Click Below to Expose the Lies 1. What is The Annotated Pink Swastika? 2. What is The Pink Swastika? 3. Begin Reading (Table of Contents) 4. Download a Searchable ASCII Version Visitors since July 8, 1999 WISCONSIN HATE GROUP WCU, Wisconsin Christians United, is a right-wing fundamentalist hate group located in Monroe, Wisconsin. It has been active in distributing The Pink Swastika, Paul Cameron's pamphlets, etc. At the following web site you can see its news letters and other anti-gay hate literature. USE YOUR BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN.
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About the Annotated Pink Swastika Citizens Allied for Civic Action (CAFCA) PO Box 510920 Milwaukee, WI 53203 Copyright 2004 Particular permission is given to link this material to Wikipedia and to other Internet sites. Copyright 1996 All rights to reproduce the annotations and comments in this study are reserved by CAFCA except that permission is granted to circulate this file electronically, in its entirety without changes, and to quote extensively from it as long as due credit is given to its origin. HTML Version. This has hypertext links enabling readers to jump quickly between the original text and comments on it. A link in the original text, i.e. "{See comment...}," will jump to the commentary on the text following the {See...} link. At the end of the commentary there is a link to return to the text. A second link at the end of a comment allows the reader to skip quickly to the next annotated text. It's recommended, however, that all the text be read at least once. There are also links from and back to the table of contents. This file can be saved as a research resource and searched using the "find" feature of a browser or wordprocessor. It should fit on a single 3.5" floppy disk. This file is available as a MS-Word document (Windows 95), APS_V03.doc. TYPE FONTS: The MS-Word version uses AGaramond type (Adobe) for comments and Courier New (TrueType) for the original text. This makes it easy to distinguish the original from the comments. For those who don't have the proper fonts, the appearance might be different. Even without the proper fonts, the comments are still distinguishable since they are set off from the text as indicated below. ASCII VERSION: The ASCII plain text version, of course, loses the font differences, as well as the various bold, italic, underline, and other modifications. Indentation might also vary from the original depending on how the reader's program handles tabulation. NOTES: This text preserves the pagination and lining of the original. Figure captions are retained, sometimes with a brief description of the picture. Errors in the original, spelling, grammar, etc., are marked {sic}. Notes added to the original text are in braces {}. Refutations and other annotations are set off in separate sections throughout the text as the following example shows: *** {start comment 180-1} Annotation text. *** {end comment 180-1} where 180 = page number, -1 = first comment on that page. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time The Pink Swastika has been mostly but not completely researched, due to the difficulty in obtaining some of the sources, for example those that are propaganda pamphlets that libraries don't usually carry. Undoubtedly there are more errors, misstatements, and outright lies than those listed in these notes. The first release was issued when one of the authors of The Pink Swastika was touring the United States and presenting his propaganda to Religious Right groups, who are using it in their own propaganda. There seemed to be a need to supply some material that could be used in refuting the book then. This latest edition has added considerable material, and will probably be the last. So many errors are already listed that the purpose has been well served without the great effort that would be needed to locate the final source books for complete checking of all citations. Little would be added relative to the list of errors already found here. The reader should give the author of The Pink Swastika the benefit of the doubt, and assume any typographical errors not noted by "{sic}" were probably not in the original text of the book. It cannot be emphasized enough that this debunking of The Pink Swastika is incomplete. Those discussing points in the book that have not yet been researched should mention that this work is not yet complete, and the fact that something is not criticized doesn't mean it is accepted as true. The numerous errors and misstatements in the parts of the book that have been researched raise suspicions on everything written in it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P R E F A C E The Pink Swastika belongs to the Crypto History genre. It claims to reveal connections of people and groups explaining the course of events that have been neglected by or even covered up by establishment historians. A modern and related example is The New World Order written by Pat Robertson, televangelist, Republican Presidential contender, and founder of the Christian Coalition. Whereas Robertson's book attempts to show that modern government institutions such as the Federal Reserve Board arise from a conspiracy of occult Satanists and "International Bankers," The Pink Swastika attempts to show that Hitler's Nazism and the Jewish Holocaust are the work of homosexuals, and that the Nazi work is being continued by homosexuals in the United States. In both cases it is necessary for the author to establish linkages. The linkage process tends to be tortuous, and Robertson tries to link the Federal Reserve to conspiratorial Satanists by speculating on a chain involving Cecil Rhodes, the Freemasons, and the Rothschilds. The Pink Swastika has to include so many different "links" in some of its "chains" that the reader who does not soon lose interest is sure to be confused. While Robertson wants to show that the Federal Reserve's mission is to weaken America economically so that a one world government will be accepted in preparation for the rule of the Anti-Christ, The Pink Swastika wants to show that homosexuals were responsible for Hitler's rise to power, the slaughter of 6 million Jews, and the modern neo-Nazi movement in America. The main technique used is selective quoting from respectable authors and extensive quoting from disreputable ones. Samuel Igra is an example of an author whose work cannot be trusted in any part, and for that reason it can be difficult to locate the book he wrote. Igra is quoted extensively. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke is a genuine scholar, and his work is quoted selectively. There are instances where context in Goodrick-Clarke contradicts what The Pink Swastika wishes to demonstrate, so that portion of his work is ignored, a quote being selected from a less reliable author because it fits better the homophobic thesis. The same may be said of many other sources used for The Pink Swastika. The worst feature of this sort of writing, as Goodrick-Clarke notes at the end of his book, is the manufacture of sources -- "...inaccuracies and wild claims were repeated by each newcomer to the genre until abundant literature existed...." One author writes a book that includes mere rumor or even outright fabrication, and the next author is able to use it as a citation, giving an unmerited cloak of scholarship to his work. The Pink Swastika is full of rumors about homosexuality of various persons. A man's wife and children mean nothing if some disreputable past author can be cited as a source for an allegation of homosexuality. That Hermann Goering liked exotic clothes and improved the appearance of his face with makeup is sufficient to brand him homosexual, despite his undoubted devotion to both his wives and his daughter. Rudolph Hess is not saved by his wife and children, nor is Hans Frank. Herschel Grynszpan, the Jewish youth who shot Ernst vom Rath in Paris in 1938, giving the Nazis an excuse for the "Crystal Night" anti-Jewish pogrom, is painted as a homosexual prostitute, even though nothing about homosexuality was ever uncovered or mentioned until his defense attorney used it as a successful ploy to postpone indefinitely his trial for murder. Nothing in The Pink Swastika can be believed without checking reliable sources. This study has checked many of the sources, particularly for the connection with Hitler and the Nazis, but by no means all. The portions which have not been refuted should not be assumed to be accurate just because no notes have been attached. With that word of caution, The Pink Swastika begins on Page Title-1.... ***{Below is Page: Title-1}*** The Pink Swastika Homosexuality in the Nazi Party Scott Lively Kevin Abrams Founders Publishing Corporation ***{Below is Page: Title-2}*** Published by Founders Publishing Corporation. Box 20307, Keizer, Oregon 97307 Published July 1995. Printed in the United States of America Copyright 1995 by Lively Communications Inc. and Kevin E. Abrams All rights reserved. Information about ordering copies of this may be found on the last page. hook Cover Design by Al Mendenhall First Edition 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ISBN 0-9647609-0-8 ***{Below is Page: I }*** Contents A Note to the Reader iii Preface: Kevin E. Abrams iv Introduction: Scott Lively ix Acknowledgments xv One: The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party 1 The Divided Movement 6 Karl Heinrich Ulrichs 9 Magnus Hirshfeld and the SHC 12 The New Hellenes 15 Adolf Brand and the Community of the Special 19 The Rift Widens 24 The Wandervogel 27 Gerhard Rossbach and the Freikorps Movement 35 Ernst Roehm and the Development of the SA 39 Two: Homo-occultism 46 Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society 51 Guido von List and the Armanen Order 54 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Ariosophy 56 The Thule Society 60 Three: The Homosexual Roots of Fascism 65 Frederich {sic} Nietzsche 68 The Cultural Elites 70 Four: The Founding and Early Years of the Nazi Party 77 Hitler's Pederast Clique 79 Was Adolf Hitler a Homosexual? 82 ***{Below is Page: ii }*** The Nazi Rise to Power 86 A Change of Strategy 86 Five: The Persecution of Homosexuals 94 Anti-homosexual Policies 95 The Sacking of the Sex Research Institute 99 The Roehm Purge 102 After the Purge 110 Heinrich Himmler and the SS 111 Reinhard Heydrich: "The Blonde Beast" 115 The Grynszpan Affair -- Kristallnacht 118 Six: Homosexuality in the Concentration Camps 123 The Guards and Kapos 126 The Prisoners 131 The Final Solution 133 Seven: America Nazis 143 The Fascist Roots of American "Gay-Rights" 148 Harry Hay and the Mattachine Society 149 The Stonewall Riot 151 The Pederasts 154 The Boy Scouts 160 Weimar in America 163 The Kinsey Connection 166 The Cauldron Begins to Boil 169 Atrocities 174 The Big Picture 177 Bibliography 200 Ordering Information 205 ***{Below is Page: iii }*** A Note to the Reader Two terms used frequently in this book, 'homosexualist' and "pederast,' will be unfamiliar to many readers. We use the term homosexualist to refer to any person, homosexual or not, who actively promotes homosexuality as morally and socially equivalent to heterosexuality as a basis for social policy. In our view Harry Hay, founder of the American gay-rights movement, and President Bill Clinton who attempted to force the military to accept open homosexuals, are both homosexualists. Each has worked in his own way to legitimize homosexual behavior in America. Many heterosexual people are homosexualists. Many self-described homosexual people are not homosexu- alists. A homosexualist is defined by his actions in a socio-political context. This definition is different from Samuel Igra's use of the term in Germany's National Vice, which we have quoted extensively. Igra uses "homosexualist" to mean homosexuals only. A pederast is defined as a physically mature man who engages in or desires to engage in sex with boys around the age of puberty, as opposed to a pedophile, who targets both male and female prepubescent children and/or pubertal girls. (Pederast derives from the Greek paed, meaning boy, and erastis, meaning lover). Self-defined "boy-lovers" who have formed "children's rights" organizations such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in this country, and who formed the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen in Germany, generally seem to focus their sexual attentions on boys roughly between the ages of 8 and 18 years, with an apparent preference for boys about 12 years old. Some sources quoted in this study use the terms "pederast" and "pedophile" interchangeably. We hope to reestablish the dis- tinction between these terms (dubious as it may be) to facilitate a deeper understanding of homosexual pathology and the varieties of its expression. English translation of German words using the umlaut (two dots above ta {sic} vowel) result in different spellings of words like Fuehrer and Roehm (Fuhrer and Rohm). In this book we have chosen the form of spelling in which the vowel is followed by a {sic} "e." Spelling of German words varies among the authors we quote. ***{Below is Page: iv }*** B' H {The above stands for a Hebrew invocation. Mr. Abrams is an Orthodox Jew, formerly of Canada, now living in Jerusalem.} Preface Kevin E. Abrams I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children. Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19 The Pink Swastika is not a work of fiction. Ironically, the authors have discovered that truth is often stranger than fiction. The Pink Swastika is a response to the "gay political agenda" and its strategy of portraying homo- sexuals as victims of societal and Nazi persecution. Although some homo- sexuals, and many of those who were framed with trumped-up charges of homosexuality, suffered and died at the hands of the Nazis, for gay apologists to portray themselves as historical victims of Nazi persecution, on par with the Jewish people. is a gross distortion of history perhaps equal to denying the Holocaust itself. The Pink Swastika will show that there was far more brutality, rape, torture and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi deviants and homosexuals than there ever was against homosexuals. Today in the West a new and aggressive homosexualism is making its bid for power. The media, psychiatry, science and academia have all been corrupted and pressed into the service of establishing homosexuality as a normal and acceptable variant of human sexuality. Those who are unwilling to bend to the new dispensation are bludgeoned into submission with slan- derous accusations of intolerance and "homophobia." Our efforts will cer- tainly fail to corroborate the politically correct propaganda offered by much of today's media, academia, psychiatry, various federal agencies, the courts and human rights organizations which are now driven by the new sexual ideology rather than by honest debate and inquiry. Coming in the wake of a successful public campaign conducted over decades, our book will also fly in the face of much of today's popular opinion. This having been said, we believe that The Pink Swastika will show clearly how the world the Nazis attempted to create is a world. not of the past, but of the possible future. It will show that. given its present course and left unchallenged, America could easily become the Nazi Germany of 50 years ago. ***{Below is Page: v }*** It is often said that the lessons of history leave us with a guide for the future. If this be so, then the lessons of the collapse of the democratic Weimar Republic and the social ideologies that preceded its defeat by the Nazis should provide us with insights into America's future. As a practicing member of the Jewish faith, I remain wholly unconvinced that by solely remembering the Holocaust we will prevent another. The ominous parallels between the Weimar Republic of pre-Nazi Germany and today's American republic are simply too pronounced to overlook. This year, 1995, is the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. It is also the 50th anniversary of Samuel Igra's book, Germany's National Vice, which we quote extensively. Largely purged from public view, Igra's book documents the homoerotic foundations of German militarism. Other books, like Dusty Sklar's 1977 The Nazis and the Occult, document the black occult roots of Nazi ideology. What The Pink Swastika does is to synthesize both the homoerotic and occult foundations of the Nazi regime. It must be clari- fied -- the Nazis were not Right Wing Conservative Creationists, they were Left Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists. As a principle, an increase in pederasty and homosexualism parallels a militaristic Hellenic revival. His- tory discloses that the most warlike nations are those whose male leaders {See Comment v-1} were the most addicted to sexual relations with young boys. *** {start comment v-1} The author presumably refers to the ancient Greek custom of pederasty. That did not involve "young boys." Those involved were teenagers up to the age of 18 years. If anything, they were "old" boys. The elder partners in those relationships were heterosexual men between the ages of 18 and 30, the usual age for marriage among the Greeks. Greek pederasty was entirely a heterosexual phenomenon, and involved three stages: 1. acting as the passive partner while a teenager, 2. Acting as the active partner while in one's twenties, 3. marrying a woman and starting a heterosexual family at about age 30. But it must also be questioned whether Greece was "the most warlike" of nations. Surely Rome outdid Greece militarily, and Rome never practiced pederasty. Even the very few Nazis who practiced homosexuality did not choose young boys. One could go on to mention Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Arabia, Persia, India, Japan, China, and many other countries that have conquered large territories and maintained empires for long periods of time by use of military power who had nothing whatever to do with homosexuality The author's remark is a gross exaggeration. *** {end comment v-1} Read the Same Text Again Skip Forward Table of Contents The political agenda which has as its focus a plan to legalize and coerce a bewildered and unsuspecting public into accepting or regarding sodomy as normal or dignified, is based on falsehood, self-deception and skewed scien- tific research. In light of the medical record, history and the fact that sodomy represents a corruption of the natural and moral orders of creation, any posi- tive affirmation of homosexuality is totally without merit. Human sexuality is never merely a physical concern, nor is it a purely private matter. It always has social implications. What goes on between partners influences society as a whole. In sexual matters, the issue is. "what is advocated and what is practiced publicly" far more than what happens privately. In a letter to the editor of the Toronto, Ontario, Globe and Mail newspa- per, February 26, 1992, Dr. Joseph Bergen Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, writes, "in my 20 years of psychiatry I have never come across anyone with innate homosexuality. That notion has been a long proclaimed gay-activist political position, intended to promote the accep- tance of homosexuality as a healthy, fully equal alternative expression of human sexuality. It has zero scientific foundation, though its promoters latch on to even the flimsiest shreds of atrocious research in their attempts to jus- tify the notion." As they were during the Weimar period, 1918-1933, psychiatry and academia have been hijacked and pressed into the service of establishing homosexualism as the basis of a new Kultur. Professor Hans Blueher, a ***{Below is Page: vi }*** practicing physician whose specialty was psychiatry, was accepted by the Nazis as the apostle and higher authority of a new social order. Blueher's school held that male homosexual lovemaking is in itself a good thing and spiritually energizing. Blueher's teaching became popular in Nazi circles during the period between the two World Wars and promoted the idea that a well-regulated ritual of homosexualism was a unique force capable of creat- ing the State and assuring its leadership. The resulting creed relegated women to a purely biological function and eliminated the family as a constituent cell in the community. {See Comment vi-1} In 1973 the American Pyschiatric {sic} Association was also hijacked by American "gay" activists. Basing its decision largely on the skewed evi- dence of the 1948 Kinsey report Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, the APA removed homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistics Manual and declared it a normal variant of human sexuality. Homosexuals sensing that the burden of change had been lifted from them and shifted onto society were able to present themselves as innocent victims of what they referred to as society's bigoted and "homophobic" attitude towards them as human be- ings. *** {start comment vi-1} This is a gross misstatement of the facts of the APA decision. Ronald Bayer told the story of the decision in his 1981 book Homosexuality and American Psychiatry. That will be discussed at length in a later comment. The only input from the Kinsey Institute was Wardell Pomeroy's testimony that psychiatric opinion of homosexuality at the time was based on observation of patients in treatment, and had no knowledge of homosexuals leading normal lives. The scientific data most impressing the APA were gathered by Dr. Evelyn Hooker and other psychologists having nothing to do with Kinsey. The major influence on the APA, however, was not data but its experience in meeting actual homosexuals, including a large group of homosexual psychiatrists. These new data and these people simply did not fit the classification of "sick," indicating something was not quite right in the APA's old classification, so the organization changed it. *** {end comment vi-1} Read the Same Text Again Skip Forward Table of Contents Columnist Charles Krauthammer in "Defining Deviancy Up" an essay published in the November 22, 1993 edition {sic} of The New Republic (pages 20ff.) in describing the real effect of the APA decision, stated that a majority of society was made deviant while homosexuality was elevated to the status of normal. Krauthammer writes, "as part of the vast social project of moral leveling, it is not enough for the deviant to be normalized. The normal must be found to be deviant." In fact the greatest single victory of the "gay" agenda over the past decade has been to shift the debate from behavior to identity, thus forcing opponents into a position where they are seen as attacking the civil rights of homosexual citizens rather than attacking specific antisocial behavior. In an interesting and informative study, a critical analysis titled "Sexual Politics and Scientific Logic: the Issue of Homosexuality," by Dr. Charles Socarides (published in the Winter, 1992 edition of The Journal of Psychohistory, Vol. 10, No.3:317), Socarides quotes the warning of Abram Kardiner, psychoanalyst, former Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia Uni- versity, 1966 recipient of the Humanities Prize of The New York Times: "there is an epidemic form of homosexuality, which is more than the usual inci- dence, which generally occurs in social crises or in declining cultures when license and boundless permissiveness dulls the pain of ceaseless anxiety, uni- {See Comment vii-1} versal hostility and divisiveness... Supporting the claims of homosexuals and regarding homosexuality as a normal variant of sexual activity is to deny the social significance of homosexuality... Above all it mitigates against the fam- ily and destroys the function of the latter as the last place in our society where ***{Below is Page: vii }*** affectivity can be cultivated... Homosexuality operates against the cohesive elements in society in the name of fictitious freedom. It drives the opposite sex in a similar direction. And no society can long endure when either the child is neglected or when the sexes war upon each other." *** {start comment vii-1} It is rather interesting to note that Nazi science regarded homosexuals in the same category as Jews, in that both were considered threats to the state and society. The above language could almost have been copied from Nazi "scientific" literature on racial hygiene talking about the threat Jews posed to society. It's appropriate to mention that Dr. Socarides has a homosexual son who is an activist working for civil rights protection for homosexuals. Finally, it must be said that psychoanalysts such as Dr. Socarides have been in the forefront of trying to keep homosexuality a disease. Psychoanalysis, under much attack by other psychiatrists and psychologists in the 1980s and 1990s, is based on a number of elaborate theories of human sexual development. If homosexuality were accepted as a normal variety of human behavior, the theories of the psychoanalysts would be declared to be in error, and their body of scientific work and, indeed, their very livelihoods would be in jeopardy. *** {end comment vii-1} Read the Same Text Again Skip Forward Table of Contents Victim-plunder ideology is at the core of "gay" political strategy. Homosexualists exploit the public status of homosexuals to impose their new definition of human sexuality upon society. "Victim ideology" and "reduc- tionist" thinking is destroying America from within. Today's new victims see no reason to modify their own behavior. Victim psychology and philoso- phies undermine the legitimate workings of government and the justice, health and social systems. Like their Nazi predecessors, today's homosexualists lack any scruples. Homosexuality is primarily a predatory addiction striving to take the weak and unsuspecting down with it. The "gay" agenda is a colossal fraud; a gigantic robbery of the mind. Homosexuals of the type described in this book have no true idea of how to act in the best interests of their country and fellow man. Their intention is to serve none but them- selves. The Pink Swastika documents a hidden aspect of German history. The authors contend that homosexualism, elevated to a popular ideology and combined with black occult forces, not only gave birth to Nazi imperialism but also led to the Holocaust itself. The militarists in Germany were happy with Hitler. His teachings on "total war" and of a secret Jewish conspiracy against Germany provided a good screen for their own veiled preparations. From its very inception, it was the goal of the Nazi Party, working as a front for the German military industrial complex, to overthrow the Weimar Re- public by whatever means necessary. The Pink Swastika documents how, from its beginning, the National Socialist revolution and the Nazi Party were animated and dominated by militaristic homosexuals, pederasts, pornogra- phers and sado-masochists. As Igra explains in Germany's National Vice, "the criminals who wreaked such astounding horrors on innocent civilian populations were not acting as soldiers drunk with the fury of battle, nor as patriotic fanatics, but as chosen instruments of a satanic religion to the service of which they had been dedi- cated by the systematic teaching and practice of unnatural vice" (Igra:94). The Pink Swastika documents how the Society for Human Rights, founded by members of the Nazi Party, became the largest homosexual rights organi- zation in Germany and further, how this movement gave birth to the Ameri- can homosexual rights movement. Its influence has grown. The President of the United States now receives official homosexual delegations at the White House who expect the President to repay them for helping him into office. They expected him to "normalize" homosexuality in the American military. As for the comparison made between homoeroticism and skin color, General ***{Below is Page: viii }*** Colin Powell, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had this to say in a letter to Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colorado), "skin color is a benign non-behavioral characteristic. Sexual orientation is perhaps the most pro- found of all human behavioral characteristics. Comparison of the two is a convenient hut invalid argument' (Salem, Oregon Statesman Journal, June 6,1992). American civilization rests on the basic principles of Christian morality, which have their origin in the Hebrew Scriptures. The reason why the Nazis first attacked the Jewish people and swore to exterminate them physically and spiritually is because the teachings of the Bible, both the Torah and the New Testament, represent the foundations on which the whole system of Christian ethics rests. Remove the Bible as the constellation that guides the American Ship of State and the whole edifice of American civilization col- lapses. For my Jewish brethren searching for a Biblical basis for the legitimization of homosexuality, I refer to the words of Rabbis Marc Angel, Hillel Goldberg and Pinchas Stopler and their joint article in the Winter, 1992-93 edition of Jewish Action Magazine, "there is not a single source in all of the disciplines of Jewish sacred literature -- halachah, aggadah, phi- losophy, muscar, mysticism -- that tolerates homosexual acts or a homosexual orientation. Jews who sanction homosexuality must do so wholly without reference to Jewish sacred literature, in which case their justification has no Jewish standing; or without reference to Jewish sources, in which case they act with ignorance or intellectual dishonesty. The idea, set forth by some of the non-Orthodox leadership, that the Torah prohibited only coercive and non-loving same-sex relationships, thus allowing for a contemporary, volun- tary and loving same-sex relationship, is wholly without basis in a single piece of Jewish sacred literature written in the last 3,000 years. Dennis Prager, a respected Jewish radio talk show host commented, "there were two kinds of Jews in Auschwitz, those who knew why they were there and those who thought it was just bad luck." Today Jews have assimi- lated ideas foreign to the Jewish perspective and many liberal, secular Ameri- can Jews, in adopting a tolerance for everything, stand for nothing. As the living, we owe a moral debt to that generation of Jews who were subjected to such inhumane and sadistic torture and extermination. The underlying causes of Nazi militarism are documented in The Pink Swastika. The Holocaust must be remembered for what it was, a war against the Jewish people and western civilization. {See Comment viii-1} MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA Kevin E. Abrams, Jerusalem, Israel June 5, 1995 *** {start comment viii-1} It should be noted that Mr. Abrams was Canadian before he moved to Jerusalem. As of 1996, his E-mail address in Jerusalem was no longer valid. It was said that the service which provided his access to Internet closed his account after complaints that he was posting inappropriate material to various Usenet news groups. As for "Victim-plunder ideology," perhaps Biblical scholar Abrams means Exodus 12:35-36. *** {end comment viii-1} Read the Same Text Again Skip Forward Table of Contents ***{Below is Page: ix }*** Introduction Scott Lively I came to be interested in this compelling and sobering topic by a route familiar to many in our society today -- that of the "victim." I did not seek this status, nor did I exploit or claim it, yet for many months I and others experienced what it was like to be on the receiving end of a full-scale, no- holds-barred liberal establishment assault, in a state where the liberal estab- lishment reigns supreme. The occasion of the uproar was a series of initia- tive campaigns aimed at preventing local and state-level legislation granting "minority status" based on homosexuality. The details of the initiatives and about the Oregon Citizens Alliance, the grassroots organization which spon- sored them, would fill at least one book by themselves. But the long and the short of what led me to this book and its topic was the astonishing tone of the rhetoric which is routinely leveled by post-60's liberals at people who pub- licly dissent from their canon. Amidst this rhetoric, the favorite names and metaphors were nearly all drawn from Hitler's Germany. Leaders and even petition-carriers on our campaign were characterized as every kind of Nazi, fascist, racist, hate-monger and Aryan supremacist. Bricks wrapped in swas- tika-emblazoned paper were hurled through the windows of businesses who had contributed to our campaign. Always, the Nazi rhetoric was loudest and most extreme among the homosexual activists and their closest political al- lies (Governor Barbara Roberts, a long time homosexualist, characterized the ballot measure as "almost like Nazi Germany" (The Oregonian, August 26, 1992:A14)). Some of the worst abuse came from homosexualists in the media. Dur- ing the 1992 election cycle I was contacted by an assistant producer for the CBS news-magazine show ~48 Hours," who wanted permission to feature OCA in a segment about "how mainstream Americans were responding to extremism in the gay-rights movement." Being familiar with media bias on the issue of homosexuality, I was very suspicious and insisted on personal assurance from the producer that this was indeed the focus of the program. Due to the tone of rhetoric in the local media I specifically demanded and received a promise that OCA would not be characterized as a hate group. Only after repeated assurances over a two or three week period of telephone negotiations did I seek and obtain permission for this project from OCA's chairman, Lon Mabon. I then devoted nearly two weeks of my time assisting ***{Below is Page: x }*** the "48 Hours" film crew, facilitating dozens of hours of interviews and ar- ranging camera locations for filming campaign activities. The program aired on February 26, 1992. In the late afternoon I re- ceived a call from a friend in Massachusetts, where the program had just aired three hours ahead of our West Coast television programming schedule. "Watch out," she said, "they stabbed you in the back." Sure enough, the program was called "48 Hours on Hate Street" and featured a rogue's gallery of hate groups, including neo-Nazis and violent white supremacists. The segment on OCA was sandwiched between two such groups. In the local news program following "48 Hours," KOIN, the CBS affiliate in Portland, juxtaposed a report about OCA and a piece which included classic Nazi file footage and anti-Nazi polemics. Approximately two weeks later another television station in Eugene, KEZI-TV, included Nazi file footage in a news story about OCA (they later apologized). Newspapers across the state fre- quently editorialized against OCA, using the terms "Nazi," "KKK," "bigot," and "hate" liberally. I had known for a long time that it is axiomatic that when name-calling (as opposed to reasonable debate) happens, the names one calls others usu- ally reflect the things one dislikes about oneself. I think it occurred to me that there was something awfully overstated about the Nazi-labeling cam- paign, even before I received a set of carefully-documented notes on promi- nent homosexuals in the Nazi Party, sent by a person who had followed the firestorm of rhetoric brought on by our campaign. In the years since I began augmenting and refining this first set of data, the nation has seen the trivialization of such extreme rhetoric. It is common- place nowadays to hear someone being called, directly or by inference, a "Nazi." Some people have attributed this to the impoverishment of our na- tional discourse, the depletion of our language and powers of intellect, and I would agree. We are certainly losing our literacy, and much of our dignity along with it. Yet there remains the old and valid notion that those who repeatedly, loudly and unreasonably call others a name are often, consciously or not, describing themselves. Though this book is limited to the examination of connections between the Nazi movement and the homosexual and occultist movements, I think that a larger and more chilling theme can be read in its pages. Can it be that the fascination with calling people Nazis is, for the post-60's liberals and others in our society, an outgrowth of a deeper fascination with what the Nazis got away with in their own state? What are the attitudes that underlie the phenomena of the "nanny state," "political correctness," the cynical po- litical promotion of racial and class strife, "dumbing down" the public, the attenuation of parental rights, sterilizing the public environment of Judeo- Christian religious references, and the increasing homogeneity of opinion ***{Below is Page: xi }*** and of news "slant" in the press? In a way, I think that American homo- sexual activists present an almost refreshingly honest View into the nature of these attitudes, compared to the sanctimonious presentations we hear daily from the press and certain special interest groups and political leaders. Let us look for a moment at one of the more bald-faced revelations of the homosexualist's view of, and goals for, American society. In a point-by- {See Comment xi-1} point public relations strategy called "The Overhauling of Straight America," (Guide Magazine, November, 1987) homosexuals Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill explain their modern makeover of Hitler's "Big Lie." This remarkable piece is a control freak's fantasy, a veritable binge of manipulative, coercive and deceptive words and tactics. It begins, "[t]he first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays... To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual pref- erence the way they register different tastes for ice cream..." (Kirk and Pill:7). This behavior-modification mentality, combined with isolation of "straights" and others as groups or classes who assume the status of de-humanized tar- gets of one sort or another, continues: the masses [emphasis ours] should not he shocked and re- pelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself...the imagery of sex should he downplayed...(ibid.:8) up a gateway into the private world of straights through which a Trojan horse might be passed (ibid.:8) ...gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector (ibid.: 8) ...make use of symbols which reduce the mainstream's sense of threat, which lower its guard...(ibid.:8) ...replace the mainstream's self-righteous pride about its homophobia with shame and guilt (ibid.:10). *** {start comment xi-1} It would be interesting to have a librarian try to locate this Guide Magazine-- not to say the publication didn't exist, but its status is certainly questionable. The main objection to its use, however, is that some insignificant writing by unknown authors in a publication of questionable status is claimed by the Pink Swastika authors to represent an "agenda" of a national movement. It is as if one were to take the journal of the Church of the White Aryan Nation and claim that it represented the "agenda" of the conservative religious movement. Mr. Lively would certainly complain about that, yet he does the same thing to his opponents. *** {end comment xi-1} Read the Same Text Again Skip Forward Table of Contents Not so many years ago, all of these statements would have been unbe- lievably offensive to most Americans, even if they contained no reference to homosexuality, precisely because they all advocate coercive tampering with people's most private domain, their thoughts, opinions and beliefs (Kirk and Pill call it "transforming the social values of straight America" -- ibid.:14). Such attempts were thought to be the province of diabolical masterminds in ***{Below is Page: xii }*** sci-fi novels, or of Maoists or the dictators of banana republics. But we have arrived at a time in America in which Kirk and Pill simply add their voices (and the tone of their voices) to the many advocating the forcible or manipu- lative control of people's ideas (for example, "speech codes" on college cam- puses and in newspaper classified advertising policy). The recent political scene has given us glimpses of how some politicians view the public's right to think for itself, most notably, Senator Jay Rockefeller's announcement that he intended to give people "[Clinton's] health care [plan] whether they want it or not" (quoted in The Limbaugh Letter, May, 1995:9). The more of Nazi thinking I have researched, the more I have been reminded that our nation represents the first and greatest successful experi- ment in the opposite direction. At our founding we were the only nation, among many autocratically-governed states, which truly offered and guaran- teed freedom of thought and expression. Our founding fathers attempted to write our inestimably precious freedoms in stone because they foresaw (in- deed, it was going on even then) that there would be an incessant drift back to the power-in-the-bands-of-a-few school of thought. How far have we drifted today, and what does this mean for the behavioral fringe groups of our soci- ety (just as the Nazis were a behavioral fringe group of theirs), who feel compelled to re-shape American hearts and minds to resemble their own? Let us return to Kirk and Pill to look at the mechanics of their strategy for "transforming" the society into what they feel would be a more acceptable form. Here are some of their suggestions: Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible... almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it...(Kirk and Pill:7) Constant talk builds the impression that public opinion is at least divided on the subject (ibid.:8) the campaign should paint gays as superior pillars of society. Yes, yes, we know -- this trick is so old it creaks (ibid. :9) will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified (ibid.: 10)) ...we intend to make the anti-gays look so nasty that aver- age Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types (ibid.: 10) ***{Below is Page: xiii }*** {See Comment xii-1} Each sign will tap patriotic sentiment, each message will drill a seemingly agreeable proposition into mainstream heads (ibid.:ll) The public should be shown images of ranting homophobes whose secondary traits and beliefs disgust middle America... the Ku Klux Klan demanding that gays be burned alive or castrated; bigoted southern {sic} ministers drool- ing with hysterical hatred to a degree that looks both comi- cal and deranged; menacing punks, thugs and convicts... Nazi concentration camps...(ibid:10) These images should be combined with those of their gay victims by a method propagandists [emphasis ours] call the "bracket technique." For example, for a few seconds an unctuous beady-eyed Southern preacher is seen, pounding the pulpit in rage about "those sick, abominable creatures." While his tirade continues over the soundtrack, the picture switches to pathetic photos of badly beaten persons, or to photos of gays who look decent, harmless, and likable; and then we cut back to the poisonous face of the preacher, and so forth... The effect is devastating (ibid.: 13-14). *** {start comment xii-1} The dubious nature of this reference was noted above. Quoting so extensively from such unrepresentative statements without having any corroborating statements from responsible spokesmen simply emphasizes how weak the case of the authors of The Pink Swastika is. *** {end comment xii-1} Read the Same Text Again Skip Forward Table of Contents Without belaboring the point. these soi-disant propagandistic tactics, and even the verbiage in which they are couched, represent a twisted ap- proach to the winning of American public opinion. Again, I was struck by the similarity (in deceptive tactics and puppeteer-like attitude) to the creators of the Nazi propaganda machine. Not only is there the classic Big Lie tech- nique (say it "loudly and as often as possible"), but the homosexualists have elevated the old Nazi technique of vilification, used on the Jews by such adepts as pornographer Julius Streicher. to an art form And the familiar Hitlerian emotional component of hatred is certainly there, as Kirk and Pill salivate over the imagined discomfiture of their "most fervid enemies" (ap- parently, pastors who have the misfortune to live in the South!): The shoe fits, and we should make them try it on for size, with all of America watching (ibid. :10). Two of the first and major commitments of the Nazis in their rise to power were the effective control of the information sources in Germany, and the careful building of a propaganda machine. This was the key to their power, and except for a strong military force, it is the most important en- ***{Below is Page: xiv }*** hancement to any autocratic power. Over the last two decades we have wit- nessed an appalling willingness among the American news and entertain- ment media to align themselves with one element of political thought, to allow themselves to be channels for the dissemination of one side of an issue over another. As new and contradictory voices (talk radio) have appeared on the media scene. they have actually been opposed by the existing media com- mentators. And in much of. the entertainment media's program fare we find a not-so-subtle enactment of Kirk's and Pill's strategy (albeit on a number of issues, not just homosexuality). Indeed, Kirk and Pill assert that "gay Holly- wood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream" (Kirk and Pill:8). These are some of the issues to be broached in a study of the relationship of homosexuals and their political movements to the Nazi Party. The larger context of the study must be our own country, and the numerous groups who are now struggling to capture its soul and "transform" its society. How are we similar, and dissimilar, to the Germans of the 1920's and 30's? What lessons should we learn? As a final note, the other inspiration of this book has been the recent claim of homosexualists that homosexuals were major victims of the Holo- caust (this seems to be part (if the "victim" strategy in Kirk's and Pill's de- sign). The play Bent has been the springboard for a campaign, complete with homosexual add-ons to an Anne Frank exhibit which toured the U.S., to get the public to accept the idea that homosexuals were the most downtrod- den and persecuted group in Nazi Germany. In this play, a homosexual prisoner "trades up" his pink badge for a yellow Jewish star to improve his status in the camp (S. Katz:145). This turn of events in the homosexualist propaganda campaign has been a sore affront to traditionalist Jews like my friend and co-author Kevin Abrams, who desires to protect the truth of his- tory from the "Holocaust revisionists." It is to that truth, a signpost on the path of every free society, that we have dedicated this book. ***{Below is Page: xv }*** Acknowledgments The process of creating a book involves directly or indirectly, a great number of people who lend their inspiration. It is with deep respect that we express our gratitude to the many great historians, men like Konrad Heiden, who wrote A History of National Socialism and Der Fuehrer; William Shirer whose book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, became one of the most respected and classic texts on Nazi history; and, of course, Samuel Igra, whose obscure but important 1945 work, Germany's National Vice reveals a hid- den side of history seldom seen or acknowledged. To these who were there and who honestly reported what they saw and experienced, we are indebted. They are our guides to the future. We would especially like to thank Dr. Charles Socarides, President of NARTH, The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexu- ality, for his support and encouragement. Dr. Socarides is a Clinical Profes- sor of Psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. We would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Sec- retary and Editor of the NARTH Bulletin and Founder and Clinical Director of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic in Southern California. Dr. Nicolosi has published two insightful works on reparative therapy and ho- mosexuality which offer hope and the option of positive change for the ho- mosexual. Other individuals with whom one or both of us have had the honor of working are Mr. Peter LaBarbera, editor and publisher of the Lambda Report on Homosexuality, a Washington D.C.-based publication that monitors the homosexual agenda in American politics and culture; Sam and Mona Kaplan, editors and publishers of The Vancouver (Canada) Jewish Western Bulletin; Steve Lequire and Terry O'Neil of The British Columbia Report Magazine; Rosebianca Starr, Vancouver, British Columbia; Lon Mabon, Chairman of Oregon Citizens Alliance and Pat Smith of the OCA Research Department; Trevor Lautens, columnist for the Vancouver Sun, Paul Schratz, editor, The Province Newspaper, Vancouver; David, Avraham and Israel Feld, Maccabi Mossad, Israel; David Bedien, Director of Beit Agron Press Center, Jerusa- lem; Len Butcher, editor of the Canadian B'nai B'rith Covenant; Mrs. Irene Klass, Women's Editor, The Jewish Press, Brooklyn New York; Rabbi Micha and Bracha Peled, Moshav Netiv HaShaiara; Michael Elkins of the Jerusa- lem Report; Professor William Woodruff, Campbell University, North Caro- lina; David Bar Illan, editor of the Jerusalem Post; Kevin Tebedo, Executive ***{Below is Page: xvi }*** Director of Colorado for Family Values; Pastor Mary Rogers , Reverend Bernice Gerard of Sunday Line Radio and Television Ministries, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Jan Willem van der Hoeven, Director for the Interna- tional Christian Embassy Jerusalem; David Luchins, Senior Assistant to U.S. Senator Daniel P. Moynihan, Jerusalem; Rabbi Avraham Ravitz, Member of Knesset; Rabbi Schlomo Beneziri, Member of Knesset; Phil Chernovsky, Is- rael Centre; Rena Cohen, Sefat, Israel; Toby Klein Greenwald, columnist for Washington Jewish Week; Paul deParrie and Andrew Burnett of Life Advo- cate magazine; Paul Hoerauf of Shelton-Turnbull Printers; Herman Bauer; and Pastor Larry Dill, Sheridan Assembly of God Church. Special thanks to Bill and Irene Bennett (and Anne L.) For their willing- ness to lend their considerable editorial talents to task {sic} of cleaning up the manuscript, to D.E. and to Alan Abe for digging out countless familiar and obscure sources that document the truth of Nazi history, to Pat Gunnip for his generosity in underwriting research and other costs, and to Carol P. at OCA's research department who got us started on this endeavor by introducing us to each other. I (Kevin) wish to acknowledge my teachers, Rabbis Mendle Altien, Lippa Dubrawsky, David Bassos, Mordecai Feuerstein, Avraham Feiglestock, Yitchak Wineberg -- to you I owe the most. Both of us extend a special thank you to our wives, Sharon Abrams and Anne Lively, who have struggled with us through this long and difficult process, offering their wholehearted support and many insightful sugges- tions. This book is for our children: Miriam, Aaron and Odette Abrams and Noah and Samuel Lively. ***{Below is Page: xvii }*** {See Comment xvii-1} {Picture} {Picture of large marching field with a Nazi horde, a large grouping of Swastika standards in the foreground.} {No picture caption, quotes below beneath it. Credit } UPI/BETTMANN If it were possible to form a state or an army exclusively of homosexuals, these men would direct all their emulations toward honors, and going into battle with such a spirit would, even if their numbers were small, conquer the world. Plato, from Banquet (In Konrad Heiden's Der Fuehrer, 1944:741) It remains characteristic of the Germans, that they, outwardly the most brutally masculine of all European peoples, are the most homosexual na- tion on earth. H.R. Knickerbocker, Is Tomorrow Hitler's?, 1941:34 *** {start comment xvii-1} Heiden's work is tinged with disparaging attitudes toward homosexuality, which perhaps explains his false translation of Plato. Plato's point dealt with lovers, and the idea was that lovers fighting together would be very brave, as they wouldn't want to be shamed in front of their partners: "Then if any device could be found how a state or an army could be made up only of lovers and beloved, they could not possible find a better way of living, since they would abstain from all ugly things and be ambitious in beautiful things towards each other, and in battle side by side, such troops although few would conquer pretty well all the world. For the lover would be less willing to be seen by his beloved than by all the rest of the world, leaving the ranks or throwing away his arms, and he would choose to die many times rather than that; yes, and as to deserting the beloved, or not helping in danger, no one is so base that Love himself would not inspire him to valour, and make him equal to the born hero." -- The Dialogues of Plato, Translated by W.H.D. Rouse, ed. Eric H. Warmington & Philip G. Rouse, 1956 by Mentor Books, New American Library. The Knickerbocker quote actually appears on page 34 of the Reynal & Hitchcock 1941 printing of his book. *** {end comment xvii-1} Read the Same Text Again Skip Forward Table of Contents Continue to Chapter One Return to Top of Table of Contents