Inspection Report ~ September 25, 1864

CAMP CHASE, OHIO, September 25, 1864

Col. W. P. RICHARDSON, Commanding Post:

COLONEL: I have the honor to submit the following report of an inspection of camp and prisons for the week ending September 24, 1864, in pursuance to Order No. 169, issued from post headquarters, Camp Chase, Ohio, August 22, 1864:

Prison No. 1 contains rebel officers and is kept in a healthy condition by being kept well policed and nicely drained. It is well graded and presents a fine appearance, but I would respectfully suggest that the eastern wall of this prison be moved on a line with prisons 2 and 3 and the old sink filled up and a new one constructed.

Prison No. 2 contains rebel enlisted men and the hospital buildings. The prison looks very well on account of being nicely policed, well drained, and graded. Everything in the hospital is kept neat and clean; bedding and clothing often changed.

Prison No. 3, like prisons 1 and 2, is in good order and has received proper attention in every respect. Its appearance speaks well for the officers in charge. The ranges spoken of in former reports are not furnished, the lack of which has a material effect upon the convenience of the prisons.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,

Capt. D Company, Eighty-eighth Ohio Vol. Infty.,
Prison Inspector

Camp Chase, Ohio, September 29, 1864

Respectfully forwarded. I am not fully satisfied of the necessity of removing the fence in Prison No. 1, as suggested in this report. The cooking arrangements in all prisons are being perfected as rapidly as possible.
Colonel Twenty-fifth Ohio Volunteers, Commanding

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