Frigates and Corvettes

Frigates and Corvettes

These Ships form the First and Second Corvettes Division (for historical reasons, the frigates are called corvettes [corbetas]) , based at Puerto Belgrano (1st. Div) and at Puerto Belgrano and Mar del Plata (2nd. Div).

First Division (1era. Divicor)

First Division

The first division is composed by A.R.A. Drummond (P-31), A.R.A. Guerrico (P-32) and A.R.A. Granville (P-33). They´re A-69 class French ships. They participated in the Malvinas War, and in operations under UN flag in Haiti. Their missilistic weapons are the Exocet MM38 ASM. They also have Anti Sub Torpedoes.

Order Air War South Atlantic, one of the most comprehensive books on the Falklands/Malvinas Conflict. It´s well worth it´s price!

Second Division (2da. Divicor)

Second Division

The Second Division is composed by A.R.A. Espora (P-41), A.R.A. Rosales (P-42), A.R.A. Spiro (P-43) and A.R.A. Parker (P-44). They´re Graman designed, locally built, MEKO 140 A 16 Class ships. Some of them participated in the Gulf War. Their missilistic weapons are the Exocet MM38 ASM. They also have EW capability and Anti Sub Torpedoes, as well as an aviation deck and hangar (hangar only in P-44). Two more of these ships will be completed soon (A.R.A. Robinson, P-45 and A.R.A. Gómez Roca, P-46)

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