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Programs for Americanism, Children and Youth

The American Legion has, since its founding in 1919 worked to promote Americanism and help our young people learn to be better citizens, as well as help those in need. Here are some of the programs we offer:

Boys and Girls State

Pennsylvania American Legion sponsors Keystone Boys State, an annual week-long camp designed to give young men a chance to develop civic leadership and pride in American citizenship. The program gives hands-on governing experience.
The annual program is held during the month of June, at Scotland School for Veterans Children, Scotland, PA. Any high school boy who will have completed his junior year of high school prior to the program is eligible. Either contact Post 889 at, your school guidance counselor, local American Legion Post, or Pennsylvania American Legion for more information and an application.
The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors Keystone Girls State, the same program for high school girls. For more information on this program, contact: Post 889 Auxiliary
at or American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Pennsylvania, PO Box 2643, Harrisburg, PA 17105.

State Police Youth Week

The annual State Police Youth Week is an annual summer law-enforcement program to give high school students a glance into law enforcement training and careers. Cadets undergo the same training offered at the Pennsylvania State Police Academy.
A TYPICAL DAY: Cadets awaken early, prepare their quarters for inspection and participate in morning physical training. They march in platoon formation to classes and other scheduled activities. Cadets participate in a wide variety of instruction sessions such as use of police radar, weapons firing, tactical police skill and other related skills. 
The annual program is held during June, at Scotland School for Veterans Children, Scotland, PA. Any high school student who will have completed their junior year prior to the program is eligible. Either contact Post 889 at, your school guidance counselor, local American Legion Post, or Pennsylvania American Legion for more information and an application.

American Legion National High School Oratorical Competition

The American Legion National High School Oratorical Competition is open to high school students in grades 9-12 under the age of 20. It's purpose is to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution on the part of high school students. It also helps develop leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and the preparation for acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, the rights and privileges of American citizenship. Prizes includes scholarships and awards from the various levels of competitions enroute to the National finals.

The Competition is begins in February each year. For complete rules of the contest, students should contact the Guidance Office at Western Wayne or email the Post at If your not from Western Wayne contact your school guidance counselor, local American Legion Post, or Pennsylvania American Legion for more information.

2000 Pennsylvania American Legion Essay Contest

We are also sponsoring an essay contest as part of the 2000 Pennsylvania American Legion Essay Contest.
This year's topic is "Bottom Line: Are We responsible for Our Actions?" The contest is open to any student in grades 9 through 12 in the Western Wayne School District. All essays will be at 600 words and with a maximum length of 1,000 words. They will be judged on English structure, originality, accuracy, extent of information and evidence of research.
The winner at the Post level will receive a $100 savings bond and will go on to compete at the next level working toward the state finals and a $3,500 scholarship for first place.
For complete rules of the contest, students should contact the Guidance Office at Western Wayne or email the Post at If your not from Western Wayne contact your school guidance counselor, local American Legion Post, or Pennsylvania American Legion for more information.

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