Ottawa area. Happily married to Nancy since 1997. E-mail at Cheers!

TETARENKO, Sonja - Lahr in 1974-1978 and in 1984-1986. Dances at the CYC, the Tressenbad, Lahr Beaver Swim Team, Forever forgetting my DND card to get back onto base after lunch, Bomb drills/threats, yearly class trips. Dad was CO of 4cmbg 84-86. I am now in Strathmore AB, Love to hear from old friends. email:

THERIAULT, Martin - 1978-1980. Didn't attend Lahr Senior High, but I worked at the canex and on the base at the main SD there, then at Base Movements. Started working at Canon Canada in 84' as a systems technician working on Canon connected products. I have been married to Christine for 13 years and we have one amazing 12 year old boy named Jarrett.

THERRIEN, Mark - Lived in Lahr from 1974 till 78. Now living in Medicine Hat Alberta, with two kids from first marriage: Lisa, and Curtis. Back with my first love Susan Stertz and one child Willow. email:

THERRIEN, Melanie (Now Lapka) Lahr 1974-78, grades 7-10. Married, have a 6 year old son; live in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. Looking to hear from old friends, and if anyone knows whereabouts of Kim Hemminger, last known Edmonton. e-mail:

THIBODEAU, Paul - Don't forget the papers when you go to the bunker behind the caserne at lunch time. You don't have enough time to go back and get them. The good old days, anybody at LSS during 82-86, email me and we'll talk about old. email:

THIBODEAU, Red , I went to Lahr Senior in 1977 and was a full time student for one year. I was in the military at the time, an Artilaryman, and hung out at the Gasthaus known as Georges. I now live in Armstrong B.C. and am in contact with Karen Bulmer, James Gilson, Ken Gourlay. E-mail:

THIBODEAU, Scott - Lahr from 1982 - 86. I'm not married although I tried it once for fun. I'm currently living in Vancouver but will be travelling across Canada to Montreal in the summer for a change of pace. I work in the tech industry these days doing whatever it is us geeks do. Anyone wishing to say HI can do so at I'm also in touch with my brothers Paul and Michael.

THIESSEN, Rudy, I was teaching at LSH from 1971 to 1976. Student services, Psychology and science. My wife Susan (Susanne) was at Gutenberg from 72 to 76. We lived in Seelbach in the same house as Don Vinge who was the director in those years. I would love to get an e-mail address for him. email:

THOMAS, DARYL - Hemer July 1967 to July 1970, then Lahr until June 1971. Living and working in Brantford, ON. GM of a chain of sporting good stores. Married for 21 years with a 19 year old daughter in college. I'll be happy to respond to anyone who remembers me or my two younger brothers, Don or Lowell. e-mail

THOMSON, Jenifer - Lahr 1966-68, something like that...twin sister Joanne, brothers Greg and Roger I have moved to Canton, China. The travel bug bit back in Lahr, and the only place I feel at home is a foreign country, the more exotic the better. I am trying to send beads and jade out to make a living - even a bowl of rice a day costs. So, if you are in Canton China in the next year, give me a call.....81294492 - I know a few really good Chinese restaurants - hahahah!!! EMAIL:

THOMPSON, Allan - Lahr from 1974--1976.(Grade 7 in Lahr Intermediate/Grade 8 in Senior School).I was in Lahr Senior High grade 8/& Intermediate for grade 7.Just want to find out if anybody remembers me from my classes. If so drop me an email please,I would like to hear from you. email:

THOMPSON, Beth. Lahr 84-92. (and a few years before) I lived in area 31 and went to Westend and Lahr Senior, grades 3-9. My sisters are Kari Thompson, and Venus Thompson. My parents are Bill and Alyce. Currently I am living in Shilo, MB with my 8yr old son. My older sister Kari is living in Oshawa, Ontario. My younger sister, Venus is living in Brandon working at Boston Pizza and going to university. My dad is retired from the military and working at a radio station in Brandon. I would really like to get back in touch with Jason McConvey, Heather Seed, Rob Hilliard, Cindy Lauritsen, Daryl Gerigk, James Robar, Mary Kelly, and many others. My email addy is

THOMPSON, Dawn (Korn) - Lahr 1982 - 1992, graduated Lahr Senior in 1986. Would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. Would love to know the whereabouts of Kerry Cadi. Please email me and say hello. e-mail:

THOMPSON, Jim - Lahr 1966-70. Worked at Europahof and Canex. Met Dale Doherty and we married in 1971. Still happy after 31 years. Both of us living and working in Ottawa. Email:

THOMPSON, Kari (Traynor) - I lived in Lahr for 15 yrs (last tour 1984-1992). Currently living in Oshawa, ON with my two daughters Phoenix and Acacia. Love my job working for handicap children. Drop me a line if you remember me or my sisters Beth and Venus.

THOMPSON, Kathleen (Mason) and was at LSS 1982-1985. Now in the Muskoka's (Ontario) with my husband and two boys. I am a nutritionist and have a small consulting business. Still in touch with Monique Cormier and Cindie MacDonald. email:

THOMPSON, LIZ (now McCracken) - Lahr Senior 1974-1976 - currently living in Listowel, Ontario. Married in 1984, 1 daughter born in 1990. Wondering whatever happened to Glen Sutherland, Jane Veldhuisen....and many others!!!! E-mail me at

THOMPSON, Pat (Patricia) Was in Lahr 1973 -1979. Have two sons Eric 19, Steven 15. . Living in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. email

THOMPSON, Shawn, currently I live in Miami, Florida. I am a irefighter/paramedic with Miami-Dade Fire Rescue and a rotor flight paramedic with LifeNet Miami. So much water has passed under the bridge sinse I lived in Lahr, I wouldn't know where to start. I really enjoyed living in Lahr and hope to take a trip back someday as well as connect up with friends from the past. You can email me at

THOMPSON, Tracey (now Young) I lived in Germany from '82-'87 and then again from '88-'91. I am currently living in Winnipeg. I have so many great memories of Lahr, and would love to hear from anyone who might remember me. email: or (204) 488-0960.

THOMSON, Greg (Gopher) - Lahr 67-69 (grades 9-10), after moving from England. Now in Perth Australia, married with 4 girls aged 4-10, and making machines for a living. My email address is Web Company Web Page is

THOMSON, Jenifer - Lahr 1967 1969 Gr 10/11 - My sister Joanne and I are best remembered as the Thomson twins. We're now International Bead Dealers, buying beads in Asia and selling them in Australia and Victoria BC in their summer months. email:

TIDERMAN, Laura (Stephens-Petersen). Went to Lahr Senior in 1972 Grade 9, 1973 Grade 10 and 1974 Grade 11. Lived in Kippenheimweiler while they were building it. Currently live in Port Alberni, B.C, (Vancouver Island). Married with two teenagers aged 19 and 16 1/2. I am an (early) retired loans officer. email:

TINKER, Brian - I was a teacher at Lahr Senior 76 - 78. Fabulous 2 years, still stay close to the friends we made there, it was such an intensive experience for teachers, an escape from the real world in Canada. Just took a look at the faculty photos in the 76 year book, wow we were young!

TITUS, Diane, married name Martin. Was at Lahr Senior 87-89. Have two kids Megan 6yrs old and Nicholas 4. Would like to hear from Jeff Costello, Scott White, and anyone else who remembers me! e-mail:

TIZZARD,TODD - Lahr 1985-1989. Now in New Brunswick and I am working as a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Nursing Degree. I am seriously dating Michelle Gosse who was also in Lahr at roughly the same time. We can both be reached at

TOBIN, Tom (Tommy), I lived in Lahr from 1984-1989. With my Father (Toby) and Mother (Mary) and my two younger brothers Trevor and Troy. We all went to Westend elementary, I attended Lahr Senior in the French Immersion program for grade 7-8. My Dad was with the 4 Field Ambulance, My mother worked at the LX in the bank located in the back by the shoes. We lived in area 31-14-11 (wow I can't believe I remembered that). I'm now 30 years old living in Edmonton Alberta, Graduated form Concordia University College of Alberta with a B.A. in Psych and am an account exec for the Edmonton Oilers Hockey Club. email:

TOEBAERT, Catherine Toebaert - Lahr 76-81 Grade 4 to 8. Now Living in Vancouver, B.C. Would love to hear from any of the old gang. Went back to see the old stomping grounds in 94. "A little depressing" email:

TOOP, Donna, Lahr 1969-74, now in Barrie Ontario. e-mail:

TOWER, Allen - Lahr Senior 1973-77 Grades 8-11. Living in Sardis BC. Married for 22 years, no kids. Employed in silviculture field since 1981 but have recently become an apprentice electrician. Never too old to learn new tricks! COBRA I in 2000 was fantastic.

TOWN, Arlene - Lahr Senior School Teacher and Guidance Counsellor 91-94. I was thrilled to find this site. My husband, David, who was Hausmeister after Herr Walter retired, is now also a teacher. We are in Prince Albert, Sk and have 2 children, Nigel and Lauren. Looking forward to hearing from former students and friends. email:

TREBOUTAT, Paul. Lahr Senior School 1977-1981. Now living in Ottawa (Kanata, actually a suburb of Ottawa). I am an engineer, self-employed and married with three children (twin boys and daughter). Would greatly welcome e-mail from some of the 'brains' - Bill Wilson, Marc Gelinas, Dan Blanchard, Karen Bjerke, et al. My e-mail address is

TRENHOLM, Lena. I was in Lahr in 1992 (grade 7). Would like to hear from anyone who remembers me, or who would like to talk about Germany. email:

TRIPP, Lisa-- Lahr 1974-1978 (Guttenberg) and Lahr Intermediate. Left Lahr and returned in 1983 at Lahr Senior High - grade 13. Worked at the curling club and the Canex in the Audio department. My brother is Jeff aka Tripper! Currently living in Kingston and I am a social worker. Email

TROWHILL, Rod 88-92, Had a little too much fun in Lahr and now I drive a big mean Mack all over North America, have one dependant, a girl 3 years old. Reach me if you remember me at

TUCKER, Tracy (Moreau)..Lahr from 1976-1982 & 1988 to 1992 (yes I did marry the soldier boy, Charles) 18yrs of wedded bliss.. We have two wonderful kids,... Rene 15 and Dominique 12. Living in Winnipeg, and working in my chosen field as a decorative artist. Would Love to hear old friends. Email:

TUCKER, Treva - 1977-1982 Lahr - I moved to Trenton and lived with a friend, Gail O'Neil (Lahr Brat as well), to finish my grade twelve and then returned to Halifax. I am now married to Wayne and have three great kids, Ann, Rachael & Taylor. Have such great memories of Lahr...dances at the CYC...parties at the quarry...CYC Streakers....and the people I met. Next year can't come soon enough! email:

TURCOTTE, Roxanne - I was in Lahr from 1971-1974 Grades 9-11 and lived at 31/6/12. I now live in Calgary with my 13 year old son. email: or

TUSKER, Natalie, Attended Lahr Senior School from 1982-1986. Live in the Toronto Area. Would love to hear from any of my old school friends. Send me an e-mail at

TUSTIN, Debbie - I am on Vancouver Island still teaching. Love to hear from any old pals as would my sister Jo-Anne who lives in Victoria and nurses at the Royal Jubilee Hospital. Contact me at

TWOHIG, Gina - Lahr Senior School , 1972-76 grades 8-11 I'm married to Steven and have two delightful daughters. I am presently taking a break from teaching to enjoy time at home with them before they are both in school full-time. We recently moved to Orleans, Ontario after living just outside St. John's, NF for the past 11 years. I can be reached at

Searching for more friends? - Alphabetical links: A.....B....C.....D.....E-G.....H-J.....K-L.....M.....Me-Mz.....N-O.....P-Q.....Ra-Rn..... Ro.....S-T......U-Z...

Click on my e-mail address below to send me a message (limit of 50 words or less, please!) and I'll post it for you! Remember to include the following in your message: your first and last name, the years you were in Lahr and especially YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS we should reply to. I'd love to hear how you found my page, too.

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