The Geyperman Guide

click aquí, en español!

Last Update February 2000


You are welcome to the Geyperman Guide Page. A useful resource to get information, pics, references about the Spanish Vintage GiJoe version: The GEYPERMAN.

Brief History

The Body

Figures & Boxes

Soldiers of the World Uniforms sets

Adventurers of the World Outfits Sets

Window box outfit sets

Far West Series



Rare Sets


Page made and designed by yoon

Yoon´s Collector Page


visits from march 25th 2001
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The legal speech

Geyperman Logo and graphics copyrights are (were) property of Geyper. The author doesn´t have any class of relation, affiliation with Geyper, excepting that has enjoyed a lot with their products (and still does). The only purpose of this web page is providing information about the Spanish made "Joes" to the GiJoe collectors all over the world

This site has NO commercial purposes.

Anybody is allowed to use the pics and information from this site as long as they are not for commercial purposes, but, please mention this site in yours and also add a link to this site.

All the pics have been signed because several pics and information from this site have been detected at Internet Collector shops with commercial purposes. Some even used personal collection pics from this site, which has given me some headaches for the misunderstanding.


Some good persons who have helped this site have better information and pics:

Pedro Lozano, Pedro Andrea, Christoph S, Màrius, Hallack, JL Ayuso.


Have something to say to me? I am all ears :D !!

This site started on Jan 97

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