Tim "Doc" Holiday's Memorial Page

As many know by now, Tim "Doc" Holiday has joined all of our fallen brothers, he has left a great impression here on earth.

I know he is watching over all of us from above, the eagle above is a sign of his spirit doing so.

I have only experienced knowing such a "extrodinary person like" "DOC", three times in my life time, he will be deeply missed.

Please everyone sign the guestbook with a tribute or your thoughts, let Tim know as he looks down from the Heavens that you are still here thinking of him!

To everyone who visits this site, below is old news, so you can know the man, and his struggle for life.

--- For anyone who doesn't know Tim "Doc" Holiday (Taylor), I have the sad duty to let everyone know, that Tim is back in the hospital, as of (POSTED Thursday 3-5-98), they found that the cancer has returned, that was earlier removed from his throat. ---

Although agent orange finally took its toll on his body, it never could touch his spirit. Goodbye for now my Dear Friend, I will once again see you when it becomes my turn to be with you and our fallen Brothers.

Services for Tim "Holiday" Taylor

Memorial Services for Timothy D. "Holiday" Taylor, 56. Hawkins, are scheduled
for 4-10 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 18, At Mineola Civic Center, and at 11 a.m., Elmwood Memorial Park, Rt. 277 S.Abilene, TX.

Arrangements are with Beaty Funeral Home/English Chapel, Mineola.

Mr. Taylor died Oct. 25 at his residence.

He was born Oct. 6, 1944, in Piqua, Ohio, to Dr. Floyd and Betty Thompson Taylor.

He served during the Vietnam War, receiving several medals, including the Combat Action Ribbon, Combat Air Crew Wings, Navy Achievement Medal (with "V" for Valor), Cross of Gallantry (with Palm Leaf), Navy Commendation Medal, Vietnamese Medal of Honor and the Marine Expeditionary Force Medal.

He was a musician, songwriter and singer, a Navy Corpsman for 13 years, and a member of the following organizations:
Vietnam Veterans of America, VietNow, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
The Few (Combat Marines and Combat Corpsmen)
Mr. Taylor was also a co-founder of The Last Patrol, Inc.

Survivors include his wife, Dixie Taylor, Hawkins, TX,
sons; Timothy Taylor, Jr., Concord, CA, Aaron Heath Taylor, Snyder, TX, and stepson Tony (Christie) Brinkmeier.
daughters; Misty Dawn Taylor and Mandy Gwen Taylor, both of San Angelo, TX,
parents; Dr. Floyd and Betty Taylor, Abilene, TX,
sisters; Judy Andree and Billie Jean Meeks, Abilene, TX, and three grandchildren, August, Hannah and Zachary Brinkmeier.

Tim (Doc) Holiday, a Nam Veteran who has given many Veterans so much pleasure, and worked very hard for the Cause for many years, thank you Tim "DOC" Holiday. For anyone who might not have heard of him, or not sure you have, they are known as:

Martin & Holiday

One thing that Tim had wanted to make sure was stated on this website;
Michael J. Martin is still out there working for the Cause, Tim asked the following;

    please give "all your support" to Michael J. for the Veterans Cause.
    Michael J. Martin is another very special person, to understand this all you need to do is listen to the sweet music Martin & Holiday made together.

    Now to learn more about "Doc's Life" go to the link below.

"Doc's" Background.

"Open Letter From a Friend"

Dearest Dixie;
I don't expect you to remember me. I think the last time I saw you was at the Veteran's Little Rib House in Tyler, when a few of us were being interviewed. I just wanted to extend my condolences on your loss. I also want you to know that I know without a doubt that Tim is in a better place. I was sitting at my computer the afternoon that Tim crossed the bridge, when out of nowhere I could hear that beautiful voice of his singing. As I listened, the tears began to trickle down my cheek because I knew that the only way I could be hearing Tim sing was if he had left us for a better life on the other side. I got a phone call late that night that confirmed what Tim had already come by to tell me. Because I heard him singing as clear as could be, I know that his old worn out body has been renewed and he's singing with the best of them. Just remember Dixie, as you were saying goodbye and watching him leave, there were those on the other side of the bridge who were waving hello and watching him on his way to his new home. I'm not a religious person, but I do know that we do get a better place after we leave here. If I ever had any doubts about that, Doc took all those away when he came by my place singing.I guess the Walking Man was walking home and stopping by to let a few of us that were listening know he was off on another march.
Hugs to ya,
Mac McBride

Tim, before he passed, had requested that I let everyone know about this new tape, as he is very proud to have made it... Anyone who would be interested in this tape that Doc put together, it is comprised of earlier songs, poetry, as well as a history of his great music, plus others he included on the tape...

it is available from Dixie, Tim's wife at the address below
for a donation of $12.00 (includes shipping).

The name of the new tape is:

"Life and Times of Tim Holiday"

"An Unauthorized Biography"...
Available by contacting

Dixie Talyor

1693 FM 3056

Hawkins, Tx.


Thank you all, for all those who supported this Brother, who gave us so much...
This is a super tape that you'll really enjoy for a long time, I know, I'm listening to it right now...
And the photo on here is what is shown on the tape cover...

These are the graphics from Tims new tape on here, and I really wish I could place some of his music from this tape on here, it is so great... Thank you Tim I will forever cherish this copy you sent me, it has been a pleasure to have known you, and to have been able to call you my friend...

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Dixie has a new e-mail address, so please send your e-mails to Dixie on your thoughts about Tim, by clicking on the E-mail symbol, Thanks, and say hello to Dixie for me.

Below are a couple of links that have

Free E-Mail Cards

Blue Mountain Gretting Cards

Angel Eyes

Special links that are in Memory to Tim "Doc" Holiday.

Where Eagles Fly

In Memory of Doc Holiday

Circle of Friends

The following was offered as a sign of what Tim stood for in life;

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller

The music on here is very fitting; "Silent Tears" borrowed from another web site.

Special thanks go out to all the people who have helped make this possible..."Doc", "Gunny", and all of the good people on the POW/MIA Web Rings. Your time, your talent and your dedication to a cause are really appreciated.

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