United States Benson-Livermore Class Destroyers

USS Ludlow DD438 on the ways

What's new on the Benson-Livermore destroyer site?

5 January 2000 -- Added pictures to Farenholt, Emmons, and Davison.
Major USS Madison information update.
December 2000 -- Additions to USS Macomb, Coghlan, Edison, Kendrick, Nicholson, and Satterlee .
Transferred mirror sites onto TCS server.
Research into design, battles, etc.
Beginning of updates to Madison, Mayo, Thorn, Swanson, and Farenholt .
Welcome to our newest ship website..USS Farenholt DD491
Next major site will be Ordronaux DD617.

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All Information is maintained and written by the Author, Richard Angelini,USS Mayo Group. This website is a service provided by the USS Mayo DD422 Group. Please ask to use any information contained within these pages. Thank you.

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