Requirements & Equipment List




Who can join?:

As a member unit of the Brigade of the American Revolution (BAR), we follow the guidelines as set forth by the BAR. These include:

a) Women are not allowed to portray a military role (i.e. "cross-dressing" as men or fielding with muskets/rifles, etc). Jaeger Corps family members are however encouraged to join as Campfollowers.

b) Minimum age for portraying a Man-At-Arms is 16 yrs of age. If a person younger than 16 yrs of age wishes to join the Jaeger Corps, they need a parent or another adult member within the unit to be legally responsible for them.

Other Pertinent Requirements
Exclusive To The Feldjaeger Corps:

Attendance Requirements:
The following requirement for the Feldjaeger Corps is a minimum of five (5) events. If it is a two (2) day event and you only attend one day, it counts for 1/2 of an event. If a member cannot make the minimum number of events for two (2) years they are out of the unit. On Hairstyles:
We realize that the modern work-world reality limits most from having 18th century hairstyles, & because the kind of activity we, as a unit, engage in makes wearing a historically-correct wig oppressively hot, uncomfortable, & in some cases even dangerous; most basic short hairstyles (& some long) are acceptable & length is left up to the individual member. We do require a natural hair color; *NO* outrages hairstyles &/or dye jobs allowed (example: spiked purple mohawks). On Facial Hair:
The Infantry Regulations state that facial hair is not allowed, but we have enough documentation to show us that this regulation was not always followed. We allow mustaches *but* do not allow beards.

Feldjaeger Corps Minimum Equipment List:

**note: before purchasing any of the following items you should contact your NCO's, as we have many sources for these items and can tell you ahead of time if it will be acceptable. This can be an expensive hobby (i.e. custom made Jaeger rifles can begin at $1200 & go up from there) & we dont want you to waste your money!

A Jaeger's kit:

1 wool soldier's regimental coat. Green lined w/ red.

1 westkit (waistcoat), made of green wool.

1 pair woolen breeches, green.

1 pair woolen (long) gaiters, black.

1 pair leather garters w/buckles, for gaiters.

1 cotton o/r linen shirt.

1 pair of 18th century shoes w/brass buckles, with or w/o hobnails.

2+ pair of hosen.

1 neck stock (construction varies, but is coloured black).

1 Kevenhueller (tricorn hat cocked Jaeger style), wool or fur felt.

1 forage cap (optional).

1 waist sword belt, red leather.

1 waist cartridge box belt, red leather.

1 Jaeger-style cartridge box (belly type), black leather.

1 Jaeger-type sword o/r European "hunting" sword (cuttoe).

1 bread bag.

1 cowhide tornister (hair bag), w/ brown leather strap.

1 canteen, Feldflasche o/r Kidney type.
(**not required but strongly recommended).

1 Jaeger rifle (minimum .54 caliber) w/ red leather strap.
(** Pedersoli now offers a Jaeger, but hardware will have to be switched to brass to be acceptable. For the "do-it-yourselfer" there are various "kits" avaliable through the Rifle Shoppe, Jim Chambers, etc., see our links page. For those new recruits who already possess either a Brown Bess o/r Potzdam musket, we will deem these an acceptable alternative, until a Jaeger rifle is acquired).

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"Es blies ein Jäger wohl sein Horn"

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