Station P: M249 Light Machine Gun

Paratrooper Light Machine Gunner

Point P-1

Task 1: Perform Operator Maintenance on an M249 Light Machine Gun

Task 2: Perform a Function Check on an M249 Light Machine Gun

TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given an M249 Light Machine Gun and scraper tool.


1. Within 4 minutes, correctly disassemble the M249 Light Machine Gun into its eight major groups and components.

2. Within 5 minutes, correctly assemble the M249 Light Machine Gun and perform a function check.

SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task is based on task number 071-312-4025 in STP 7-11BCH14-SM-TG and FM 23-14 M249 Light Machine Gun in Automatic Rifle role.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR POINT: An M249 Light Machine Gun for each candidate, scraper tool for each machine gun, stopwatch, and FB Forms 20-32-R and 20-33-R.

SITE SETUP: Place M249 Light Machine Guns on the ground with the bipod extended. Lay out a ground cloth at each weapon with a scraper tool on the ground cloth.


"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to perform operator maintenance on an M249 Light Machine Gun and perform a function check on an M249 Light Machine gun. The purpose of this is to determine your ability to perform operator maintenance on an M249 Light Machine Gun as demonstrated by your ability to disassemble, assemble, and perform a function check on the weapon. The weapon must pass the function check. You have 4 minutes to disassemble the M249 Light Machine Gun into eight major groups and components. You may use only the equipment found on the ground cloth beside your weapon. Place the disassembled parts on the ground cloth as you remove them. Do you understand what you must do?"

If there are any questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.


Allow the candidates to proceed for 4 minutes.


"You now have 5 minutes to assemble the M249 Light Machine Gun and perform a function check. You may use only the equipment found on the ground cloth beside your weapon. Place the assembled weapon on the ground cloth after you complete the assembly and function check. Do you understand what you must do?

If there are any questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.


Allow the candidates to proceed for 5 minutes.


Grader will perform a function check to ensure proper assembly.

Point P-2

Task 1: Load an M249 Machine Gun

Task 2: Perform Immediate Action on an M249 Light Machine Gun

Task 3: Unload and Clear M249 Machine Gun

TEST CONDITIONS: During daylight, given an M249 Light Machine Gun and scraper tool, blank ammunition with at least two good blank rounds followed by one expended round and then two more rounds.

TEST STANDARDS: Within 30 seconds, load, correct a malfunction, and unload and clear an M249 machine gun.

SOLDIER'S MANUAL CROSSWALK: This task is based on task number 071-312-4027 in STP 7-11BCHM14-SM-TG, and FM 23-14 M249 Light Machine Gun in Automatic Rifle role, dated 26 Jan 94.

SITE SETUP: Place the M249 Light Machine Gun on the ground with the bipod extended. Lay out a ground cloth at each weapon. Set up blank ammunition with at least two good blank rounds followed by one expended round and then two more rounds. This setup creates the malfunction necessary to accomplish task P-2.

Points P-1 and P-2 can be set up at a single site or at two separate sites.


"Let me have your attention. At this point, you are required to load an M249 Light Machine Gun, perform immediate action on an M249 Light Machine Gun, and unload an M249 Light Machine Gun. The purpose of this test is to determine your ability to load, correct a malfunction, and unload and clear the M249 Light Machine Gun."

"This point consists of three tasks. You must pass all three of the tasks at this point to receive a GO. In order to pass a task, you must correctly perform all of the performance measures for that task. If you fail any task at this point, you will be retested on the entire point."

"Now listen carefully to my instructions."

"You have 30 seconds to load, fire, correct a malfunction, and unload and clear the M249 machine gun. When I say, Begin, immediately begin by loading and firing the weapon in the direction in which it is now pointed. The belt of ammunition you have by your weapon produces a malfunction after a few rounds are fired. You must correct the malfunction and continue to fire the weapon until the ammunition is expended. You will then unload and clear the weapon. All performance measures must be accomplished from the prone firing position. You may use only the equipment found on the ground cloth beside your weapon. Place the weapon on the ground cloth after you have cleared the weapon. Do you understand what you must do?"

If there are any questions, repeat the instructions but do not elaborate on what you have read.


Allow the candidate to proceed for 30 seconds.


Station P Pre-Test
1. Grid coordinate GL 1234 5678, what does GL refer to?

2. You are plotting GL 1234 5678, what are the first two numbers measured?

3. What kind of grid coordinate is this?

4. An 8-digit coordinate is accurate to ___ meters?

5. You have plotted two 8 digit coordinates, you are at the first one and must land navigate to the second. How do you measure this grid azimuth with a protractor?

6. You now have a grid azimuth of 135 degrees. Why can't you use that setting on your compass?

7. Your grid azimuth is 135 degrees. You must convert to a magnetic azimuth, where do you find the G-M angle to do this?

8. Your G-M angle is 7 degrees to the west, so magnetic north is 7 degrees left of your grid north. What rule do you use to convert 135 degrees grid to magnetic?

9. What does LARS stand for?

10. If your G-M is 7 degrees to the west, and your grid azimuth is 135, what is your magnetic azimuth?

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