Check out some other
Aircrew Links!

The Professional Loadmaster Association
If you are a Loadmaster, this applies to you. The PLA is dedicated to helping other Loads and their families. That means this organization is for YOU! Stop by their web site for some information.

Aircraft Loadmaster WWW E-Mail & ICQ Locator
This site also applies to you if you are a Loadmaster, browse through the Loadmaster Locator page. Put your name on the list or find those old 'crew dogs' you once risked your life with. It's free and you will probably find people you have known for years but have just been out of touch with. You can also access the World Wide Engineer Locator page from here
(in case you happen to speak 'engineer').

JCF102's Airborne Trash Haulers Home Page
If you flew C-54's, stop by here, Jim is interested
in building a page dedicated to this great
aircraft and the crews that flew it.

The Jumbled Mind of Jason Gray
Jason is an ol' 141 Loadmaster from Charleston,
email him and ask how he stoped a pallet with his foot?

Sam's C-130 Page
This is a good page about that old airlifter that will probably outlive us all.

References Page


C-74 Page

C-124 Page

C-17 Page

Globemaster Images Page

Email me at this link: with any comments you might have.